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Real name: Not given

Assumed Name: Callisto

Height: 5'9"

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Dark brown

Age: 17

Powers: Superhumanly keen senses of sight (including night vision), hearing, smell, taste, and touch; also possesses heightened reflexes.

Background Information: She had never been pretty enough to her parents. Born with scars over her face and upper body, they had put her through several operations to correct them. During one of the operations, it had been discovered that she possessed the X-Gene. Fearful of what powers would emmerge, they sent Callisto to an Institution. Callisto would not stay their long.

The operations had made Callisto angry. She was not at the Institution a month when she made her escape. She was on her own for several years until the X-Men who brought her back to the Institute when she was fifteen. Callisto resented them. They wanted to mold her into the model citizen and teach her that it was wrong to use force against those that would hunt and kill mutants. They were wrong. Humans would never accept mutants. Callisto bided her time, training her body in the ways of martial arts.