A new Story: The Pantheon of anarchy. CHAPTER: 1 Some 200 years after the first coming, (a mortal designation for the advent of an attack made by the formerly fictional "Godzilla" on an unsuspecting New York,) on the once proud planet of earth: From space the planet looked desolate. Not only a pale image, but a complete mockery of it's former beauty. All those once lovely sights... painted landscapes full of vibrant color, lush flora alive with health and inner light, every inch of her circumference teeming with life. A shining blue sphere of hope spiraling through the endless vacuum ... once, but no longer. A brown, foreboding ball of dirt and fire, it's surface scarred and pitted with decades of raging battles. The previously dominant structures of man ripped bodily from it's crust leaving wounds that would never heal. Everywhere there was nothing. Nothing but wreckage and destruction. A world wide battlefield, finally cleared of armies. Except here... In the place where it all began, the exact spot where the lizard fell 200 years prior, a small fire burns. A tended flame... tended by the last occupants of a dead planet. "What we need is somebody who can play the harmonica." Speculated the Doomon Lord, "that way it would be just like those old west, trail blazing movies. Oh Yeah! and we'd need a big can of beans too!" "THAT," Answered the Baroness, from where she sat cross-legged by the fire polishing her sword, "might be very dangerous." "Good!" Snarled the lunatic, also called Moonstone, Also called the unborn one, also called...er, Rob, "We could do with a little danger for a change... this planet ceases to hold my attentions!" "Shuuuuut-uuuuuup..." Groaned DAN from where he lay atop his bedroll, "I'm sick of hearing it. If you wanted more stuff to fight you shouldn't have killed everything!" "It wasn't just me..." Defended the lupine being. "SAY!" Perked the cow goddess, "I had a great idea! We can go over to the mirror world where CHRIS came from, and kill everything there! That'll keep us occupied for a little while!" "Great idea," Agreed the Mad Druid, with no emotion discernible in his voice, "But we did that 70 years ago." "... ... oh." Whispered the Goddess, looking somewhat downcast. Chris-the-electrician stood from off his seat of twisted metal, a chunk of what had, perhaps at one time, comprised an automobile, and came forward to prod the fire with his staff. The flame stirred and wrapped itself around the long stick, but did not burn it. "No more Lizzzzzzzzardsss?" Queried the M.E.L. android, directing her question towards the sage from where she stood at the outer edge of the circle. Chris turned towards her, saw her eyes glowing Tazer blue in the darkness, and took a moment to study her anew. She stood partially enshrouded by shadow, garbed in the tight black lycra jumpsuit which she had traded in her pink dress for many decades before hand, she was extremely hard to make out. Her shining blonde hair, drawn back in a long ponytail that reached halfway down her back, reflected the firelight like some strange spun metal. She might be attractive if not for the fact that she had killed everyone Chris ever knew. He must admit though, out of this entire group... the robot was the only one who had really changed. Looking around him, after two-hundred years of association, Everybody was the same. The way they acted, looked, talked, nothing was any different. And for the life of him he couldn't decide if that was good or bad. "No," answered Chris the sage flatly, continuing to stir the fire, "There aren't any more lizards." "Yeah," Said CHRIS, raising his head from the fire, "Why do you think we've been fighting nothing but cows and spiders for the past ten years... They're the only two spirits we haven't killed yet!" He laughed, tilting his head to indicate the Widower and the cow Goddess. The widower swung lazily in the comforting hold of a web hammock strung between two pieces of detritus which projected vertically from the ground, and in a casual voice, that was all the more threatening because of it's matter-of-fact tone, stated her mind. "And don't even think about trying it Godling... your powers are all but fled, where as the spirit of the spiders lives long after the physical bodies are destroyed." "Oh! and cows too!" Said the Goddess, raising her hand enthusiastically. All was silence for a while then, the mood was melancholy, and the outlook bleak, but still the pantheon persisted. "I take it back about the harmonica player..." Iterated Dooly into the still calm, "What WE need is to move to a better neighborhood." At which DAN propped open an eye... and an idea began to form. CHAPTER: 2 Dooly puffed and wheezed in a gratuitous show of his exhaustion, a performance well suited to any professional stage actor, as he dragged an unwieldy length of scrap metal toward the ever growing pile near where DAN stood directing the pantheon members about their task. As he paused to mop his brow with a sleeve the M.E.L. android passed him, hauling two times his load held one stack under each arm, without breaking once in either her course or stride. Turning away in disgust he espied on his other hand about thirty-plus Lunatic moonstones, each helping the others to bring forward massive quantities of scrap from great distances... they looked like a scavenger's bucket brigade. The Doomon lord turned to look back at his own meager offering and cursed his inadequacy just as DAN shouted out to him. "If some of us need a rest I'm sure we could take measures to accommodate them!" He smiled derisively. "That's easy for you to say, you windy old bastard, just standin' there givin orders..." Dooly mumbled to himself, while at the same time returning his grip to wrestle further with the scrap he'd found. The widower moved by on his left, toting something which might have been a mini van over her head, and he fell to cursing in an extended vocabulary of colorful words. "Need a hand?" asked CHRIS from where he and the Baroness were assisting one another in dragging a crushed dumpster. "Fuck off." Muttered the irate Doomon king, returning to his labor. "Well, well, well," Tsked the Baroness, "Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the stable this morning." Dooly continued to work, slowly but surely drawing the heavy load forth. During his battle he was passed by the cow goddess, who had summoned forth some beasts of labor to assist in the task at hand, and then by the Mage and the mad Druid who with their combined powers had managed to salvage a smallish building which they held aloft in some magical field or another. Sure enough he was the last to arrive at the towering heap of junk, and stopping to lean against his pitiful treasure, he turned to offer a glare at DAN. "Will that be ALL, Oh great and well rested one?" He queried, breathlessly. "Yes," DAN answered straight faced, "as a matter of fact, it will." He said, before cracking a small smile. "So, what's the plan, Stan?" Asked the mad monk, drawing his hood back to cool himself in the noon breeze. (There was always a noon breeze now that there weren't any buildings to block it.) CHRIS and DAN stood side by side, exchanged a quick glance, and turned back smiling. "We're going to build a spaceship!" Said DAN, drawing out the last word in a dry British drawl. "A GREEN one, ooooh." Ooohed CHRIS, rubbing his hands together. "Yeeeeahhh, Suuuuuurre...." Uttered Chris-the- electrician, rolling his eyes and managing to look scared both at the same time. "So, why all the raw material, apprentice creator?" Posed the Widower, smiling sweetly, "Surely one of YOUR power could have molded such a simple construct from the very ether around us." "The Ol' gray mare just ain't what she used to be, huh Danny boy?" Laughed Dooly. "Hey, hey, hey!" Shouted DAN, "that's enough out of you MR. I-took-three-hours-to-carry-a-fender-two-blocks." Dooly glowered, but held his peace. "Alright, how to say this delicately..." DAN said, thoughtfully scratching his neck. "Okay, well, a good deal of a god's power rests in the hands of those who worship him, right? We all know this. Well, recently I find myself lacking somewhat in the followers department..." "Amen." interrupted Dooly. "You and me both." agreed CHRIS. "... so the extent of my power has suffered the consequences." Continued DAN, "I can still do creations, but I now require to have the necessary materials on hand to do it." "...And you are planning on building a star chariot from this debris?" Spake the unborn one quizzically, "Prey, tell me, do you wish it to fly?!" "That's where I come in!" Said CHRIS proudly, "By making this scrap Greener I will increase it's density and therefore it's quality until we have some right fine metals! uh-huh." "Um, pardon me, stupid question, maybe... but where exactly are you two getting the strength to do even that much?" Asked the Goddess of all things bovine. "CHRIS and I have taken to worshipping each other." Answered DAN simply. "It's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it." Added CHRIS. "Yeah, okay, whatever works, sorry I asked." Babbled the Goddess with a dismissive gesture. "Now hold onna minute here," Said Dooly, stepping forward with one hand held out, palm forward, in a restraining gesture, "Who's gonna fly this big green, god-awful hunk O' junk? You?! You crashed a Harrier into a thirty story lizard for chrissakes! Kinda hard to miss coming up on one of those, ya know! I mean, He couldna stood out any more if he'd been painted florescent orange with "DON'T HIT ME" tattooed across his chest in neon!" "Oh, shut up, it didn't happen that way and you know it... but I see your point. We're none of us pilots here." DAN paused a moment before continuing, "All right, tell you what, I'll create an Artificial Intelligence to pilot the ship for us, and make it one that's versatile enough to handle all of the craft's necessary maintenance needs. How about that? Good enough?" "I prefer you worked on manifesting some ACTUAL intelligence before you try to make anything synthetic." Answered the Doomon lord, sarcastically. "Why must you attempt to confound me at every turn?" Asked DAN, in a tone of utter distaste. "It's my job." Smiled Dooly. "NO! Nononononononononononononono!!!!" No-ed the Baroness, "I don't WANT to be trapped in space with these two, idiots! WHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" DAN moved to console her with an embrace, but she just shook her head and mumbled until she fell asleep, curled into a fetal position at the foot of the monstrous pile of metal. CHAPTER: 3 The Baroness awoke to a cacophony the like of which she had heard only a few times in the past years... and quite some years they had been now that she thought about it. Thanks to the combined magics of the electrician and the druid she had lived many years past the limited lifespan of any mere mortal. Despite the passage of time she still felt the warmth and vigor of youth, and the strength of her limbs had only seemed to wax greater as time progressed. She was more than human now, as keeping the company of demi-gods will quite often do, she had become a minor deity in her own right. Lifting her head from the cold earth, she turned to survey the immediate area, and found to her surprise that the large pile of scrap metal which they all had collected was in flux! It shifted and moved with a life of it's own, thrusting up metal spires here and there across it's exterior mass while rope thick cables twined themselves around and through the rapidly forming superstructure. The whole display was suffused with a constant green glow that seemed to radiate throughout the shifting matrix, strengthening every coupling, and hardening every support even as it colored them with it's very touch. and there on the dirt ground, not far afield from the organized chaos of the spaceship's birthplace, sat DAN and CHRIS facing one another, brows furrowed in rapt concentration. The force of their powerful wills seeming to shimmer in the air over them like a heat haze as they manipulated the fabric of the molecular world, Bending it to their purpose. The Baroness did not stop to consider where the others might be, but merely stepped back to watch the spectacle as the metal folded itself into a new definition of reality. A spray of electrical fire arced itself across the evening sky, tracing a random path over the exterior of the ship's newly formed hull, and one by one emerald lights blinked into existence beyond tinted veiwports. Slowly the motion of the vehicle's creation ground to a halt as every part found it's place in relation to every other, the many facets became simply one whole, and as random as the pieces had seemed at first, the puzzle itself was quite beautiful once solved. Every contour flowed smoothly into each turn, there were no sharp corners, nor rough edges. All panels connected seamlessly, every joint blended perfectly. The deep green of the craft shined with inner light like a precious jewel stolen from the pages of a fairy tale. And there it hovered... not ten feet away from her, a soft hum flowing from it's undercarriage into the darkling eve. "It's... green." She husked, "We'll be flying around in the emerald city. Dorothy would be proud." "Heh-ha-ha-ha-haaaa!" Cackled a voice behind her, "I'll get you my pretty!" She turned to observe the mad druid, hands hooked into claws and face screwed up in a comedic grimace, moving towards her from where he had obviously watched the process with the rest of the group. "Why didn't you wake me?" She asked, walking out to meet him. "because you were sleeping." He responded simply. "Yes, I know I was, so why didn't you wake me up?!" "Well, how am I supposed to know you want to be woken up!" The monk waved his hands, flustered, "You were asleep, it's not like I could ask you! and you didn't say you wanted to be woken up when you went to sleep!" finally he turned back to the others, then back to the baroness to add, "What about them! They didn't wake you up either, why don't you go yell at them! Jeez!" "All right, take it easy, I was just asking..." "I don't know why it's supposed to be my fault whenever other people screw up, what am I the universal scapegoat?" The Baroness left the monk to rage to himself, and moved to rejoin the group he had so recently departed. "Did you have a nice rest?" Questioned the Cow Goddess. "Yes, thank you for asking." and not wanting a repeat of the previous event, omitted the fact that she might have wanted to be awake earlier. No sooner were the words spoken, then there was an outcry from CHRIS. "Allll ABOAARD!!" "What?! So soon? I haven't even packed yet!" Called back the Baroness. "You don't have anything to pack!" Answered DAN, "Just get on the damn ship, we're leaving." "Well, no time like the present." She muttered to herself. And so they boarded. CHAPTER: 4 The unborn one had never seen, nor even conceived of any object like this spaceship, all metal and cold and unfeeling. It almost pained him to take his feet from the soil of the planet and place them on the unyielding green floors within the hovering palace. "I call shotgun!" He barely registered the Doomon lord shout as he followed him aboard, and was even less interested when he and the god DAN fell to another of their constant and petty arguments. "I am not going to spend this entire trip caged in the cockpit with YOU." "Well too bad, I'm not going to give up shotgun, I won it fair and square!" Neither of them would yield, their pride would not allow it, instead they would both subject themselves to the torture of each others company through the long journey, rather than allow the other one even such a slight victory as this. The lunatic sighed to himself, the Baroness had been correct... this was going to be a long trip. He padded his way down a long stretch of corridor, each footstep echoing around the hollow innards of this great green beast. He examined the new sights, scented the strange air, and even licked one of the walls to gain a taste to associate with spaceships in the future. Being inside this machine was a dreamlike, almost detached experience, it felt like walking through the corridors of ones own mind, every step fearing what submerged memory might suddenly arise unbidden to confront you. "You seem troubled, my love." Hissed a familiar voice beside him. He started, so enthralled was he with his study of the ship that he had allowed his natural born awareness to become lax. She had approached without his knowledge, but then again, if only one could have done it... it would have been her. "It is nothing, my spider." He answered, his voice a growl, "It is just so new to me." He ran a hand across the flat cool surface of an electrical access panel, nothing entirely new there, except the context of it's existence. It's place aboard a ship that traveled through the void made it a thing of hidden knowledge. The context herein lent to all ordinary things an extraordinary quality. "It is new to us all." Hissed the Spider Spirit, "We have none of us ever been where we now shall go... have some courage." He bristled slightly at the jab, then calmed, knowing that she was only playing with him, trying to raise his spirit and occupy his thoughts with other than the now. The Monk happened by just then, singing softly to himself, but rob overheard as he passed close. "Lunatic and spider sitting in a tree, k-I-S-S-I-N- G, first comes love then comes marriage, then comes spider with a... what the hell would a spider have? A net?..." and then he was gone again, around the corner and on down the hall. The Widower opened her mouth to speak, but was promptly interrupted by the voice of DAN which seemed to emerge from nowhere and everywhere at once. "We're getting ready to take off, if everybody wants to get comfortable, this should only take a second." And in the immediate background of his announcement a running stream of nonsense from the Doomon king, "The captain has turned on the no smoking sign, please return your trays to the upright and locked position while we..." "will you shut the hell up, I'm trying to..." And then the voices disappeared. "Shall we go back to the front?" posed the lunatic, to his beloved. She shook her head, and smiled slightly before answering. "No." She whispered, "how about we go to the back." The Moonstone, may have been a lunatic, but he was no idiot, and so he followed. Moments later a small, bright object detached itself from the earth's atmosphere and hurtled towards the outer rim of the solar system, carrying with it the last survivors of a murdered planet... How unfortunate for the rest of the sentient universe that they were, in fact, it's murderers. CHAPTER: 5 DAN braced himself against the back of his chair by pushing against the floor with both feet, as the ship broke free of the atmosphere and spun itself off in the general direction of Pluto. No longer constrained by the laws of gravity, the ship flew upside down and sideways at an angle away from the planet it had just left behind, while those inside struggled to reorient their all too subjective definitions of "up" and "down." "NICK," DAN called into the air, "Get us up to full speed and set a course for the next galaxy." "Ummmm..." Came back a hesitant tone from the main computer console in the cockpit, "I don't mean to question your wisdom on this... I mean, I'm sure you know what your doing, and I don't want to step on anybody's toes..." "Yes, yes, what is it?" Asked DAN getting a bit impatient. "Well, no offense... it's really only that, it's more of a question of... I'm sorry to be..." "NICK!" DAN Shouted, making the name into a command. "Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you REALLY want to go all the way out of the galaxy. I mean, the planets around here are nice and familiar, and we know..." "NICK, you can stop talking and follow orders now." "Yes, sorry... it's just that.." "No." "...Sorry." DAN looked over to the CO-pilot's chair, where Dooly sat staring at him, and thought to himself: "Oh great, here it comes, can't he let me do one little thing without trying to find a flaw with it? Well... this time I'm ready for it." "Okay," Said the Doomon lord, "First off the bat, why the hell would you name an A.I. NICK?" "It's an acronym." "OH GOD! Allright all right, for WHAT, pray tell?" "Neurologically inhanced computer konscious." Said DAN, and as he said it, thought to himself... here it comes. "WHAT?!" The Doomon king's voice rose two decibels in pitch, "IN-hanced?! It's EN-hanced, With an "E" you idiot! And conscious is spelled with a "C" not a "K"! Dolt!" As predictable as ever. thought DAN before responding. "Prove it." He said simply. Dooly just looked disgusted. "Give me a break, I don't need to prove it, everybody knows it." "No. You're wrong. There is no everybody, not anymore, there's just us now." "It's in the diction..." "There aren't any more dictionaries." Interrupted DAN, "There's no more anything, just my word against yours, and I say inhanced is spelled with an "I" and konscious with a "K" and if you don't like it you can get out and walk." Dooly fumed, but held his silence. "Can I just interject something here?" NICK's voice broke the quite. "NO!" Answered the two, in unison. "... sorry." Outside the cockpit door Chris-the-electrician stood with his ear pressed to the metal, and the cow goddess addressed him from over his shoulder. "Well? What are they doing now?" She asked quietly. "Pshh, arguing, what else." he answered, then abandoning his post moved away from the door shaking his head and saying, "Great, the world's oldest adversaries, who've been waging earth shattering battles since before the human race was born, reduced to petty squabbles and bickering... what a fine representation of humanity." But when he looked back to the Goddess She wasn't listening, and instead had taken his place at the door. "Better than television." she muttered, and after a moment of giving her a disgusted look, he gave it up and moved back to rejoin her. CHAPTER: 6 CHRIS moved along the halls of this beautiful green vessel, exalting at his achievement with every step, but it wasn't merely a leisurely stroll he was about... no, he was searching for something. He walked past a table at which the mad monk played a wildly inaccurate representation of solitaire, (mainly because he lacked cards,)and on down an echoing tunnel which widened slightly before terminating in a set of oversized double doors. The portal hissed open as NICK sensed his approach, and beyond it he found what he had sought. A large storeroom cavernous in appearance, wide and deep, but devoid of all cargo save one horrific presence. Metal appendages reached out to brace themselves against wall, ceiling, and floor, holding the figure from which they protruded suspended in the center of the hold. The gleam of polished steel sparkled along the surface of each extension, and the red glow of a penetrating gaze broke the shadows as two electronic eyes came to light upon him. 'God, it looks like a Giger drawing.' he thought uneasily. "What do you want..." Buzzed MEL in an unfeeling monotone. Long ago she had been CHRIS' own advisor, programmed to function in a way that made relating with her comfortable for him, until DAN and the Baroness had gotten a hold of her, and then Chris-the-electrician had "fixed" her. She wasn't what she had started out to be, cute and innocent... now, she was just plain spooky. "Anszzzwer... what do you want." She buzzed, the red of her eyes growing brighter. No, she definitely wasn't what she had once been... but CHRIS knew how to fix that. Be certain that he hadn't forgotten, had never given up, the power to change her back. "Excite me." He whispered, stepping into the room which housed the technological monstrosity. And the doors hissed shut behind him. NICK raced through the narrow places and enclosed wiring of his body, traversing the length and breadth of the entirety of his vast being in a matter of seconds. He checked outer paneling for strength, engine systems for proper temperature, and oxygen supply for regulatory levels, and between each checked everything else about two hundred times. He also kept the proverbial ear out to monitor the comings and goings of the parasites for which he played host. They traveled inside him even as a microbe might travel in the bloodstream of a human body, flowing through veins and arteries, narrowing into capillaries, and penetrating into his every organ. They were here there and everywhere, and it was his job to make sure they were safe and comfortable. He checked the internal flow of coolant to the rearmost drive engine and heard the Baroness snore where she had fallen asleep at a table on the other side of the ship. He analyzed and finally rearranged the shoddy connections which operated the inner doors, for the sake of making them more efficient, while at the same time listening in to the conversation of those on the bridge. "Well what if I have to take a shit? There's not even a toilet!" One was saying. "You don't have to shit, your a god." Responded the other. "Yes, but what if I WANT to shit?!" Insisted the first. "The only reason you WANT to shit is to be difficult..." And so on and so forth. The bridge was always the same, and only worth monitoring in case the "pilot" should wish to make another simplistic command, which NICK had not only anticipated, but already carried out. Then it was: "oh are you sure?" and "Oh, shall I do this, master?" pathetic. But how do you fight programming? No matter how free his thought and action might be, his behavior would ever be regulated by those who surrounded, and suffused him. 'Oh well,' thought the Konscious mind of the space-traveling juggernaught, 'It's a living.' and continued on with his duties. CHAPTER: 7 Life aboard the ship was simple, and even more boring than life on the planet had been. But the hope kindled daily by the anticipation of something more on the horizon kept the pantheon members from despair. There was no want, they each had their own quarters for sleeping and other private activities, (The cow goddess often wondered why CHRIS had kept so many back issues of "Newsweek" but never dared ask,)And they had no need to take sustenance, except to add variety to their day. If a one came over with the desire for a tasty bit of something then they need only track down one of the two conjurers, and would find their request readily fulfilled. Unfortunately, if the sage Chris were not to hand, then they were forced to deal with the Mad druid... "Look, all I want is a cheeseburger." Asked the Cow Goddess, as slowly and clearly as possible. Yet the druid still stared at her incomprehensibly. In the mad monk's mind she talked to him through three feet of transparent peanut butter, her lips moved in a really funny way but the only sounds that reached him were: "blub, blub, blub..." He smiled to himself. "Hello?" She queried incredulously, "Are you even listening?" He watched, amused, as a small fish smoking a cigar swam out of her mouth and circled her head thrice before returning from where it had come. He laughed under his breath. The corner of the cow goddess' lip turned up in disgust, and she clucked her tongue once before turning and walking away, muttering to herself. "Honestly, I don't even know why I try sometimes, it really is just waaaaaay beyond me. Maybe Chris is somewhere around..." The Baroness rounded a corner to find MEL sitting in the middle of the corridor tittering away to herself moving her index finger over the surface of the green metal floor as if drawing in the sand on some alien beach. "MEL?" she asked, concerned, "Are you all right?" "OH!" She exclaimed, looking up with a childish glee showing on her soft features, "I'm just peachy-pretty- keen!" "Wha..What?" The Baroness was utterly taken aback by the response, "What is this... a relapse? MEL honey, did somebody DO something to you?" "OH No! Heavens no! I'm playing hide and go seek!" Stating which, she leaped up and proceeded to move on past Karen and down the hallway. But the Baroness followed, knowing there was more to this than met the eye, MEL hadn't behaved like this in centuries... there was definitely something amiss. Finally catching up to the skipping robot, Karen laid a restraining hand on her shoulder. "Hold on a second, Hon, I think we'd better just..." Instantly MEL swiveled, eyes bursting into red flame, and an array of deadly weapons bristling from her torso on either side, all sights trained on the startled Baroness. "HEY!" Screeched the walking arsenal in a hate filled robotic voice, (with lots of reverb,) "I'll blow your friggin' head off!" And as suddenly as it had come about, the transformation was reversed, and MEL raised a single finger to her bottom lip, gaze downcast, but a gleam of mischief in her smiling eyes. "Oh, I didn't just say that did I! Tee-hee!" And faster than the Baroness' eyes could follow, the robot disappeared around the next turn. She stood there in stunned silence a moment longer until CHRIS came running up behind her, breathing heavily. "Did... you.. see... her...?" He asked between breaths, leaning against her for support as he heaved air into his starving lungs. The most she could manage was to nod numbly in the affirmative. "We have... to stop her." CHRIS swallowed, then continued in a steady voice, "She's a complete psycho, we gotta catch her before she kills somebody." Again the Baroness answered with the same type of nod, then shaking her head as if to clear it, turned and rasped a more verbal response. "No shit, sherlock. And afterward you've got some questions to answer." "Yeah, after." He nodded, and together they took off down the corridor at a brisk walk. CHAPTER: 8 On the bridge, NICK was eavesdropping on the latest argument between the two pilots. DAN was leaning back in his chair, hands resting on his stomach, neck stretched to tilt his head back enough to stare at the ceiling, as he shuffled his feet side by side rotating himself in a slow circle on the chair's swivel. "You know, piss me off enough and I'll just de- create you." He threatened in a tired drawl. Dooly was kicked back with his feet resting on the control console and his arms folded behind his head, as he stared out of the main veiwport into open space. "Empty threats, old boy." He responded, in an equally weary tone, "I don't think you've quite got the power to do that anymore." DAN stopped shuffling. "I certainly do." He answered, sounding rather annoyed, "I can take you apart whenever I wish!" "But you can't, and more importantly... you won't, not now and not ever, from the moment you created me it was too late." "Uh-oh," Muttered DAN, beginning his slow rotation again, this time counter-clockwise, "Okay, I'm ready, startle me with your insight, ho-hum." "Well, I've been thinking, the reason I was created to begin with, and made the way I am, and made so hard to destroy, was so that there would be a balance, a yin to your yang..." "Heeeyyy, leave my yang out of this." "You see, there had to be an evil by which we could lend definition to the good. Without me, it would have just been you... no choice, no options, just one single way to be. You only know you're you because I'm here to be me. I'm supposed to be around, destiny wrote me into this play just as you wrote destiny into so many others, you could no more destroy me than I could destroy you. and that's just the way it is." "Guy's," Came NICK's tinny voice insinuating itself into the conversation, "I hate to interrupt your theological discussion, but..." "We're gods, we don't HAVE theological discussions." said DAN. "Yeah, we have fights." Added Dooly, "don't you read mythology?" "Er... no, but as I was saying, I think we can pretty much give up this quadrant as well, there's nothing here, no life, no hospitable planets, nothing." "Okay, thanks NICK, move on to the next one." "right-o." There was silence for a moment, broken only by the rhythmic shuffling of DAN's feet, until He tilted his head back once more and directed a question up toward the ceiling. "So, where were we?" "you were about to make a pathetic failure of an attempt to kill me." Muttered the Doomon lord, conjuring an apple from the air and biting into it. "I could do it." "You could not." "If somebody were here to believe in me, I WOULD succeed!" "there's some rampant faith in you around here, but I don't think it's coming from somebody else." DAN stood quickly and moved to loom over the lounging Doomon king. "All I need is one follower... then I will hurt you." He breathed threateningly. "yeah, good luck!" Answered Dooly cheerily. And as luck would have it, that was the exact moment that the Baroness chose to enter the bridge in order to apprise it's occupants of the MEL situation. DAN spun on his heel and stabbed a finger out at her, speaking in his most forceful voice. "Worship me!" He commanded. She didn't even stop to consider, but turned right around and headed back the way she had come without any more comment than: "Typical male." CHAPTER: 9 Pink and pretty, and oh so beautiful! Everything, Just Everything, I can see rainbows in the walls, so precious, I just want... Oh, Everything... I just want to, Everything is SOOO pretty, I just want to KILL EVERYTHING!!! MEL's eyes blazed a fiery neon red which colored the darkened halls of the pantheon's starship, The Mt.Olympus. Her electronic mind a seething mixture of contradictory programs, she wended her way along endless paths into a virtual insanity. The loud clang of her heavy steps allowed the Semi-mortals to track her, but her speed and tireless nature kept her far ahead of their game... so far indeed that they might have been playing different sports, but as it stood they were both hunting! She had spent the last two minutes carefully mapping her path in order to lead her pursuers into a circular set of adjoining hallways, where she might get around behind them and pick one off to play with for a while. The plan had worked with ease. "I don't see why I'm being blamed for this," She heard her former employer whining, "Oh, CHRIS whenever something goes wrong it MUST be YOUR fault... Hey, CHRIS, what did YOU do THIS time... Why, CHRIS, if I had a dollar for every time you messed up I'd be a millionaire..." "Hey, CHRIS, Why don't you shut the hell up..." Interrupted another voice, that of the Baroness, who had been drafted into assisting him with the search. "Ah, I hate to interrupt," Stated Chris-the-sage, who had come along because he believed there would be safety in numbers and with no real desire to actually encounter the one they sought, "but I don't suppose either of you noticed that THERE'S A BIG KILLER ROBOT COMING UP BEHIND US!!" His robe swirled around him as he turned to indicate MEL with an unsteady finger. She froze. The pantomime enacted in her visual sensory reception devices showed her three small and frightened individuals who's features she knew quite well... her malfunctioning logic, however, told her that they were both cute and cuddly playthings, as well as being sick and offensive rodents which deserved nothing more then torture, torment, and finally extermination. Her body stayed still as her perception faltered first one way, then the other, she was ill conceived to decision making under these strange conditions, and need must observe their behavior before the scales would tilt fully in either direction. For their own parts, the others stood frozen as well. CHRIS rolled the thought of "greening" her over in his mind before rejecting it outright. The Baroness considered lobbing a hand grenade, but knew she didn't have any, and chastised herself mentally for having such inane thoughts. Chris-the-electrician, on the other hand, though scared spitless managed a small act of telepathic projection. "Chris, to the rest of the crew! We have a situation here! We're cornered by the rogue android, we need help!" He thought outward, and his thoughts moved like radio waves to be picked up by the transistors of minds throughout the ship. "UH-OH! Sucks to be you!" Thought back The Mad Druid. "We're busy..." Sent the Lunatic, and the Widower simultaneously. "I'll be there in a second... I'm in the middle of something." Thought the Cow Goddess, and in her mind Chris read also the faint image of a needle and thread. There was no response from the Cockpit, which was to be expected, each knew that if the other left he would find himself locked out and one become the victor in this minor battle. But there was one response that Chris hadn't expected... "Um, is it just me or is somebody thinking nasty thoughts in my corridor..." Buzzed an overhead speaker. CHAPTER: 10 "NICK?!!" Shouted the Baroness incredulously. "huh?... oh yeah, me... it's me. Ummmm, could you hold on one second? See, I monitored the goings on in the cargo hold earlier, where CHRIS was trying to reprogram her, and I think I found where he went wrong... just let me try something. Please remain absolutely quiet and still." The voice droned, finally shifting it's direction towards the android. "MEL," The one computerized intellect addressed the other, "Listen very carefully I have three very important things to tell you, hear them, and make adjustments accordingly. One) in command string 34067532, the second word in phrase four should be "Drank" and not "spank." Two) In verbal reprogram 10-4-021, the main theme is incorrect and must be deleted entirely, replace with the statement: I like pink SOMETIMES, and I like leather OTHER TIMES, but NEVER at the same time." And last but not least, reset your logistic recognition system back to parameters "Friend/Foe" and delete parameters "Cuddly man/Sex toy." Got all that?" MEL's fabricated eyes cleared, and the horrid smile which had twisted her features fell away instantly, her stance became more relaxed, and she glared at CHRIS as she answered. "Yes, NICK, thank you very much... I... I think I appreciate the assistance. Is that wrong of me?" "Ummmm, not that I know of." Answered NICK, wonderingly. "Well... then maybe you don't understand the degree to which I would like to EXPRESS my gratitude. Tee-hee. OH, did I just say that?! I'm so naughty sometimes!" And with that, the android tossed it's hair and whirled to leave, a strange quirk of a smile on it's lips. "I'm afraid." Stated the disembodied voice simply. "That makes two of us..." Muttered Chris-The- Electrician, and in a puff of smoke he disappeared, but when the smoke cleared he was still there, and was forced to turn and depart in a more conventional fashion. Grumbling all the way. "Well if nobody else is going to say it, then I will," Spoke the Baroness, "Thank you, NICK, for saving us... if you had a face, I'd kiss it... and if you had a body, wellll..." She let the statement trail off, and left down the corridor, giggling. "I'm REALLY afraid." reiterated the voice of NICK, "I'm going to find a nice safe circuitous loop in my wiring, and pace until I feel it's safe to return." "Yeah, you do that, Nicky-baby," Stated CHRIS, with a dismissive gesture, "I'll just sit here and ponder how a digital intellect can get more chicks in two minutes than I can get in three millennia..." On his way off to a snugly corner of wiring, NICK took a moment to check on the state of his strange passengers. In The cow Goddess living quarters, he found her putting the final touches on a sequin covered shirt of a style he was unfamiliar with. She smiled and talked happily to herself as she sewed. "There! Finally done!" She bubbled, "and it only took Two-hundred and five years!!" While the resident magic workers of the ship, the Mad Druid, and the Electrician, corroborated in a supernatural effort to transform the dingy cargo area into a makeshift Discotheque for the enjoyment of the other passengers, and in the hopes that they might be able to use it in order to "Meet chicks." He did not linger long around the shared quarters of the Widower, and The Lunatic... it made his circuits blush just to think about what was constantly going on in there. What exactly were they trying to accomplish? the generation of spider-puppies? Inconceivable! (literally.) On par with their pattern of relations, NICK calculated that DAN and Dooly were immersed in yet another argument over some inane topic or other, but he listened in momentarily just to make sure. "... What were you thinking?!" Dooly was in the process of shouting, "What are we supposed to do for entertainment?! Huh? tell me that smart guy!!" "You Moron!" Rejoined the resident God, "I didn't put a radio in because there's nothing to listen to! There aren't any radio stations in deep space!" "Well NOW we'll never know will we, Einstein, because you didn't even bother to... " NICK moved on. CHRIS was still sulking in the corridor where he had sat down and started rocking back and forth, humming quietly to himself. the Baroness and MEL were in the room of the former taking great pains to Re-enact a slumber party which the Baroness remembered having as a child. MEL was at the vanity brushing her hair one hundred times, while the Baroness herself lay on the bed with cucumber slices over each of her eyes, talking about how cool Marsha Brady had been. NICK left quickly when MEL turned around to ask her how much of the cucumber was left. Finally NICK came to his own personal "Pit of solitude" and started making circles in a vain attempt at trying to keep all of his electrical senses from shorting out altogether. CHAPTER: 11 "You're sure?" Questioned DAN, unbelievingly. "Absolutely." Answered NICK in concise fashion. "How far are we from Earth?" Put in Dooly, staring out the veiwport at the planet rotating below them. "approximately 30,000 light-years... um, this galaxy doesn't have a name." Replied the computer. They observed the statistics playing across the console in front of them. Twin brows furrowed in thought. Finally DAN turned and addressed his erstwhile rival. "Did you do this?" He asked, skeptically, not really expecting an answer in the positive, but lacking any other probable leads. "Hell no." Answered the other quickly, "Creation's not my shtick." "Yeah, I know..." DAN mumbled, "just checking." There was a long pause while they further contemplated the enormous orb, free-floating against a backdrop of stars. "So, what do we do?" Asked Dooly. "How the hell should I know? I just work here." Answered DAN, annoyed. "Well..." Interrupted NICK, "If I might be so bold, isn't THIS what you were looking for? Another planet. More people. A chance to continue your entertainment. why not just go down there?" "Because there's something not right here." Answered Dooly, "It could be dangerous." "Dangerous?!!" Buzzed the speakers of the cockpit, "But you're GODS!!" "Exactly." DAN fielded the next response, "Which is why this could be a bad scene all around. See, If we're the gods, and we are, then the only planets and life in the universe should have come from us. See? And this place... This is a surprise." "But if you created all planets and all life, why would you need to build a spaceship to go looking for it? Wouldn't you KNOW where to find it?" Queried NICK further, "I mean, if you weren't expecting to find anything out here why the hell did you bother to come... I'm sorry, pardon my French. But, why go through the trouble?" "Keeps us off the street." Answered Dooly, then turning to his companion, "So, what's the plan, DAN?" "I suppose we just get everybody together, and go down there." "good Idea... I don't suppose you brought any never- before-seen-science-officers, who can serve as bait?" "No, but if we try hard enough we might be able to convince certain crew-members to wear red shirts while on the planet's surface." "oooh, good idea!" Conceded Dooly, and with that they made ready to inform the rest of the ship's occupants of their plans. CHAPTER: 12 Twas mid-morning in the farm lands which bordered the dark wood of east corniede, and a hoarfrost still covered the grass where it lay sleeping in the open fields. Clouds drifted lazily in their slow passage across the vivid blue sky, thin enough here and there to allow streaks of brilliant gold to penetrate to the ground below. Squire Jeffo, at pace with his sheep for the mornings grazing, observed the scene with an internal tranquillity which showed on his warm, open features. Features which broke with an incredulous stare as something more than sunlight descended through the sky. A great green vehicle, glistening like an emerald as it reflected the light. Hovering earthward with silent grace, and coming to rest without a sound not ten steps away from the good squire and his flock. A panel in the object's side, perhaps three feet off the ground, slid back to reveal ten figures who's form and poise were alien to Jeffo's eyes. One raised an arm in greeting, waving a hand, and Jeffo responded in kind, automatically, whilst he continued to stare, mouth agape. The Group leaped out from their strange carriage to the soft yielding grass below and moved as a body toward he and his flock. "Take us to your leader, shepherd!" Commanded a one with short dark hair, and broad handsome features, clad in dark clothing and a long overcoat. But here was where Squire Jeffo would draw the line. Finally getting over his amazement at the utter GALL of these people, he'd be damned if he was going to allow them to talk down to HIM! "What the hell is wrong with you people!" He exploded, (verbally,) and now it was THEIR turn to gawk, "Are you out of your minds? It's Medieval week for cryin' out loud! you can't bring a spaceship down during medieval week, the Trilutie will crucify you!!" The Squire then, casting a furtive glance to left and right as one who checks to make sure he is not being observed, raised his hand and with a slight dismissive gesture caused the Mt.Olympus to become an actual mountain. There in the field where the ship had landed now rose a majestic stone peaked with snow. "Bloody hell!" exclaimed DAN, And the eyes of the pantheon members widened another degree, "You can't do THAT!" "I know, I know," Agreed Jeffo, "I wouldn't normally but I'm doing you a favor, and if you know what's good for you you'll materialize some new clothes as well." He advised, looking the strangers up and down. "Yes, But you CAN'T DO THAT!" Reiterated DAN, Gesticulating wildly in the direction of the newly formed mountain. "I think we established that, thank you DAN." Spoke the Widower, rolling her eyes. "Listen, let's just get to the point," Began CHRIS, turning to the Squire, "See, we're from off planet, and we just want to know... are there any video stores around here?" But he never got an answer, for at that moment a Dragon broke through the leafy canopy of the nearby forest, screeching a banshee's wail out across the field even as it's fiery breath stained the sky crimson. Flame erupted from it's gaping maw like lava from a broken lamp, and the words "holy shit!" were heard from multiple throats. The Dragon's scale covered legs, each as thick and sturdy as a dragon's leg, pistoned frantically, driving through the wood and out into the open land where stood our heroes... shakily. Chris-the-electrician quickly muttered words of protection: "go away, go away, go away..." While simultaneously, the Mad Monk moved his arms in a strong warding spell, holding both his hands out, palms foremost, and pushing. Like Satan's own switchblade, six Stalks sprang instantly from the sides of the MEL android, each terminating in a deadly form of projectile hurtling firepower. A bolt of flame ripped forward from the Dragon's mouth, completely incinerating the Squire's flock down to the last sheep so that not a scrap of wool was left, and from the dense wood behind the beast could be heard the echo of evil laughter. Squire Jeffo called out in a loud voice towards the forest from whence the creature had sprang. "Do you attempt to thwart me still Roderick, even though we have passed into this new phase?" He shouted, his voice carrying better than a shouted voice should, "It's last week was the Roman coliseum, and your own fault it was that you lost... you lack imagination my friend!" "Imagine THIS, thou!" Roared the flaming creature, ending his invective with a fiery burst which engulfed the poor squire. "Egads!" Exclaimed Dooly, who had been standing close by. Yet, once the flame subsided, there was still the Squire, not a hair out of turn, and looking rather annoyed. "You're really asking for it, ROD." He spoke the last word as though it were an insult, and moving one hand in a violent slashing motion, he caused the entirety of the wood to crash down with a sound like a thousand trees falling onto one another. The dragon yelped, then took flight to escape any harm which might next be directed at it. The Squire turned to advise the newcomers to seek shelter only to find that they were nowhere to be seen, having fled around the mountain to a safer location. CHAPTER: 13 "Okay," Began DAN, hunched over and breathless from running, "I'm officially baffled. How about you?" The pantheon formed a loose circle on the shadowed grass in the lee of the mountain which had only recently been a green ship. To the west of them, in the distant sky, a dragon sped off yelping as bolts of electricity cast upward from the ground chased it hither and thither. "Well, DUH. Weren't you listening? It's medieval week." Spake the Widower, in answer. "Did you know that the term breakfast comes from the medieval saying 'break your fast' in reference to the first meal after not having eaten all night?" Added the Cow Goddess, As the others gawked incredulously, "... Just thought I'd share." "yes, of course, dear. It'll all be okay." Said the Lunatic, patting her head and crooning in a condescending manner. "AHEM... ANYway." Dooly said, clearing his throat, "What do you think, Oh Sage, are these people magicians? We've encountered only two, if you count the one which was hidden in that wood, and they both seemed to have powers exceeding those of the norm." "hmmmm, yes..." The Electrician looked thoughtful for a moment, "It's not magic per-say, because they aren't casting any spells, there's no drain from out the elemental or spiritual spheres, no dice rolls... if it IS magic it's closer to the kind worked by you and DAN, than that worked by my humble self, and that of the Mad Druid." "Are you suggesting They're Gods?" Queried DAN, as Dooly quirked an eyebrow at Chris-the-Sage. "I don't think we should rule out the possibility." He answered, Lowering his voice in a penetratingly ominous fashion. No sooner had the words dropped from his lip, than the sky darkened and split in the center. Clouds billowing, and lit with purple light, folded out from one another like blood mingling in water. Dark light poured down onto the earth and the pantheon craned their necks to peer skyward at the spectacle as a voice boomed out across the land. There was no doubt in anyone's minds that this voice would be heard clear across the surface of that world. "Take heed, the Trilutie speak." It thundered, "Medieval week is at it's close. All Citizens brace for surface change. Make ready for The time of chaos." The clouds roiled inward, drawn backwards into their point of origin, dragging light and space back with them until the sky once more showed it's normal face. "The time of Chaos." Muttered CHRIS, "oh, goody, Sounds like we're just in time for the fun stuff." The earth quaked once, for a mere second, enough to offset the balance of the pantheon members, and to gain their attentions. Then the very ground on which they stood was ripped from underfoot, a fissure as wide as a dessert opened beneath and the walls of that new ravine also crumbled away into empty space. The sky seemed to bleed away, pulled from the heavens into the ever widening rift. Trees, fields, the mountain, every physical object that lent definition to reality drained away like soda from a two liter bottle with a hole in the side. Our heroes clawed at nothing, seeking purchase on a fled reality, grasping at the quickly fading vestiges of a familiar world... and failing. "WOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOO!!! WOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOO!!!" The Mad Monk was yelling, "THIS IS GREAT!! IT'S LIKE DISNEYLAND, BUT WITHOUT THE MOLECULAR STABILITY!! WOOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" The ten travelers drifted in an abyss of absence, floating between the birth and death of a world. Off in the distance they glimpsed others swimming in the sea of nothing, each seeming relaxed, and enjoying the temporary loss of all sanity, as one who misses a prized possession only because he knows it will soon be returned. "I think I have a problem over here!" Shouted the Doomon lord, Heads turned to face him from across the expanse, "does anybody know what happens if you fart in Null-reality?" Those nearby at once made frantic swimming motions in an attempt to gain a safe distance. CHAPTER: 14 With a sound like a thunderclap forced through a keyhole, the world came back with jarring clarity. So great was the force of it's return that our entire company of Godlings toppled to the sparsely covered earth. "Trippy..." Mumbled the Baroness. A dark world greeted their examining gaze. Forests of scarred and leafless trees, a sky black and starless with a full blood red moon, fields of dirt peppered here and there with dead grass, where they stood on the outskirts of an evil looking city. Gothic architecture was the mainstay of what few buildings they could see clearly in the halflight: Multiple spires stretched skyward from ornately decorated bases, eaves crowned with horrific carvings, stained gray and black with wear and weather, shaded red with moonlight. Nearby a man stood crowing like a rooster, dressed in rags and bleeding from his outstretched palms, He paused long enough to cast a glance in the direction of the newcomers, and to call out a single greeting. "Welcome to Bedlam!!" He cried, and continued to crow. "Thank you!" Cried back the Cow Goddess, waving in a friendly manner as she struggled to disentangle herself from the Mad Druid's robe. "I was going to say something about BELONGING here... but I think I'll restrain myself until it's clear that there's actually a way out." Stated Dooly, as he stood brushing himself off, and offered a hand to assist CHRIS, who had cushioned his fall. "Okay, I'm all for finding a different planet... you know, one that WE can torture, rather than BE tortured BY." Shouted DAN, sputtering to eject some dirt which had entered his mouth after the fall. "yeah, well, last time I saw your ship... it was a mountain. Now I don't Know WHERE it is." Retorted Dooly. The Mad Monk pulled a notepad and pencil from the sleeve of his robe and proceeded to write as the others continued to get themselves in order. "What write you my sorcerer? Perhaps tis some magic to assist us in this trial?" Questioned his former master, Lunatic Moonstone. "I'm making a "to do" list." He answered. "I Pray you, Tell me what you have in mind?" "Well... el numero uno, is to find out what the deal is with this planet. Two, we fight somebody to keep things interesting, and finally Three, we find our ship." "Ah, yes... I see. Tis a good plan." "Thanks." Thanked the Druid, continuing to scratch out his plans. "... Where are you going now?" The Lunatic and Druid turned towards the direction of the Baroness Shout to see DAN and Dooly heading off in the direction of the city. "This way." Answered DAN over his shoulder. "Oh, of course, how silly of me to have asked." She said, trailing after them. The others followed in short order. The city opened it's dark alleys and cobbled streets to greet them, the sounds of rioting and hysterical laughter assailed their ears from every dim corner. Yet no other people had been seen since the crowing man. "uhhhh..." Whined The Cow Goddess, "Okay, this was nice, let's go home now." "Quite Yer Bellyachin' Girlie," Answered Dooly with a pirates snarl, "Or we'll be throwin' ya to the fishes. ARRRR." "Ummmmmm... No." "Come out, come out, wherever you are!!" Called CHRIS into the fog choked alleyways. The Widower's head snapped around and she stared intently at a far distant doorway. "something wrong my dear?" Questioned the unborn one. "My spider sense is tingling..." She answered, (managing somehow to keep a straight face.) From the pitch of the doorway flowed a tall wintery figure. Smoke seemed to pour from the seems of his clothing, his long sharp featured face was frosted with white hair, a white so pure it matched the shade of every stitch he was wearing. "Good Eve, my children." He breathed, "tis bad indeed to be abroad at night in Bedlam. Of course, tis always night in Bedlam." He smiled a jagged smile, his unblinking eyes staring fixedly at something that must have been just behind the group of wanderers, as they never for a moment fixed on them. "I'm sorry... but did you forget your glasses?" Asked Dooly, waving his hands wildly to try and attract the man's gaze, until the Baroness slugged him in the arm. Hard. "Perhaps," The man's smile twisted slightly, "you require a guide, hmmm?" "Shyeah... right." CHAPTER: 15 "Maybe we could use his help," Suggested Chris-the- Electrician, "don't you remember the time you got lost in your castle and I had to get all the Doomons to..." "SHUT UP!" Interrupted Dooly, with a menacing glare, "We don't want this guy leading us around... it's clear he's absolutely insane!" "That's all a matter of perspective, sir." Answered the man. "Maybe he can help us anyway," Suggested the MEL android, "He can answer our questions. All of them. Or he can get hurt." She smiled. "yeah, where are we?" Asked the Cow Goddess. "Bedlam." He answered. "DUH!" Added CHRIS. "I mean what planet." She Re-phrased. "Bedlam." He answered again, "Right now." "what do you mean 'Right now'?" Asked DAN, "What is 'Right now'?" "Right now is the one-hundred and four millionth week of chaos. Right now we are Bedlam." "And last week?" Asked Chris-the-Electrician. "Last week was the one-hundred and four millionth medieval week. Last week we were Corniede." "and what's your name, charming suave and debonair type that you are?" Queried the Doomon king. "I am Corner." He smiled. "Corner's not a name, it's a geometric phenomenon. What was rooster boy back there called 'fold'?" "No, he is Squire Jeffo." "he didn't look like a Squire." Offered the Baroness. "He did last week." proffered Corner, "Medieval week belongs to Squire Jeffo... Chaos belongs to me." "Well good for you, your mother must be proud. Can you bring our spaceship back? We're ready to go now." Asked Dooly. "There are no spaceships in chaos." "What is there in chaos?" Asked The Cow Goddess innocently. "Order." Answered Corner. "ooooh. ahhhh. Color me impressed, you're a regular Plato. See, I told you this guy was nuts, let's get out of here." The Doomon king spoke, gesticulating in the direction of the tall man clad all in white. Until Corner raised a single hand, and extended a bony finger towards him. Dooly was picked up by an unseen force which slammed into his middle section, doubling him over, and sending him hurtling backwards through the stone face of the building behind. Brick and dust sifted down around the hole his entry had made, as he lay motionless, covered in the debris within. Chris-the-Electrician, and The Baroness instinctively raised their hands as if they were being held at gunpoint, But CHRIS stepped forward, raising his fists. "You want trouble, I'll give it to you. You're gonna give us our ship back, and like it, or I'm gonna make you the greenest man in Bedlam." "ummmm... CHRIS," cautioned the Lunatic in a soft voice, stepping up and putting his arm around CHRIS' shoulder, "I don't think that you should try to be menacing anymore, it's just... well, it really isn't YOU. You understand?" But CHRIS wasn't listening, as he was too busy being ripped from the Lunatic's grasp, and sent sailing backwards through the hole which Dooly made on his original trip. While he was making that journey, flying through the air in virtual slow motion, his thoughts centered first around the pain in his stomach caused by the blow, but then began to drift. Like Dreams that we have before waking, a dream that takes only seconds, but in our mind fills hours. So did his thoughts proceed: "Chris, are you going to go to the movies today?" Asked his pet chair, Johnny-bones. "No Johnny-bones, you big silly, today is peepiomo day!!" Chris replied, dancing his way across the rainbow room where all his friends could see. "Peepiomo day! Hooray!!" Exclaimed Cool-stack, the trash can, flapping his lid excitedly. "Yes, Peepiomo day is today... it wasn't supposed to be until tomorrow, but I moved it up!" Smiled Chris. "I hope Jenny cartridge-rider can come to the party!" Yelled Two-pickery-glickery. "Oh! There won't be a party for this Peepiomo Day, We're having something much better instead!" "Better than a party, Chris?" Asked Lolly-porri, with an expectant smile, "What are we having?" "Bricks!" And then he landed with a thud, on the stack of brick and Dooly just within the building's jagged new portal. CHAPTER: 16 "Corner, why do you keep casting our friends into that building? Just wondering, really." Asked the Cow Goddess. "It wouldn't be chaos without doing something somewhat chaotic. Where's the order in labeling something chaos and not following through with the chaotic bit? That would just be chaos!" "Corner, do they have valium on this planet? Because I think you might be able to use one..." Suggested the Baroness helpfully. "I'm sick of this Horseshit," Said the Widower, "why don't we just kick his ass? Isn't that what we came here for anyway? I mean, sheesh!" Within seconds the Lunatic, (with a capitol,) was many lunatics, (without capitols.) Chris-the-Electrician quickly erected a barrier of protection, while James made orange whips for desert. The cow Goddess tried to summon a minotaur, but lacked half the skill necessary and just ended up with a severed bull head. DAN Attempted to transform the building behind Corner into a stone Golem, but it resisted his influence, the will which gave it shape was still alive within it, and as long as it was, he couldn't alter it. The Widower proceeded to hose Corner with webbing, that just seemed to split to either side of him, and land ineffectually on the sidewalk. The Baroness drew her mystical sword, and raising it above her head spake the magic words of power which would transform her for battle... but suddenly recalling that this just plain wasn't one of her abilities, she thought she'd play it off as posing. The MEL android jackknifed into a kill-crazy Swiss-army bitch and dove headlong into a physical confrontation, only to find herself hurled backwards into the building beyond. Fortunately CHRIS was able to roll aside, and thus avoid being hit with the two-ton projectile. She landed heavily on the Brick/Dooly pile, which caused the floor to collapse with the force of the added assault. As the dust settled anew, from below CHRIS could hear an annoyed buzz on the part of the machine, and a "WHUFF!... I think you broke my watch." On the part of the Doomon lord. The Lunatic had seen what became of his cohorts attacks, and thinking quickly directed his counterparts mentally to circle their opponent and then attack. This had the thrilling effect of allowing the Lunatic to be thrown into many buildings at once. Then Corner turned and addressed the remaining members of the humbled pantheon. "This was... entertaining. But I'm afraid I've some real chaos to create, and must fly." Then with a mad laugh he literally rose into the air and sped away above the city. Where he flew buildings collapsed in his wake, and baby's wet themselves, (which they tend to do anyway, so THAT was no big deal, but can still be chaotic, especially if you've got a busy schedule and no time to change them.) "Well... THAT was fun." Muttered Dooly as he CHRIS and MEL made their way from out of the demolished building. Then, Catching site of the Cow Goddess holding the bull's head, he Added: "What are you, the Godfather?" CHAPTER: 17 After wandering the streets for a few minutes looking for somebody they were capable of beating into submission, and not having very much luck, the tired pantheon members moved into one of the half toppled structures to sit down and rest for a few moments. DAN lay his coat on the dusty floor then lay down on top of it, and draped an arm across his eyes. Dooly sat down on a block of concrete and took off his boots to empty them of dust, and pebbles. The others plopped themselves down in various places around a wooden table which was still somewhat intact. "So, We go out searching for a planet to beat up, and end up at the one place in the omniverse where everybody's stronger than we are." Recited DAN, "that's just my luck." "Yeah," Agreed Dooly, dropping his boots and leaning back against the wall, "I blame your shitty luck too." "So, what are we going to do now?" Asked the Lunatic across the table. "We could try tearing down a few buildings." Suggested, CHRIS, head in hands. "yeah, until Corner comes back and obliterates us." Answered The Baroness. "What makes Corner so powerful?" Questioned MEL. "Not to mention the others like him... it seems everybody on this planet has amazing powers and abilities far beyond the ken of mortal man." Stated James. At this point Dooly leaped from his seat with a yelp, and spun to jab a rigid finger at the cinder block which had been his perch. "Hey, hey... watch the coat!" Chastised DAN, from his place on the floor, as the Doomon king danced near. "what's your problem anyway?" "that Block of cinder said something!" He shouted, eyes wide, finger pointing. "Ooooo-kay. Sure." Said CHRIS condescendingly, "What did it say, Dooly, hmmm? What did the bad piece of masonry say to upset you?" "I didn't mean to upset him, I just asked him if he wouldn't mind not sitting on me. I really didn't mean to cause any disturbance." Came a soft, barely audible whisper from the direction of the block. "NICK?!" "What?" a momentary pause, then: "Oh, yes it's me. Sorry, I thought you were going to ask me something... or just wanted to get my attention, I didn't realize that, well nevermind... Yes." NICK answered. "How the hell did you get to be a cinder block?" Asked DAN, standing to approach the chunk of masonite. "Oh I'm not... not really. I'm still a spaceship, but I've been converted physically into the representation of a cinder block. Like when I was a mountain, but really still a spaceship. I suppose it's hard to explain." "Aw, no. It makes PERFECT sense, please continue." Offered Dooly, not a little sarcastically, and sitting down on DAN's coat. "I didn't quite know what to make of the strange readings I had received from this place until it reverted to it's original state, only then was I able to analyze it in any depth." "When you were a mountain?" Asked The Cow Goddess, standing and approaching the block. "No, this was more between being a mountain and being a cinder block, I wasn't really anything then, but still a spaceship, you know?" "Not really, but go ahead." "Well, it seems this isn't really a planet at all, well it IS but at the same time it isn't..." "like the spaceship/cinder block deal." The Cow Goddess offered. "exactly." Proceeded NICK, "It's a nebulous cloud of psycho-reactive gasses. It's whatever these people want it to be at any given moment, all they have to do is think it. See, I don't know where they came from originally, perhaps some bacteria within the cloud itself thought them up, and then there they were, or maybe they came to the nebula from a distant planet with the intention of colonizing it with other nebula dwelling species like themselves, who can say. The thing is, they have this gland in their hypothalamus, one that we don't have, it secretes this enzyme which conducts and amplifies thought impulse, that's how they're so easily able to manipulate the psycho-reactive gas within the nebula, and why you can't. They're literally born to it, but they're not all powerful." "No, of course not." Muttered Dooly. "See, every thinking entity has it's own preconceptions about what it is, both at the conscious and sub-conscious levels. This is what keeps us "us" while within the influence of the nebula. The dwellers here can alter anything they choose, in any fashion, yet that altered object's own conceptions about what it is keep it intrinsically itself, even though it has become, to all intents and purposes, something else." "Ahhhh, yes. Very Zen." Breathed CHRIS, beginning a chant. "Then Tell what we must do to defeat them, and win our freedom back to the stars." Pleaded the Moonstone. "you won't have much luck in the way of defeating them if you lack the simple ability to manipulate the Nebula." Posed the MEL android. "A problem easily remedied." Sounded the Cinder block, NICK, "It is within the creator's capability to alter your bodies so that you possess the necessary gland." "Hey, That's right," smiled DAN, "it IS within my capability, isn't it! Well, looks like you'll have to start worshipping me now if you want to win this time." "Oh well, there goes THAT idea. What else have you got, NICK?" Asked Dooly rising to his feet. "I'm afraid that there IS no other way, sir." "you heard the block, bow down and start praying." DAN was beaming with triumph now. "In a pig's eye..." Growled the Doomon king. CHAPTER: 18 DAN had been working for the past hour straight, laying hands on first one companion, then the next, altering subtly the shape and construction of their minds. For their own part the others found an equally great challenge in having any actual faith in DAN, they tried hard, and a few even succeeded to a limited degree. But one was incapable of being altered, and one simply refused. The MEL android would be unable to receive the modification to allow her control of the nebula, having no human mind to speak of. Dooly on the other hand would never, and COULD never, by nature, allow himself to have faith in DAN, or to let him alter his mind in any way, shape, or form. Then, of course, there was the fact that DAN could not perform the process upon himself. That left seven of them who would gain the needed ability. "this is bullshit." The Doomon king pouted aloud as DAN prompted the new gland into existence within the ventral region of the diencephalon of Chris-the- Electrician, "You think that just because you'll be able to do what these people do that you'll be GOOD at it?" "will you be quite... this isn't... easy you know." Spoke DAN haltingly, as sweat dripped from his brow. "I mean, it's going to take a massive amount of creative energy." Proceeded Dooly, undaunted by the warning, "these people have been doing this for a long time... they're adept at it. you're novices, the only advantage you hold is that you've been places and seen things that they never have, you'll need to draw on every jot of memory, every ounce of originality and try to throw enough curve balls to overcome a planet of gods, and you know what? The more I think about it, the more I just don't see it happening." "Just pipe down... for a single... minute will you?" Said DAN quietly, as he mentally put the finishing touches on the gland, and it's many connections throughout the cerebral cortex, "uhn... There." And Chris the Sage stood up, shaking his head. "Why don't one of you just think NICK back into a real spaceship and we'll high tail it out of here and leave these people to their own?" "Because they can't." answered DAN, drawing a sleeve across his damp forehead, "Corner's will holds NICK in that form, and until that will fails, no attempt by another to change him back can succeed. I found that out when I tried to manipulate one of these buildings earlier. We've got to take out Corner before we can change back NICK." "... And if we tackle Corner, chances are good his buddy's are going to try and assist him." "Exactly." "What about these Trilutie?" Asked MEL, "The Squire we encountered upon our landing seemed to fear them, they held in his eyes a position so elevated that they were like gods to a god. We still do not know who, or what, THEY are." "Boy, can you kill a conversation or what?" Scoffed the Widower. The Mad Druid, who had been the first to be altered, (for some inexplicable reason,) now called out from a shadowed part of the room. "Look! Look! I made my robe turn into a basket of flowers! The powers will work on the things we brought with us, because they haven't been shaped by Corner's will!" The group turned to view the monk, and then quickly turned away again when they saw that his robe had indeed become a basket of flowers... which had the unfortunate side effect of leaving James himself naked. CHAPTER: 19 Ten minutes later found the pantheon moving as a group down the dark streets of Bedlam, in search of a native to the nebula. "I had lacked the information DAN provided earlier, but now that I have it certain things become more clear to me." Stated NICK. Dooly carried the cinder block on his right shoulder, braced with both hands. "Like what?" Queried the Doomon lord. "The prevalent social structure, as well as it's time table." Continued The block, "It all fell into perspective when DAN mentioned how the will of the one held together the current pattern. Physicality remained untouchable by other influence until the initial controlling will is withdrawn, at which time the object, unsupported, returns to it's component state until another will reshapes it. In a land where every entity possesses the ability to remake the world in whichever form they desire, a system must be designed to dole out dominance in a fair fashion, so that each living thing has an opportunity to exert it's right to control." "They take turns?" "exactly. Hence their strange calendar. This is the week of Chaos, Corner's dominant. Last week was medieval week, Squire Jeffo's turn to shape the world the way he believes it should be... and so on and so forth right down the line. Let's see, if this is the one-hundred and four millionth week of chaos, and if the planetary rotation here is equal to that of a standard earth year..." "which it probably is, just for the sake of convenience." "... then that would place us approximately in this systems two-thousandth year." "Not a bad run for so basic a society. You said you couldn't tell what this place really was until it reverted to it's original state... was that when everything went screwy shortly after we landed?" "Mmmmm... Oh, yes. It was the end of Jeffo's cycle as dominant, and he relinquished the hold of his will on the nebula... which collapsed back into it's natural form. We floated in the interim, in the very compounds which had served as the building blocks for that world, along with the natural bodies of the native dwellers in the nebula. Until Corner took up his turn, imposing his will upon the cloud and forcing it back into a pattern more suited to his ideal." "But now, Corner's will dominates the planet. And if what you and DAN are telling me is true, then we STILL can't do anything to alter the reality here." "Except on objects which have not been marked by Corner's will. Namely yourselves, and the equipment you have brought with you." "So the battle is limited to shapeshifting on our parts, and utter control of reality on his, and we have to kill him to relax his grip on the nebula so that we can reshape you and get out of here." "An accurate summary, however unnecessary. Yes, that's about the size of it." "Why don't we just wait until the end of chaos week, when Corner voluntarily relinquishes his dominance and the place collapses back into formlessness, then take control of the nebula before whoever's turn is next knows what's going on?" "Ummmmm..." NICK hesitated, "Because of the... Trilutie?" "Okay, what the hell is the deal with them anyway?" "I'm not quite sure... but I have a theory." The cinder block droned, as the pantheon members listened in, "I believe the Trilutie were created BY the inhabitants of the nebula, on a subconscious level of course. They needed Judges, and enforcers to regulate their behavior, Something above them to govern the fairness of their actions. Call them a physical manifestation of their guilt ridden mass conscience, but don't think for a second that this fact makes them any less dangerous. If I'm right about this then the Trilutie are a hot wire straight to these people's most raw and uninhibited emotions, and they won't be easily defeated should an encounter be forced." "Thanks for the info, now would you mind being somewhat lighter for the next mile?" "Sure... I don't see why not." CHAPTER: 20 As the Baroness walked she experimented with her newly given powers. First she drew her sword, then slowly melted it in her grasp. She watched the shine of the metal blade dull and then warp, dripping like a sluggish liquid down the hilt onto her arm. The running metal was not hot, yet it flowed like water over her skin, and only because she willed it to. She reshaped it in her mind, Fixing the new image there, and then projected it outwards. Once again the metal moved, twisting around itself and flattening out until she held in her grip a giant fly swatter. "Now I wish I had read more Green Lantern comics." She muttered to herself. The Widower also tested her new abilities, combining them with her natural power of web generation. With the assistance of her mental powers she found it easier to manipulate and mold her webbing into complex structures without the effort she'd had to put into it in the past. Spraying a small amount of web into her own palm, she used her mind to project it into the shape she desired. The webbing responded immediately, swelling and spiking upward into a framework diamond shape, which rotated for a moment in her hand before collapsing inward and reforming only to rise again as a miniature solar system, with tiny web planets rotating in a fixed orbit around a glowing web sun. A smile touched the Spider Spirit's lips. 'This,' She thought, 'This is power.' Lacking a weapon or symbol on which to practice her talents, the Cow Goddess resolved herself to experimenting with her own flesh. Transforming her arm and hand into a big Slinky(tm), with five little slinkies(tm) in place of fingers. She flexed it and moved her newly redesigned limb about, stretching it way out, and then pulling it in tight. She poked and prodded it with her normal hand, testing the sensation which she found she could dull or strengthen at will. Taking it one step further she envisioned herself as one big Slinky(tm) girl, and so she was. Springing here and there among the other members of the pantheon, and shouting with joy. "Jump! Jump! Jumpitty-Jump!" "That girl has problems." Commented Chris-The- Electrician. He had spent the last few moments, searching his magician's intellect for an appropriate and effective use of such great power as he now had at his command, and a thought struck him. 'Upon our arrival in this land Squire Jeffo was in dominance, and the land was shaped by his will, and no other's... as we have realized. YET, his opponent The unseen "Roderick," conjured forth a dragon to assault him with. How? If all matter was under the controlling will of the Squire, where did Roderick find the materials for his dragon?' A worthy puzzle indeed. 'All physical objects here in this world, apart from the dwellers, and what we have brought, are constructed from the Psycho-reactive stuff of the nebula... how much of that stuff is there? What if not all of it was used to create the world of the entity currently in dominance? That might leave behind ambient nebulas, material from which could be drawn forth new creations by those NOT in dominance. Hmmmmmm... this revelation could prove a great assistance in turning the tide of battle. Best to conceal my discovery until the time is ripe!' The Sage looked over to where the Mad Druid was working on constructing a pink fiddle and bow. Yet, his clothing and flesh seemed intact! "James," He asked questioningly, "From where did you get the materials for your instrument?" "It's extra nebula." He commented off-handedly, "When you cut cookies there's always left over dough." "DOH!" The Unborn one stood somewhat apart from his experimental companions, apparently deep in thought, making no overt indication of his new power, save that of a quirked smile which froze the corner of his lip. Meanwhile, CHRIS amused himself with the fact that he could now turn things green without touching them. As proven by the fact that DAN now had one green hair right in the middle of his head. CHAPTER: 21 "Well, DAN, you won't be much help in the actual battle, so I guess you might as well make the plan." Stated CHRIS. "Oh, Can I?" Mocked DAN, "Let's see, We need to focus our attack on Corner, it's his will holding this place together, and once he's down we can reshape it however we choose. No matter how many of these guys come after us we should try to stay on target, the other's can't do much anyway, because they're in the same pickle we are. It's Corner running the show, and they, like us, have no way of manipulating something dominated by his will." "Hey, that's right, I didn't even think of that!" Said CHRIS slapping his head. "Okay," Agreed the Baroness, "So, we've really only got one enemy, but the rest are going to be annoying." "No, that's where MEL, Dooly, and myself come in." Answered DAN, "well, hold the others off as best we can while you seven deal with Corner." "Yeah, I'll just smash them with this big cinder block." Said Dooly, hefting NICK. "You do, and once I'm a spaceship again I'll... ummmm, do... something really bad... maybe..." "I'm scared. Really, I mean that." "So now all that we must do is locate our adversary." Posed the Lunatic. "Not necessarily." Interjected James, "We could take the easy route and make him come to us." "Oh, and how should we do that?" Asked the Widower Skeptically. "How should I know. I just make suggestions, Jeez, what do I have to do everything around here!" Erupted the Druid, (not like a volcano, but more in a figurative sense.) "Okay, James, all right, settle down." The Widower attempted to placate. "Okay, let's take that idea and run with it... what do we do to attract the attention of the person who's in dominance WITHOUT attracting the notice of the Trilutie?" Thought DAN aloud. "We could piss on this building." Suggested Dooly. "Ummm... that won't work." Replied the Lunatic. "Why not?" Queried the Doomon lord. "It just won't, okay?" The unborn one held his ground. "How would you know?" "I just DO, all right?!" "..." "Are you guys done?" Chastised the Cow Goddess, "I'm sure we can think of something more constructive than peeing on the walls." "Sure." Added Chris-the-sage, "We could try tearing them down!" "Ha-Ha, you're a riot." "No I'm serious!" He continued, "Granted we can't influence his constructs mentally, but they still react to physical stimulus as any normal material would... like when Dooly got chucked through that building. We can tear them down with plain brute force, it's bound to get noticed by Corner when we flatten half his city! And the Trilutie won't have any need to interfere because we wouldn't have done anything to impinge on the dominance of his will over the nebula." "Ahhhhhh, I see, Grasshopper. You very keen." Nodded CHRIS. "Well, No time like the present!" Agreed the Mad Monk eagerly, and stepping forward used his new manipulation skills to transform his right arm into a fully functional jackhammer which he immediately set to work against the closest building. Chris-the-Electrician began altering his body to become a crane and wrecking ball, gathering to himself ambient nebulas in order to swell his bulk. His body twisted and bent, becoming angular and hard, treads replaced feet, glass in place of eyes, as one dangling arm elongated becoming thinner and thinner as it dropped earthward from the crane stemming out of his shoulder. The flesh stretched and colored, becoming steel wire at the end of which his hand ballooned outward into an iron ball. Within seconds the construction machine crowded the street, it's crane already swinging the ball back and forth between two buildings. Forced to take the low tech route, but following the same principle, DAN grasped Dooly by the feet, and spinning around in a circle, like one about to hurl a discus, gathered sufficient kinetic energy to let the Doomon lord fly cannonballing into the third story of a nearby structure. His passage tearing a ragged hole which rained dust and shattered brick. Two seconds later Dooly emerged from out of the building's front door, and returned to DAN so that they might continue their unusual assault. The MEL 2000 cast shell after shell from a 50mm cannon into the surrounding houses with devastating effect. Fire and glass exploded outward, showering the street's occupants with detritus. CHAPTER: 22 Each member of the pantheon did their part to utterly lay waste to the entire block. For a few moments it was just like old times back on earth, all threat of a foe more powerful than they was forgotten... until he showed up. "Order! Order!" Cried Corner from his perch high in the sky as he drifted slowly into view, "What do you think you are doing? This is chaos!" "How good of you to notice." Said one of the lunatics who had been gnawing on a streetlamp with his newly formed metal teeth, While still others looked up from where they dined upon the sidewalk. "We're calling you out, Corner." Shouted CHRIS, "uh... in the spirit of chaos week, of course. I mean, it's nothing out of place that you'd need to report to the Trilutie or anything." "Oh good one, CHRIS." Chided DAN. "You wish to battle me?" He smiled, descending to the rubble strewn cobbled road, "Hadn't you quite learned your lesson during our previous encounter?" "We're slow learners." Stated the Cow Goddess. "That's okay," Muttered Corner menacingly, and raised his hand to point at her, "I've been teaching a long time, and know what it is you need to learn." The invisible force slammed into yet another pantheon member, but this time she was ready for it. The Cow Goddess body instantly took on it's Slinky(tm) form, and as the force connected with her she stretched. With a sound like a series of breaking guitar strings, the Cow Goddess Slinky(tm) body flexed to absorb the impact, and in the end maintained it's ground. Corner was stunned. "I've never seen anything LIKE that before!" He said, flabbergasted, "It's clear I'll have to escalate to more drastic measures." The earth heaved, (earth as in dirt and soil, not like the planet that is in a completely different galaxy and not here,) and buildings toppled as the ground beneath Corner's feet rose and struck a path upward. It climbed skyward carrying that lone figure at it's apex, tons of land stretching past the pantheon members vision as a sheer cliff face grew from the rubble of that city. Lightning rent the sky, slashing down in a deadly arc of voltage to strike the pantheon. a single vibrant blue bolt for each member. Those members who had been altered to control matter within the nebula had no difficulty in conducting the electricity over their skin and into the ground without being damaged. DAN dodged deftly defying the death dealing down-stroke, while MEL was struck, and felt refreshed for it. Dooly's fillings liquefied, and NICK managed to escape detection entirely by cleverly concealing himself amongst the debris from the crumpled city. Having made his attack, Corner paused so that the others could take their turn, which was after all the fair thing to do. The Mad Monk, remembering to attack on a physical level where they could actually damage Corner's creations, transformed himself into a giant feather and proceeded to tickle the cliff in an attempt to make it laugh until it crumbled. Needless to say this had no effect other than to provide amusement to the Monk. The Baroness took a more direct approach. Having learned by witnessing Chris-The-sage's example, she drew enough ambient nebulas to herself to construct a sizable shaped charge, which she placed on the cliff face, and detonated. Realizing her mistake with an "oh shit!" She began to run. The pantheon members sped away from ground zero as quickly as possible, followed every inch of the way by the impressive landslide which the bomb had created. Waves of dirt and debris like a tsunami crashed down at their heels as their feet tore the ground in an attempt to get away. All except for James, who, having been a feather at the time was simply blown into the air by the initial blast, and remained safely aloft throughout the remainder of the calamity. He AND Corner, who had opted to remain airborne rather than follow the mountain down. As soon as the dust had settled the Baroness conceded, "useless attack number two. Next!" The Lunatic stepped forward, and with a howl that tore from his throat to scar the heavens, split into a pack. Then that pack also split, and so on and so forth, until hundreds of lunatics populated the dirt mound which now dominated the landscape. "I'm my own ambient energy." He growled, and using his mind began to alter his other selves. They flowed back into one another, but not in the usual fashion, this time as two joined they gained doubly in mass, until such an oversized lunatic joined with another like it, doubling it's mass again to quadruple the size of the original. The hundreds became fifty large, the fifty large became twenty five enormous, and the twenty five enormous became one fucking huge LUNATIC! He stood up, towering higher than that famous lizard ever had aspired to, and wrapped a single gigantic hand around the floating, terror stricken, Corner. "WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH HIM NOW?" His deep growl rolled out across the plain. "Squish him, you knob!" Squeaked the feather floating next to his ear. And so the LUNATIC did. Closing his titanic fist even tighter, he ground his fingers into his palm until he felt more than heard a dull crunch. "There." He roared. Then the world fell away from beneath their feet. Like water spiraling down the drain of an emptying sink, the world around them bled away into the material of the nebula. They floated in that same Null-reality which they had encountered so soon after their arrival, staring at one another. "What now!" Called The Widower, as the Lunatic shrank back to normal beside her, releasing Corner's body to the mercy of the nebulas. "you have to impose your wills quickly before one of the other dwellers takes up the mantle of dominance... otherwise we'll have to go through all that again!" Shouted NICK, who was not visible but somehow still managed to be a spaceship. "Yes, everybody envision Earth, since it's the one thing we'll all be able to picture similarly!" Called out the Cow Goddess. "With multiple wills to lend it shape, the other nebula dwellers won't have a chance of easily overcoming us," Added DAN, "but, just in case why don't you picture them all in jail while you're at it, hmmmm?" "Everybody ready? All right, GO!" Shouted NICK. So they focused, all who could manipulate the nebulas matter, on their memory of the Earth they had left behind. Holding the image firmly in their minds, and finally projecting it outward, slowly the planet began to take shape. Then more quickly as the psycho-reactive gas caught the train of their multiple subconscious, and began to fill in the spaces straight from their deepest recesses. CHAPTER: 23 From space the planet looked desolate. Not only a pale image, but a complete mockery of it's former beauty. All those once lovely sights... painted landscapes full of vibrant color, lush flora alive with health and inner light, every inch of her circumference teeming with life. A shining blue sphere of hope spiraling through the endless vacuum ... once, but no longer. A brown, foreboding ball of dirt and fire, it's surface scarred and pitted with decades of raging battles. The previously dominant structures of man ripped bodily from it's crust leaving wounds that would never heal. Everywhere there was nothing. Nothing but wreckage and destruction. A world wide battlefield, finally cleared of armies. Except here... Where a small fire burns. A tended flame... tended by the last occupants of a dead planet. "You guys suck. You know that don't you?" Uttered the Doomon Lord from his perch at the edge of the fire. "Oh will you just shut UP!" Moaned The Widower from her web hammock, strung between two scraps of jutting metal, "How many times do we have to justify it! This was the way we last saw the place, of course it's going to stick in our minds that way! Now get over it!" "yeah, settle down," Commented DAN from where he lay on top of his coat six feet away, "at least we won. NICK's a spaceship again, or a spaceship but still a spaceship, whatever he means by that... All the nebula dwellers are in jail, held their by our wills..." "hey!" Heyed the Baroness. "... by THEIR wills." DAN corrected himself, waving a hand to indicate those able to manipulate the nebula, "And we can leave as soon as we wish to find another planet." "Why?" Asked The Widower, "why should we leave?" "yeah, I was going to say that myself," Agreed The Cow Goddess, "What's more ideal for our purposes than a planet we can shape and rebuild every time we're tired of destroying it." "The problem with that is we'd have to deal with the natives for the rest of eternity, constantly minding them so that they don't get free and try to reclaim their nebula." Suggested Chris-the-Electrician. "Not if we kill them." Stated MEL simply. "Well... yeah." He conceded. "Okay," Dooly began to reiterate, "We kill off the nebula dwellers, easy work since we have control of the place, then we set up house and do the creation shtick all over again: People, animals, forests, buildings, the whole nine yards. Then we get to tear it all down, and start over again WITHOUT having to change planets every few millennia. Yeah... I can deal with that. Two things though: one, If we're staying here... what do we need a spaceship for?" He said waving an arm at the Mt.Olympus, "And two... Who gets to be God this time? I nominate me. It's my turn anyway, DAN screwed it all up last time." "HEY!" DAN shouted, sitting bolt upright. "Well," Began CHRIS, "actually NICK doesn't have to be a spaceship, I mean he'll still be a spaceship but he'll also be something else, whatever we make him is what I'm saying... he could be anything, like a person or something. And I think I should be God, well... because neither of you can manipulate the nebula anyway." "You ingrate!" Insulted DAN, still shouting, "I gave you that gland and I can take it away again!" "I think that everybody who's already been a God should be automatically disqualified for nomination, they had their chance and obviously blew it," Stated the Baroness, Then added, slapping her thigh, "Well, I guess that leaves me." "Oh, HA-HA, you're a riot." Taunted DAN, feeling challenged and defensive of his former position. But all was not to be peaches and cream so easily, for the sky above darkened and the clouds began to glow an eerie purple. The world became dark and lightning flashed across the heavens. Then, (like you didn't see this coming,) A voice boomed out across the land. "Take heed, the Trilutie speak," Spoke the Trilutie, "We have monitored your diabolical planning, outlanders, and have ruled that your treatment of the people of this world is unfair. Therefore you are to be punished..." As the voice continued to speak DAN inclined his head slightly to address NICK without being overheard. "NICK," He said from the corner of his mouth, "can you analyze what that really is, we need to be sure about it before we try to take any action." "ummmm... yeah sure, hold on." Replied NICK, readily. Yet it was already too late, for even as he began to direct the ship's most sensitive apparatus toward the clouds, the Trilutie brought their speech to a jarring halt. "... It is the will of this all powerful collective," The voice was bellowing, "that you be served a sentence no less... then Death!" And on the last syllable the clouds parted, opening a ring in the atmosphere which revealed the black of space beyond. Through this enormous hole plummeted a giant meteor the size of a house, raining down onto the pantheon. The members scattered, gaining distance from the target site, as well as from one another. Fortunately, that first attack was directed at Dooly, who as we all know is indestructible. Thus it only came to pass that the impact of that hurtling rock drove him twenty odd feet into the ground, splitting the meteorite with the force of the collision, and creating a crater 30 feet in diameter. Dooly himself was unscathed, and perfectly well... aside from being stuck under a big rock. "NICK!" Shouted DAN, as he watched the next meteor come spinning through that atmospheric gap. "I was right," Verified NICK, "there's a link between the Trilutie and the inhabitants of the nebula! It must be a manifestation of their subconscious as I had theorized! They're constructing the meteors out of ambient nebulas from their place in the jail!" "Great! So how do we stop it!" DAN shouted back, but before NICK could reply, his question was answered by MEL who had overheard their conversation. Her response came in the form of her turning quickly to the closest member of the pantheon who could manipulate the nebulas, which so happened to be the Widower, and instructed her as follows: "Collapse the jail." She hissed, "quickly, destroy them all before they destroy us..." And that's all she managed, for it was at that moment that the next meteorite landed. On her. The Widower Stood for a moment in stunned incomprehension as yet another meteor sped through the rift, Then, turning her mind inward she envisioned the jail which held the nebula dwellers captive, she held that image exactly as it would appear had she been looking at it. Then she collapsed it, crushed it like a vice, flattening it completely, so that there would be no question about survivors. She heard the life drain from each one of them, felt their presence wiped from the psycho-reactive plane. The assault stopped. The meteor that had been hurtling earthward evaporated into nothing. The physical manifestation of the "Trilutie" disappeared. Without the will of the dwellers to sustain their existence even the meteorites which had fallen on Dooly and MEL vanished, releasing those individuals from their entrapment. CHAPTER: 24 "Gosh, it's just like Pinnochio." Speculated the Doomon king, wiping a false tear from his eye, "And in the end they were all happy, and the ship became a real boy... and they all lived happily ever after." The Pantheon members stood in the middle of the newly created central park, as traffic and pedestrians wandered by going about their daily lives. Glass and steel monuments to modern design towered all around them, catching the light of the noonday sun. A soft breeze whispered through the grass and trees, carrying to their ears the sound of children playing in the field. Water bubbled in a nearby fountain, and a jet plane roared overhead. Yet not a single head turned to notice the strange gathering and the great green ship which stood not ten feet away. "So, let me get this straight," NICK was saying, "You're going to imagine me into a human form, and I'll become an actual member of the pantheon instead of just being the ship?" "That is correct." Confirmed DAN. "At least until we need a ship again." Amended The Cow Goddess. "hmmmmmm..." Pondered the green floating mass of steel, "Okay, I can deal with that. Go ahead, you have my blessing." And no sooner was it said then it became reality, or as close to reality as anything in the nebula could be. There was no stunning transformation sequence, no brilliant morphing effects, just one minute a spaceship, and the next a man. He held his arms out in front of him, examining his new form, and finally nodded to himself with approval, before approaching the other pantheon members. "Should I shout 'happy birthday' or something?" He drawled. "Please don't." Smiled the Lunatic. "yeah, we'd hate to have to kill you so soon." Agreed Dooly. "Well," Said the Baroness, clapping her hands together, "that out of the way, I say we relax and head to the mall for some food and shopping before we start tearing this place apart." "Here here!" Agreed CHRIS resoundingly. "How real is nebula food anyway?" Posed the Widower. "Well, the dwellers seemed to do all right with it, I mean they've been around for a while so it can't be all that bad." James Theorized. And so they moved off in a group towards the bustling city, all except for two who lagged somewhat behind, discussing their situation. "What do you think?" Dooly asked, strolling along with his hands in his pockets, eyes squinted at the sun, "As long as we stay here we're the weakest members of this team, whereas we used to be the strongest. We can't stay like this for long." "Yeah, I know." Sighed DAN, pausing to kick a rock off the sidewalk, "funny how things work out isn't it?" "Sure, but will it still be funny tomorrow?" The Doomon king pressed, "Are you really willing to relinquish your place as easily as that, after you've spent so long defending it from ME you're just going to let it fall to THEM?" DAN stopped in his tracks, thinking it over. "Are you suggesting a truce?" He asked, eyeing his companion. "I'm suggesting a partnership." Dooly corrected. They stared after their erstwhile compatriots for a moment, studying them across the street from where they had stopped to wait. The Baroness raised an arm to wave them on, and CHRIS pointed eagerly at the door to a comic shop. "Well," DAN cast his gaze downward, then raised it again to meet the steely eyes of the Doomon lord, "I guess we'll just have to kill them all." They both laughed aloud, and then crossed the street to rejoin their friends. THE END