THE STORY BY: Steven Woodman Jr. PROLOGUE: In the beginning there were the teeming masses of the ungrateful. They wandered in the land of darkness and sun-dresses, but they lacked a Power to guide them. Wanting a deity to attribute all their successes to, and to blame for all their mistakes, they nominated the all powerful and all knowing "DAN" by default. (he was the only one not being worshipped by somebody else at the time.) Coming into the land after a brief hiatus to the "other" land (the one that borders the land on the right hand side... next to the gas station,) Dooly found these misguided louts worshipping DAN and was offended. "Why should HE have all the power?!" Said Dooly to himself, "Am I not just as good, just as deserving of the power?! ** and isn't my hair bigger than his?! **" Dooly thought and thought, and then decided his course of action. "I shall stage a coup, a war against the power of DAN, I shall defeat him and become the new God, and the land will be mine to control! All will bow down and worship me! ** and all the pizza places will continue to deliver long after midnight! **" Dooly grabbed his trusty Machine Pistol, his threadbare trenchcoat, and headed off towards the castle of DAN with an army at his back. The battle raged across the land for days and days, but the forces of DAN were many, and powerful. Finally Dooly worked his way forward and into the castle where he confronted the God DAN. "So, you want to be God do you?" asked DAN. "I would do it better than you." Replied Dooly. "No, You're wrong." Said DAN, and with that Dooly raised his gun to the God, But he was out of ammo. ** but not really! he had left the first chamber empty so as to lull the god into a false sense of security, and as DAN laughed at his seeming incompetence, Dooly pulled the trigger. A vast hail of lead poured from the weapons muzzle directly towards the laughing DAN, tearing into his body, and hurling him from the throne. His motionless form struck the floor with a dull, wet, noise, and Dooly raised his hand in triumph before realizing that he was daydreaming again. ** "See." Said DAN, and cast Dooly the adversary out of the land into the adjacent land where he was doomed to dwell for all eternity among the mortals that worshipped DAN. "I will win in the long run," Thought Dooly, "just give it time, when the world comes to an end I'll be there... waiting for a rematch." CHAPTER 1: The question of rank arises once more, stirring feelings of bitterness deep within Dooly's bosom. He looks around his domain in the world just beyond Dan-the-god's, (the one to the left, just after the gas station,) intaking the sight of his ragged legions. They are loyal to him, yes, but could this pitiful army truly avail him against the forces of DAN. "Hear me my Doomons!" he called to the terrible hordes, "Rest ye' well, And feast thee on flesh and bone, for tomorrow WE RIDE!" A cacophonous cheer arose from the crowds below, The fiercer creatures roaring their delight at the prospective battle. Yes, They were not much, but they were many, and they would see their master in the place which was his due. It was time to re-enter the "other" world. Time for the fallen to return... and to TRIUMPH! "Prepare ye' , apprentice creator, I come anon, and my sword will quench it's thirst within your breast!" CHAPTER 2: Dooly sat back in his throne with a sigh of deep anguish. "What am I about," He asked himself quietly, "To face a god who has already defeated me, and cast me out, with less of an army than I had started with? I must needs have help. But, who is there to assist me?" As if in answer to his self-directed prayer, a servant, one of the minor Doomons, came hobbling into the the hall-where-I-keep-my-throne, (for so had Dooly titled his sanctum,) and approached the Doomon god. Kneeling, the servant waited until he was addressed by his master. "Well," Dooly addressed, "What do you want, Hunter rose/ nabiki/ grendel?" "Your worship," Answered the Doomon, In a somewhat sarcastic tone, while it proceeded to claw at the throne, "A stranger has approached the walls, and requests your audience." "Well, as long as it isn't DAN, or one of his sanctimonious Dangels... you might as well admit him." And with that request, the little monster departed. Within moments a stranger clad in a black cloak, wearing spectacles on his face, and a cardigan on his breast, entered the hall-where-I-keep-my-throne, and in a voice that sounded loud throughout the hall, addressed the seated figure. "Dooly, I am a sage and an electrician, and have felt the vibrations of a great war yet-to-come ring through the middle world wherein I make my home. I know that you will march against the forces of DAN, entering into the upper world from which you have been evicted to fight and claim what you perceive to be your rightful place. I have seen these signs written in the winds, read these tales within the open pages of the sky, and my magic’s have told me that you cannot do this alone. Therefore is why I have come. I hearken to your banner, and together we shall..." "Oh. Hi, Chris." Answered Dooly, looking up from his computer and noticing (for the first time) the sage's presence. "Uh... Hello, *AHEM* Well... Uh, I guess I'm here to help. Yeah?" "But Sage! I march against the hosts of DAN, and this promises to be a bloody battle indeed! How can you, who are so soon to be wed, risk your life in such a crusade with no thought or care to your betrothed?!" "Ah, but it is my betrothed who has forced me to come!" answered the sage, bowing his head with shame, "for if I were to remain in the realm of the middle world, she would surely see me dressed in the most horrific of leathers!" "Well," Answered the Doomon king thoughtfully, "I can understand your plight, and you have seen mine, mayhaps we can assist one another. HO! I welcome you to my army O' sage, and can only hope that others will know my cause, and hearken to me in your wake!" CHAPTER 3: Meanwhile, in the world above: A lone figure, clad in dark cloth adorned with leather and chain, emerged from the borders of the middle world. Stumbling awkwardly, but bearing her suffering with grace, she worked her way into the realm of DAN. For she it was, and she alone, who had braved the portals between many worlds to learn what she now knew, and to bare that news onward to DAN! The Baroness knew her mission would succeed, knew that she could gain the castles throne room, and convince DAN of her equality now that she knew something that he did not. But, the valuable information which she carried within her had not come without a price. Her body was scored with the marks of a hundred Doomons, and she bled through her jerkin, as she forced herself to keep marching forward, ever forward, unrelenting in her determination. Even moreso now that her goal lay so close to hand. Within the walls of AMHERST, (for so was called the dwelling of the god,) DAN sat upon a throne of purest plastic and shining vinyl, contemplating the days E-mail. "Will it never cease?" He asked of no one in particular, although it brought the gaze of the Dangels which guarded his haven upon him, "These rogues continue to worship although I myself have shunned them! Their faith is great indeed, and I am well deserving of it. They have passed the test of loyalty, and truly they shall find themselves rewarded when I come down to dwell among them!" A great calamity arose from the gate just then, rousing DAN from his speculations, and standing up from his computer desk, he made his way to the east window. "HO THERE!" He called out in a mighty and commanding voice, and instantly all was silence, "What are you Dangels about down there?!" "Your pardon, sire," cowered the gate guards, "But a women comes to the castle from the portals of the middle worlds, she demands entrance and we have not the will, nor the ability to stay her!" What was this? Thought the god, a woman of great power come from the lands beyond his own? How, and why? He must know! "Let her come!" He called out to the guards, "If you cannot stay her, simply let her in, and guide her into my audience!" "As you command most holy one!" And as it was said, so it was done. "Ah, I see." Said DAN, almost as soon as the woman entered his dwelling, "It is you, Baroness, I should have guessed. What do you here among your betters?" "HA!" The Baroness snorted derisively, "I see only my equals here, if even you are THAT much! For I bring news that only I could have gained so soon, and that you would never have suspected ere' long a sword had pierced your left nostril!" "What?!" Shouted the god, taken momentarily aback by the visitors curtness, and the message she alluded to, "What speak you?" "I tell of the plans of the Doomon king, for he is about another crusade!" "Dooly?! But, I cast him out into the lower world..." "And it is from there that he leads his assault without your knowledge!" Interrupted the Baroness, then smiled, her lip lifting only slightly in a display that both aroused and cowed the spellbound god, "I have come with warning... as well as with an offer." "Wh-wh-what offer is this?" Stammered DAN, his voice cracking on the last syllable. "Oh shut-up you pig!" Shouted the baroness, "It's nothing like that! I have come to offer my assistance! I will join you in defending yourself from the forces that even now rally against you! I will fight beside you... on one condition." "Pray ye'," asked the god, humbled now, "tell what condition, and I will accept it gladly if only to enlist your aid." "You will call me an equal." She stated flatly, a noble air surrounding her like a fine mist, "You will acknowledge me as having the same rank in all things, regardless of what world I have come from. Can you do that, 'mighty' DAN?" "I can," answered the god, (because this is fiction,) "And what is more... I shall!" And it was thus that the warrior and the god formed an uneasy alliance against the forces from the underworld! CHAPTER 4: ** Dooly looked around at his pitiful army and thought to himself, "Ah. Who am I kidding, this will never work." And instead turned all of his attentions towards beating the sage Chris at mariokart. While in the world above: DAN found himself evicted from AMHERST! "I have been forced to depart my own castle, I shall return to the land of GRAFTON, where I will dwell among the normal folk for the rest of my days... cest la voi, what strange times we live in. BELL BOY, MY LUGGAGE!" And with that, took his leave of the upper world. ** "Dooly, wake up." Came a voice which penetrated through the gloom of the Doomon lord's slumber, "You're holding me." "Wha?" He mumbled, rolling over, and blinking the sleep from his eyes. "What's going on, who is that?" "I am the one they call the Bleak Widower, I am come to your hall from the portals to worlds beyond. I have been summoned by the sage Chris-the-electrician in order to assist you in your plight." "Well, that's just Ginchy *AHEM* I mean... Your aid is most timely O' dark one, But forsooth, why hast though awakened me?" "Your dreams did guide you through realms no mortal was meant to see..." "MORTAL! How dare you! I am next in line to be GOD!" Dooly threw himself upright, springing from his bed, and turning to face the voice all in one fluid motion, "Who are YOU to tell me that I, BUH..." The Doomon king froze in the midst of his wrath, and stopped to stare at the being who had so easily penetrated into his inner sanctum: the Place-where-I-keep-my-bed, (for so was this hall titled.) She was tall, but not to the point of intimidation, with short hair as scarlet as the blood of princes. Her clothes wisped and fluttered around her, light as cobweb in a morning breeze, and seemed to be spun of the finest webs of a thousand spiders. She smiled subtly, and the Doomon lord was so impressed with her... Uh, TACT... that he was forced to change his stratagem. "DUH, Uh-Huh... H-h-h-how do you Dooooooooo! I'm the... my name is Dooly, what's YOURS?" He said, as suavely as possible for a drooling idiot to manage. "I am the Widower." She replied simply, "I am the physical embodiment of the shared spirit of all spiders, it is through me that they draw their want and will, nay... even unto their very desire, for I am them, and as a whole... they comprise me!" Dooly rolled over, and blinked the sleep from his eyes once more, (having fallen back into that comfortable grasp as the spider-spirit had woven her answer, spinning the words even as a spider spins it's silken web.) "YAWN," He began to orate his feelings about the Widower's answer, "Oh, yeah, that's great... Where is Chris-the-electrician anyway?" "He is in the hall-where-I-keep-my-throne, continuing to summon those who might aid you." She answered, as she rose from the corner of the Doomon king's bed where she had been sitting. The strands of her clothes seemed to cling momentarily to the bed sheets, lingering long enough for her to begin moving, before coming away in wisps and curls to follow her. "I will be a great asset to you in your battle, lord of the Doomons, for with my power at your side, you may give command to your army without need to be near them." "What?! How is this?" Asked Dooly, confused. "With a spider on the shoulder of each and every soldier, (say that three times fast, nevermind, it's easy, forget I said anything,) and me by your side, where so ever you may be. Simply tell me what your commands are, and through me the spiders will KNOW as well, and guide your troops into action!" The spider queen rhymed, (except for that last bit.) Dooly may have been the Doomon king, but he was no military genius, (as is witnessed in the fact that he had failed to usurp DAN in the FIRST place,) nonetheless, even HE could see the distinct tactical advantage that this spider-spirit would present him with. So he was quick to assure her of her necessity. "You can do that?" He said, really pouring it on, "Gee, you're real good. Do you wanna get something to eat, while Chris-the-electrician does that summoning thang?" "Why... yes. I am a bit... HUNGRY." She rasped, giving Dooly a look that he didn't quite know how to interpret. Just then, Chris-the-electrician burst forth into the Doomon king's chambers, waving his arms frantically, and mumbling to himself, though he spoke so all could hear. "I did it, I did it, Nya-nya-nya-na-nya-nyaaaaaaa!" He spoke, in the dialect of sage's that none, save he, could understand. "What troubles you my sage?" Queried Dooly, Still eyeing the Widower uncomfortably. She licked her lips in return, and he turned his full attention to the sage in an effort to distract himself from the sight. "I've summoned a most powerful ally..." Then he paused to intake the scene before him, and finally turned to Dooly, a look of concern dominating his features, and asked, "You didn't mention anything about..." his eyes swiveled warily back towards the spider-spirit, " F-O-O-D, did you?" "UR... No, of course not. Why would I?" Said Dooly defensively. "Oh. Good. Well, Don't. That would be a bad idea." He said, not quite convinced of the Doomon lord's sincerity. "Um, You were saying something about an ally?" Dooly tactfully drew the sage's attentions back to the original reason for his timely intrusion. "Oh, yeah," The electrician ripped his gaze from the Widower, and planted it upon the Doomon lord, "I've summoned some... THING, that I think you should see." And, turning towards the door, he beckoned over his shoulder for them to follow. CHAPTER 5: DAN and his new chief of war, the Baroness, studied the intricate computer rendering of his castle AMHERST, looking for areas that lay prone to attack, and in need of fortification before the forthcoming assault by the Doomon lord. "It doesn't look good," said the Baroness, speaking frankly as was her wont, "he's got at least as many Doomons as you have Dangels, and your castle is so constructed as to limit your own range of strategy, where as his, on the open plain, is virtually unlimited. Truly it will only be the power of you and whom you choose for allies that shall decide the outcome of THIS battle." "You have yet to steer me wrong, Baroness," Said DAN, admiring the lady's... Uh, TACT... "since your arrival you have brought my army under a semblance of readiness, and have advised me unfailingly as to the truth of my situation." "Thank you for saying so, *sniff,sniff* I feel so WANTED." Said the Baroness, tears springing to her eyes in a fit of emotion that DAN had become accustomed to over the past couple of days. "But, who," He questioned, ignoring the blubbering of his chief warrior, "Would I, A GOD, seek to ally myself with? Who would be fit to assist ME?" "I have heard rumors," Responded the Baroness immediately, as if she had known he would ask, and had prepared an answer beforehand, "On my many journeys through the outer worlds, of a place, an alternate existence. A mirror image of our own worlds, wherein dwell beings not unlike ourselves." "...AND?!" Asked DAN, with all the patience of a god. "Well, it would stand to reason that if this mirror world exists, that there is a mirror GOD who has created it!" Explained the leather garbed warrior, "I should believe that it would not be beyond YOUR power to draw him into this world in order to assist you!" "Yes, well... I knew that." answered DAN, and immediately turned from the computer and the Baroness both to walk across his room towards the far wall. The Baroness turned to follow him, shaking her head as if in disgust. On the far wall hung an ornate mirror which shined from within, the light reflected off of the world beyond it. DAN halted in front of the sparkling glass, and without hesitation thrust his hands into it's reflective depths. The polished glass rippled and swirled about his arms as they plunged, elbow deep, past the surface. DAN rotated his shoulders in a circle, slowly drawing forth his hands, pulling back from the mirror. The baroness half expected his arms to come away wet, for the surface of the mirror so resembled the rippling of a pond, but as they came out she saw that they were as dry as when they had gone in. Yet, as his hands finally broke the surface and were clearly visible once more, she did notice one major difference. They held something! DAN twisted and pulled, fighting to draw his own reflection from the mirror! And slowly, ever so slowly, but with great effort, the reflection came! Until finally there lay DAN, panting and tired with exertion, on the floor of his room, next to his reflection. The Baroness look became quizzical as she studied the doppleganger more closely, the thing that struck her as particularly odd was that the curly haired be-spectacled individual beside DAN looked absolutely nothing like him! "What the HELL do you think your DOING, DAN?" Queried the reflection, harshly. DAN's head snapped up, eyes wide, all evidence of his prior weariness dissipating on the instant. "CHRIS?" He asked, not daring to believe, but knowing it to be true. "Who did you think it was? Rock Hudson?" Said CHRIS, raising himself off the floor, and dusting his clothes off with his hands before turning to assist DAN in rising. "But, B-but, I don't get it," Stammered DAN, "What were you doing in that alternate universe?" "Doing?" Reiterated CHRIS, at once angered and puzzled, "I CREATED that universe, so that I could have one aside from YOURS!" "But, Why would you make it a mirror image if you didn't like MINE!" "I never said that I didn't like yours, all I said was that I wanted one ASIDE from it." "OH. Okay, I suppose I can see that." "*AHEM*" The Baroness cleared her throat, then spat on the floor at the GODS feet, "Perhaps you are forgetting the point of this exercise DAN?!" "Oh yeah, Umm, will you help me CHRIS?" "Help you do what? I have my own problems you know! Hmmm, on second though...yeah, I'll help you. if you promise to help ME in return." "UH... deal, sure." "My, my," Uttered the Baroness, still shaking her head in disgust, "You gentlemen are doing a wonderful job of avoiding the issue at hand. So, might I suggest that you tell each other what the problem IS!" CHRIS and DAN looked at her, then at one another, and then began in unison: "Well, there's this guy who's going to lead an army against me in order to steal my place as..." Then they stopped, gawked at one another in consternation, then turned back to the Baroness, seeking guidance. "Well, DUH!" She answered their questioning gazes, "You ARE from mirror worlds, OF COURSE you have the same problem. So, The man we're up against is Dooly and if you help us fight him, then we can help you fight off your guy, capiche'?" "yeah, okay... You speak wisely warrior, DAN has chosen you well." Answered CHRIS. "Whatever. So... what's the name of the guy trying to take YOUR realm anyway?" "His name," Answered CHRIS, " Rob." CHAPTER 6: As the sage Chris-the-electrician lead the Widower and Dooly, (who kept the Widower where he could see her,) towards the hall-where-I-keep-my-throne, a loud commotion began to make it's way to their ears. The closer they came, the more they were able to discern the meaning of that raucous wailing, for within the hall was imprisoned a creature not unlike a human male, except with more hair, and a nasty disposition. "Look." Said the Electrician, stopping in the doorway and raising a single finger to point out the monstrosity. Dooly and the Widower looked, and were startled by the sight before them. The Ape-man swiveled his head to stare back at them from within the circle of binding where the sage had imprisoned him, and hurled a stream of expletives that made the Doomon king cringe in fear and loathing. "Why have I been summoned here!" The hairy man growled, "You have no right to imprison me, why... I am the next GOD! I have work to do, free me or you shall all suffer my wrath! I shall..." And thereupon the creature's oratory deteriorated once again into a mire of uncouth verse. But, something he had said clawed at the Doomon lord's mind, and refused to let him be, until finally he turned to address the sage. "I'm going in to talk to him," He whispered, not wishing the man inside to hear should his cursing cease long enough to give him a clear ear, "When I say it, release him from the spell which binds him... No, no, do not try to dissuade me, I know what it is that needs to be done here if I am to gain another ally." So saying, the Doomon lord turned and entered the great hall, in spite of the protests which struck at his back. "HO There, strange one." He hailed with raised hand, as he approached the incensed creature. "Not so strange as some!" It snarled, in answer, "Why am I brought here, and who art though who has accomplished so great a task as to have bid forth the unborn?" "I am Dooly, lord of the Doomons, king of this realm and eternal adversary to the god DAN." "OH-HO!" Ejaculated the creature, standing back to take in the Doomon king, surprise registering on his bestial features, "The god DAN is it?! and YOU the eternal adversary, it is indeed a far off land to which I have come! For know this, O' Doomon king, that where I find my bed each night, I am the adversary of the most high of "gods", and that HE is called CHRIS-the-right-headed!" "How now, Another world you say, and a creature of your appearance in MY stead!" Exclaimed Dooly, stunned, "But, how can anything else be true when my own eyes bear me witness of your presence! Tell me creature, how can this be so, and who are you who would speak it thusly?" Now, the sage and the Widower had entered the hall to better hear the converse of the opposing adversary's, and so stood nearby as the creature spoke it's heritage. "Call me not a beast nor a creature, for I am of the unborn, and before birth was known, all appeared as I do now! And thou shalt address me hereforth with the utmost respect, for I am none other than Lunatic Moonstone, called Rob!" "Lunatic Moonstone?" Questioned the widower. "Maybe his parents were hippies." Speculated the Doomon king. "Hey! Minus ten karma for breaking character, Dooly!" Screeched the sage, almost immediately. "Huh?! OH... yeah, sorry. *AHEM* forgive my untoward remarks of previous, Lord Rob, for I knew not to whom I addressed myself." The Doomon lord recovered, with no small degree of finesse, "These are similar straights I find myself in, similar indeed to your own, and... should I free you, I think that we might benefit from assisting one another, would that be agreeable?" "Most agreeable, Doomon Lord, now that you have found some semblance of a civilized tongue! Free me, and we shall discuss the details of our alliance!" Having heard this Dooly gave an almost imperceptible nod to the sage, and, so seeing, the Electrician moved his hands in such a manor as to release the invisible bonds which had held the unborn one captive. "And now," Uttered Rob, stepping towards the small group, flexing his arms as if to be sure that his restraints were no longer in evidence, "We shall see if you are indeed fit to DESERVE my assistance! Prepare yourself Dooly!" And, with that, The unborn one threw himself forwards into the midst of his summoners. CHAPTER 7: "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, WAIT!" Exclaimed DAN, "Just wait one minute here!" The god stood in the throne room of AMHERST with his general and his mirror twin, questioning the ability of CHRIS to have created another universe. "What, exactly," Asked the god, "are your powers, and/or special abilities, anyway?!" "Well," Answered CHRIS, feinting deep thought, "I can, Ummm..." The Baroness looked up expectantly. "I can.. ~~~~~~................................" Mumbled the mirror god. "WHAT?!" Spat DAN. "Yeah, could you repeat that a little louder, some of us at the back of the class are having a little trouble hearing you." Responded the Baroness, her repartee rife with sarcasm, (for a CHANGE.) "I SAID," Reiterated CHRIS, "That I have the power to turn the color green into a slightly different shade of the color green. Well... it's not really a POWER per say... it's more of a rather singular TALENT really, and..." "Wait a minute again. I have another question," Posed DAN, "Ummm, how is it that you created a mirror version of my own universe when the only ability you boast is turning green into green, I was just wondering really, how is that possible? Hmmm?" "Well... I didn't really CREATE it I guess." CHRIS admitted, rather unwillingly, but feeling the pressure of their eyes upon him forced himself to continue, "I just sort of took the ACTUAL mirror image of yours, and made it slightly... greener." "GREENER!" Shouted DAN. "Yes. But just enough so that I was god, and not you... I'm sorry." "How could you!" Raged DAN, in a godly tantrum, "That was MY mirror image universe, you had no right! Why, I should..." "Should what?!" Countered CHRIS, "HUH? what are you gonna do? Well, PINK BOY, bring it on! We'll see how YOU like being GREEN for a little while! C'MON KERMIT, Do somethin'!" CHRIS raised his hands, ready to defend, as DAN's eyes glowed defiance, and he raised his own hands to strike, it could have meant the difference of a shade of green to our story if only it weren't for the Baroness timely intervention. "Will, you boy's just stop it! I mean, children please, we're allies for a little while right, if we don't start acting like it then you might as well hand over BOTH your universes to your respective adversaries! God, I thought dissension was supposed to be prevalent in the enemy's camp!" "Yes, your right of course." Acknowledged DAN, "I don't know what I'd do without so level-headed an advisor." "Yeah," stated CHRIS, "I wish I had an... Hey, wait a minute. I forgot my advisor!" "Oh no." Stated the Baroness simply, her mind whirling about her. 'If it's a mirror world where everything is a shade different from this one,' She thought to herself, 'then his advisor can only be MY mirror image! for that is the function which I perform to his equivalent in THIS universe!' The thought struck horror into her heart, the prospect of meeting an alternate version of herself wore heavily on her mind. There were so many questions: would they get along? Did they have the same tastes? Would she be wearing the same outfit? 'Oh my god! I'd be SO embarrassed!' And it seemed that it would not be long till her questions were answered, for, even now CHRIS was reaching back into the mirror to draw forth his advisor! CHAPTER 8: The world below: Chris-the-electrician pressed his back close to the cold gray stone which comprised the corridor that lead to the hall-where-I-keep-my-dinette-set, feeling it chafe against his flesh through the thin robes he wore. Sweat dotted his brow, which was furrowed in concentration, as he struggled to recall what had occurred previously. How had he come into this plight? Slowly the memory resolved itself, rising aloft from the mists in his mind, shining with a new clarity: The unborn one had shot forward to land at the feet of the Doomon lord, and then he had presented the terms of his challenge in full detail, Dooly, never one to be outdone, had nodded his assent, and then they had all dispersed. At first the sage had run blindly through the long dark corridors of MY CASTLE, (for so had the Doomon lord labeled his keep,) striving simply to put distance between himself and the others, now he was forced to change his tactic. The hunted to the hunter! If he were to survive this terrible challenge, he would need to find his enemy before he himself was found. The sage moved his hands over the stone, chanting in some long forgotten tongue, and as his flesh massaged the wall, so it became smooth under his fingers. The stone melted and flowed, becoming only as solid as gray Jell-O, and the Electrician stepped forward, submerging himself in the gelatinous rock, which jiggled and wiggled as it swallowed his body, then solidified, becoming once more a normal wall. Dooly peered cautiously around the corner into the hall-where-I-keep-my-shower, his eyes darting back and forth rapidly, trying to look everywhere at once. He knew his victory, nay, even unto his continued existence hinged upon his being the champion of the unborn one's challenge, and so he searched feverishly throughout the length and breadth of his castle, trying to locate Rob. A soft sound, not more than the exhale of a baby's breath, arose from just in front of him, and he gawked as the wall before his eyes warped and flexed outward to disgorge the robed figure of his sage Chris-the- electrician. The sage hurriedly ran to the Doomon king's position, ducking down to sit in the lee of the toilet, back to the wall. His gaze shifting fervently around the four corners of the hall. "How come you here O' sage?" queried the Doomon lord, in a throaty whisper. "I cast a minor finding to locate the one we seek, it brought me here. Indeed our query is not far afield." Responded he. "Verily. You have the right of it, for I can spy him from here!" Answered Dooly suddenly, as he caught the slight shifting of motion from the corner of his vision. Sure enough, the unborn one stalked around the far corner, skirting the edge of the hall, he walked in a lope crouched low to the ground, stopping frequently to scent the air for his prey. In this fashion he worked his way ever closer to the hiding sage and his king. "Lord Dooly, we are found!" Shrilled the electrician, in an almost silent exhale that nonetheless found the Doomon lord's ear. Their eyes stayed riveted to the unborn one's lupine figure, their bodies frozen with tension and overwhelmed by fear, they could only watch as Rob stalked ever closer. Of a sudden, something small detached itself from the stone ceiling just above the lunatic's head. It glided fluidly down a single silken strand to land soundlessly on the floor in the wake of the Moonstone. A spider. A spider no bigger than a man's little toe, yet it rushed forward to catch up with the unborn one as if it were 10,000 times it's actual size, and had nothing to fear from one such as he. "See you this O' sage?" Hissed Dooly, and Chris-the- electrician nodded and stared in return. All their fear forgotten, even though the unborn one was almost upon them, for as they stared the form of the spider blurred! It's rearmost legs, two to a side, melded together to form a single thick limb on either side, even as the front two pairs bled into one another becoming a single pair of thickened limbs. The arachnid's form twisted and expanded, bloating outward, changing shape as the many eyes of it's head gathered into two, and the curve of it's body slimmed into human proportion. Within seconds the form was that of the Widower! The spider-spirit had successfully tracked the Lunatic throughout his hunt, but had allowed him to get close enough to his quarry so as to demonstrate to the Doomon lord and the sage that without her, they would have been lost. But, now, in the final seconds of the hunt, it was she who had the unborn one right where she wanted him. She reached out a slender arm, moving with all the delicate grace of a spider treading across it's tightrope web, and laid a petite hand on the Lunatic's shoulder. Rob froze, And in the second before the Widower's voice breathed in his ear, he realized that he had lost at his own game. "Tag, your it." Said the Spider-spirit, and Lunatic Moonstone cursed himself all the way back to the hall- where-I-keep-my-throne. Wherein he agreed to aid in the Doomon lord's cause, but to be answerable only to the one who had defeated him in the hunt. "It is good." Said Dooly, "you are indeed a man of honor, but we are still not enough to pit against the forces which DAN is surely amassing. I must seek others to help us." "Your pardon, Dooly." Spoke the Lunatic, (in the most eldrich sense of the word,) "But I also have a mage of no small ability who, were I to summon him, could lend his power to your own sage's thereby increasing our magic two- fold!" "Indeed." Dooly's eyes glittered, "Well then, summon him at once, if you would be so kind, and when he is come bring him to my chambers so that I might make his acquaintance, for that is where I shall be. It has been a tiring day, and if you will all pardon me, I think I shall retire for the evening." Dooly turned to exit the room, but not before noticing that the Lunatic turned to the Widower, and waited for her nod of acknowledgment before commencing his summoning ceremony. 'That's fine,' thought the Doomon lord, 'as long as he's working for me, it doesn't really matter who's actually giving the orders.' Little did he know exactly how wrong that sentiment would eventually prove. CHAPTER 9: The form came away from the mirror's surface easily as CHRIS pulled, holding it by the shoulders, and then, there she stood gazing at the room around her, a look of wonder dominating her features. "Everybody, this MEL 2000, my synthetic advisor... I programmed her myself." CHRIS radiated pride, beaming as all examined the android, and it, in turn, examined them. She, (for to all intents and purposes the machine was decorated to represent a female human,) was slightly shorter than CHRIS, and had long blond hair which had been drawn into pigtails on either side of her head, she wore a pink dress with white frills and a perpetual smile, that was almost immediately annoying. "Well," Said DAN, "She's cute, I'll give you that, but, doesn't programming your own advisor sort of defeat the purpose of having one?" "Hmmm. I never thought of that... No wonder I always like her ideas." CHRIS speculated aloud. Meanwhile M.E.L. had wandered over towards where the Baroness stood, eyeing the machine with a degree of disgust. "Hello!" Said the machine, in a happy, childlike, annoying manner, "I like you! You're pretty, and what a strange outfit! What is this material?" "Um..." The Baroness was momentarily taken aback by the question, but recovered quickly, "It's leather, Don't tell me you've never seen leather before?" "No never!" Responded M.E.L. still beaming, "It looks uncomfortable, I like my dress! Do you like my dress? I think it's the best!" "Honey, we need to talk." Stated the Baroness, and taking the cute android by the arm dragged her out of earshot of the menfolk, with glorious plans to corrupt her mortal soul, (if she had one.) CHRIS watched his creation with a broad smile, and DAN could only stare at him, mouth agape, until he finally forced but a few words past his dry lips. "You're sick." He wheezed, "you do realize that, don't you." "Yup. Uh-Huh, Uh-Huh, Uh-Huh." CHRIS answered, nodding his head rigorously. "What does the M.E.L. in MEL stand for, anyway?" "Uh... You don't want to know." "Oooookay. I don't want to know." DAN watched the android speaking with his own advisor in a far corner, and wondered, if only briefly, what it was they might have to talk about, before turning back to address his doppleganger once more. "I don't suppose that I could..." "No." Interrupted CHRIS, still watching his creation. "Bastard." And so time passed in the upper world... CHAPTER 10: The Doomon lord rested his head upon the downy pillows which adorned the bed in his sleep chamber, until his eyelids weighed heavy with the events of the day. He drifted comfortably through the realm between sleep and wakefulness, barely registering, consciously, the slight sound which brought him back to full alertness. Chris-the-electrician stole into the chamber after the fashion of those who manipulate magic’s, and silently approached the Doomon lord, who lay, seemingly, in sleep. "I prithee, Lord Dooly, wake! For I have matters which needs must be discussed, although in private." Spoke the sage softly. "I do not sleep, O' sage. Pray, tell me your concern." asked the Doomon king, without a word of reproach to the magic user, because he realized the matter must indeed be urgent to drive the sage here at such a time. "It is for the loyalties of the two which I have summoned forth into your service, lord. I have witnessed deeds which suggest that perhaps they do not respect your cause as much as they could... and this causes me some worry." "Fear not for my safety, loyal Magus, nor for your own, I have but little knowledge of such workings except that what can be summoned by magic, can be dismissed by that same route, is this not true?" "Yes, lord, it is." "then prepare the necessary spells, and should your fears come to bear the rotten fruit of prophecy, then we shall return these pawns to the realms from which they hail." "As you command it, so have I already done." Said the sage, reaching into the folds of his robe and drawing forth an amulet of purest ice encased in bronze, "This charm need only be cast to the floor to carry out that very sentiment, for when the ice within is broken the spell will enact itself. I give it to you, for if indeed my words have the ring of truth those who I have summoned will seek to do me harm first and foremost, to protect themselves from banishment!" "You are indeed wise, and worthy of your title O' sage, but... will not the ice melt, enacting the spell before the time is ripe?" The Wizard's face fell. surprise turning quickly to embarrassment, and then finally to shame. Placing the amulet back into his robe he withdrew from the room, shuffling his feet across the stone floor, and muttering to himself. The Doomon lord stared after him for a moment, eyeing the door he had passed through, when of a sudden another form stood framed within the doorway, and called his attention. "I have done as you requested, Dooly," Grated the voice of the Lunatic, "and called my mage forth from my own universe. Even now he is here, standing ready to meet your approval." Dooly took a time, as the unborn one awaited his reply, to contemplate the nature of the beast before him, in hopes of gaining insight into his mind's workings. Could this one betray him so soon? He knew a little of words and their inherent meanings which helped him to puzzle out Rob's chosen titles. 'Lunatic,' he thought, 'was a term assigned those who were insane in days when such anomalies were attributed to the phases of the moon. the word itself is a derivative of the word lunar. As for Moonstone, well it only serves to accompany the previous title, and to substantiate my theory concerning it's origins.' 'This... Rob,' He continued to theorize, 'is a worshiper of the moon, and she is one of the oldest of gods, worshipped since before mankind by the howls of those who dwell in the forests of deepest night. Why, and so is this Rob like unto those very creatures in his bearing and manner!' Dooly scratched his chin, 'from what I know of these beasts, they dwell in packs, benefiting one another’s existence. this would indicate loyalty, and a fierce devotional honor... one such as this would not betray me of his own accord. Yet,' recalled the Lord of Doomons, 'it is not ME to which he owes such loyalty.' Dooly looked up from his reverie, and gazed on the Lunatic with new eyes. Eyes at once observant, and wary. Then, he addressed himself to the waiting man. "I will interview him from my throne, as is befitting one of my status. Please, go you to make him ready, and I will be there directly." The Lunatic nodded, and then loped away off down the corridors of MY CASTLE, the padding of his feet echoing back to the Doomon king's ears as he began to rouse himself from bed. CHAPTER 11: Dooly had stopped by the hall-where-I-keep-a-bed-for-my- guests on his way to the hall-where-I-keep-my-throne, in order to ask Chris-the-electrician if he would accompany him on his way. "Of course," Answered the wizard, amiably, and finished the trinket he was working on with a flourish before holding it aloft, "And THIS, is for you." The bauble looked to be a monkey constructed of molded red plastic, and strung to a thread of blue yarn. It was quite gaudy, and brought to mind the toys one might get from a vending machine after depositing a quarter and turning the crank. "What is it?" queried the Doomon king. "Why, have you forgotten so soon! Tis the very device we spoke of previously, which will dispel all I have summoned when activated." "You mean I gotta' where that ugly thing!" Dooly leered, "Oh well, whatever. How does it work." "Well," answered the sage, somewhat disheartened by Dooly's thoughtless criticism, "You just yank it so that it breaks free of the yarn, then throw it. That's all." "Oh, all right." Said the Doomon lord, resigning himself to it, and taking the plastic monkey, looped the yarn about his neck. "There, let's go." In the hall-where-I-keep-my-throne, three persons waited as Dooly and Chris entered and walked to the front of the room. Dooly seated himself upon the throne and acknowledge the Widower, as well as the Moonstone, but refrained from addressing the one he did not recognize, for he appeared to have his attentions engaged. The Lunatic's mage, for so he could only assume it was, was dressed all in a black robe which covered him head to toe and bore a hood that would have concealed his features, (as was doubtless it's purpose,) if the light in the hall had not been so good. But, it was. And so Dooly observed, with no small amount of amusement, that the man was trying to set his face in a look of hardened concentration, but only succeeded in looking as though he needed to use the bathroom. The mage danced in a circle, moving his arms in spasmodic gestures, while chanting an unfamiliar verse over and over, So Dooly dared not interrupt lest he despoil the magic user's spell, whatever it might be. "FIRE! DO-DO-DO-DO-DOOO, YOU'VE GOT TO LEARN, DO-DO-DO- DO-DOOO. FIRE! DO-DO-DO-DO-DOOO, YOU'VE GOT TO BURN, DO- DO-DO-DO-DOOO..." and so on. So it was that the mage chanted as his body moved, somewhat in time with the verse. Dooly dared not interrupt, yet the Lunatic had no such qualm, and introduced the mage in a loud voice. "Lord of the Doomons, I present you my mage: a druid most powerful, the Mad Monk James-the-naked!" The Mad Monk did not cease in his chanting for a second, but raised a single hand to acknowledge the Doomon king, and the continued with his dance. "Lord Lunatic," Questioned Dooly, "is it wise to interrupt him whilst he works his magic’s?" "No magic is this." Stated the Lunatic, giving his mage a sidelong glance, "Tis but something he does when there is naught else to occupy him." "AH." Nodded the Doomon king in understanding, and regarded the druid with something less than awe, then asked "What sort of powers does he usually call upon when he does do magic?" "Oh! his powers are tremendous indeed!" Assured the Lunatic. "Yes," Agreed Chris-the-electrician from where he stood by the throne, "but, what exactly are they?" "They are the powers that even gods fear!" Exclaimed Rob, shaking a clenched fist vigorously to accentuate his words, "Powers that, were you to but witness them only once you would be struck blind by the shear overwhelming... POWER!" "Yet, you are not blind." Observed Dooly. "Well... Only the fact that I have not been forced to bear witness to such remarkable displays, have I been spared that horrible affliction! Indeed I pray that I never shall have to be!" Pleaded the Lunatic. Chris and Dooly exchanged glances, while the Widower eyed the mage with growing contempt. "You mean... you've never seen him do ANY magic?" Asked Chris. "Heaven forbid that I should!" Said the Lunatic. "... I see." Nodded the sage. Then, turning to Dooly, he whistled and moved his forefinger around his ear in a circular motion. But the Doomon lord failed to see, for his attentions were rapt on the druid, who had ceased his chant and stood still with his feet set far apart, his fingers hooked into talons, and his arms flexed wide. "Is he posing?" Asked the Doomon lord of the Lunatic. "Yes, he does that sometimes," Answered Rob, turning from the throne to face his mage, "But listen close, for he mutters when he does this, and you will hear how truly terrible he is!" ** "his eyes and hands burn with a strange blue fire that radiates a chilling effect (coldfire)." The Mad Monk's voice was barely audible as he whispered his stunning narrative, "He can walk in out of the shadows as an entrance but he always disappears in a flash of smoke (gray fog) that dissipates and leaves behind the faint aroma of elderberries (he is, after all, an ancient, ELDER god:)). his cowl is always on his head and only his mouth and glowing burning blue eyes can be seen from within. He almost never smiles, but at something humorous he will smirk. his powers include creating great or small embankments of fog, incinerating creatures or objects in a cold fire (coldfire) which acts like a disintegration spell, teleporting himself and others in a puff of gray smoke. his feet cannot be seen due to the robes. the fog does not cause the coldfire, these are two different affects. this figure melts away into shadows and fog and other such hideable places, usually not to return. If injured he will bleed coldfire, not blood. If he is "destroyed" he is not destroyed but dissipated to return later. if he gets dissipated his avatar form will explode in an inferno of Coldfire...." And so on. ** The Widower stepped back a pace or two, in order to give the monk a wide berth as she moved to join the others around the throne. There, they all eyed the aptly named Mad Monk, as he continued to pose his way through a detailed commentary, seemingly ignorant of the gazes upon him. "He's Uhmm, He's not very GOOD." Stated Chris, and Dooly nodded agreement. They all turned to face Rob, who fumed for a moment, glowering down at his "all powerful" enchanter, before muttering under his breath. "Let's see YOU try to find a good magic user in this day and age..." and then broke down into a fit of swearing. NOTE: in this chapter the "**" sign denotes dialogue submitted by James bent. CHAPTER 12: "Oh my! This is the cutest little plant I have ever seen! I love it sooo much, I want to give it a great big kiss! *smooch* For you little plant, Tee-hee!" DAN, CHRIS, and the Baroness, sat around the god's room in the castle AMHERST with dreary countenances. The M.E.L. android had been going on like this ever since she had arrived, and they were all quite bored with it, even CHRIS, who mumbled: "Maybe I should have given her an off switch." "Maybe you should have given her an instant-painful- death switch." Muttered DAN in return. "I may just have to leave shortly," Said the Baroness, "I've just remembered that I scheduled a Dangel combat training class for today and I don't want to..." "Oh no you don't," Interrupted DAN, "You're staying right here and be utterly miserable with the rest of us." The Baroness breathed a heavy exhale, and slumped back into her chair, folding her arms across her chest in a gesture of subjugation. "Why all the sad faces!" Piped the robot as she approached where the others had gathered to wallow in their grief, "We don't have any mister smiley's today! Karen you should..." "It's 'the Baroness' if you please." She griped. "Okay," Corrected M.E.L. "The-Baroness-if-you-please, you should help me cheer up these grumpy gus's, after all, it's a woman's place!" The Baroness gave CHRIS a disgusted look, as he whistled and tried to blend into the chair he sat upon. "You are despicable." She hissed. CHRIS shrunk even more, trying to fold himself away from her gaze. "Even I wouldn't go THAT far in programming a humanoid robot, CHRIS. You ARE despicable." Said DAN, earning himself his own glare, from CHRIS this time. "Give me the programming code." Said the Baroness flatly. "WHAT!" Exclaimed CHRIS, "But it took me a long time to get her just right, and..." "GIVE-ME-THE-PROGRAMMING-CODE." Reiterated the irate Baroness. "All right, all right. It's voice command based programming, just speak the program code then dictate alterations, okay?" Said CHRIS, still hesitating to give the code. "CHRIS!" Shouted the Baroness, making his name into a demand. "ALL RIGHT I SAID!" He shouted back, then, taking a deep breath exhaled it in a few words, "The code is... Excite me." DAN Glowered. The Baroness clucked her tongue and stared. And CHRIS climbed down off his chair and crawled under the table, waiting for the attention to move away from him. "I can see that this is going to take some major reprogramming." Stated the Baroness as she rose from her seat, and moved towards the robot. "Oh GEE, Do you think?" Said DAN sarcastically, and followed her with the intention of helping. CHRIS remained under the table all night, as the others stayed awake in order to alter M.E.L.'s program, They thought he was overplaying his part, but in truth he had fallen asleep, and by the morning had forgotten all about it. Although he did bump his head on the table when he awoke, and wondered what in the Sam-hill he was doing there. CHAPTER 13: THE UNDERWORLD: All lay quiet in and around MY CASTLE, as both master and servant alike took their hours of rest... But, in the- hall-where-I-keep-a-bed-for-my-guests-not-the-original- one-but-a-different-one-for-if-I-have-another-guest-and- there's-already-one-in-the-first-one, the Mad Druid tossed and mumbled in a restless sleep. His sheets he had kicked down to the bottom of the bed, his still robed form was damp with sweat, and he flailed his arms and cried out as his dream brought him into the mind of another: THE MIDDLE WORLD: The warrior stood on a hillside which overlooked the village of his birth, his hands rested on the butt of his broadsword where he held it, point to the earth, in front of him. He basked in the warm rays of the noon sun, and nodded to himself. His curly rust colored hair waved and danced in the luke breezes, and the coarse bristles of his similarity hued beard scratched the massive expanse his of chest as he turned to address his companion. "What say you, Jeff, are we prepared to take leave of this township?" The Viking warrior asked in a deep bass, that rumbled from his throat with the force of a landslide. "Hey, don't ask me," answered his sidekick, "you're the village hero." Jeff was a small man, smaller by far than the Viking who would have towered over a full grown oak, (well, not LITERALLY... but he WAS big,) and his nature was given more towards peace than the heat of battle, despite what the well muscled bulk of his frame might indicate. The Viking stood for a moment longer, then with a resolute sigh he turned and began his long journey down the dirt road which would, eventually, take him and his companion to the easternmost borders of his lord's demesne. "What good is a hero, loyal Jeff?" Sighed Dave, (for such was the Viking’s name,) "What good when there is nary a battle to be fought, nor maiden to be rescued in a kingdom overrun with the curse of peace?" "How many times must we address this topic, Dave? Your bakery was doing quite well, there was no need to up and go looking for trouble! Why could you not be content with your lot, like all the rest of us!" Questioned the squire. A squire to a Viking you say? and yes, it was true, for Jeff had pledged himself to serve the warrior for as long as he should wander, yet the man's heritage and his position dictated that he was a Viking, and would never know the code of a true knight. "Content!" Spat the warrior, "Contempt be more truthful! Yet truth is not what we discuss is it? You people professing to be happy, trapped in a daily routine, prisoners by your own choosing, PFAH! No more for me, thanks, I'm driving." "But, where shall we go? Where do think you will find the action you so desire? There is not but peace in all the lands hereabout!" "I am a warrior by birth, regardless of my baker's station, I can feel it in my blood. It's not muffins and loaves for me, but battle and blood. Not an oven's flame, but the heat of a raging fire. And no longer the slender bread knife of a town's baker, but the severe heft of a broadsword!" The warrior halted in midstride, and attempted to gain leverage enough to raise the enormous sword from where it dragged behind him, but he failed miserably and instead raised his fist to emphasize his words, "I need not find a battle, for the battle shall find it's way to me!" "Okay there, big guy, whatever you say,” soothed Jeff, raising his hands to ward away the Viking, "Just take it easy and try to stay on the road, right." "Yes... Yes, let us be away from here, I crave the warm broth of adventure!" And the companions moved onward. THE UNDERWORLD: The Monk's eyes flew open, and he lay breathing heavily upon the sweat soaked mattress, staring up into the darkness. He lay thusly for only a matter of seconds before rising, and moving as quickly as possible without waking the others, he wended his way out from his room, and along the darkened corridors, until he came to the hall-where-I-keep-my-throne. He stole into the hall, and with a single snap of his fingers caused all of the candles therein to be lighted, as, without breaking his stride, he moved unerringly to the precise center of the floor. There, he walked once, twice, thrice in a circle, speaking in a low monotone words of power from a lost language. He moved his arms in slow flowing rhythms, his gestures seeming to set the very air to churning in their wake... until the wave broke, and the air itself tore asunder, splitting open the length and breadth of the hall! Light poured from the rift, illuminating the druid and turning him to not more than a silhouette against a background of pure white. The monk continued to chant and gesticulate, as a raging wind arose, tearing outward from the portal itself! His robes rippled and snapped like a banner in a violent storm, while within the blinding light of the rift... something moved! The monk stared, then began chanting in earnest, summoning the thing forth. It gained speed, moving faster and getting larger with each passing second, until with a sound like a cannon blast, the figure was hurled from the void onto the floor of the hall, and with a noise akin to rolling thunder the rift folded in upon itself, curling away into oblivion. James took a moment to restore his hood, which had fallen away in the wind, and then bent, (no pun intended,) to check the stunned form of the Viking warrior where he lay upon the cold stone. His breathing was normal, if not a little deep, but he was otherwise in prime condition. The monk smiled, and leaving the warrior to sleep upon the floor of the hall, took his exit, making sure to douse the candles with one sweep of his arm as he went. No sooner had James made himself comfortable back in his quarters, then an explosion rocked the walls of MY CASTLE, and a commotion arose from out in the hallway, as the guests and master roused themselves from sleep and stumbled out into a warzone! CHAPTER 14: THE WORLD ABOVE: It was fairly early when CHRIS worked his way out form under the table, (which goes to show you that he was already out of sorts,) and spied DAN and the Baroness, sitting by the computer watching some sort of digitized movie with their heavy lidded eyes. "Have you guys been up all night?" he asked. They both gasped and spun about, eyes wide, all traces of fatigue disappearing, before DAN stuttered a reply. "C-CHRIS! Ummm, we, Ah, we weren't doing anything really. You know... just playing with the ol' computer." DAN smiled, and made an unconvincing attempt at a laugh, while carefully blocking the computer screen with his body. Sounds of gunfire and war drifted from the speaker to CHRIS' ears, prompting him to lean sideways, trying to get a glimpse at what they were watching, but the Baroness moved in to block his gaze. "Did you sleep well?" She asked politely. "Uh, yeah. Thanks for asking." Then it occurred to him, "Hey, where's MEL?" DAN made a coughing sputter, and the Baroness clapped him on the back. "I don't know... wasn't she with you?" She asked, the very picture of innocence. "Not that I recall...wait a minute," CHRIS' eyes grew to contain the sudden flood of memory, and DAN and the Baroness froze, "You guys were reprogramming her! what did you do?!" He stepped hurriedly towards them. "Wait, CHRIS, before you get mad, remember... you took a whole world from me, I didn't just..." DAN tried to justify, but was cut off as CHRIS brushed him aside in order to get a better look at what was running itself across the face of the computer's monitor. "It's...Ah, it's a live video feed," The Baroness answered CHRIS' stare of uncomprehending horror, "We were able to patch her through the computer just before she took off... We still don't know exactly what went wrong... but this is the result." CHRIS stared at the monitor a moment longer before turning away, sick to his stomach, all he could manage was to mutter softly under his breath. "My god..." THE UNDERWORLD: Bodies lay strewn throughout the halls of MY CASTLE, blood colored the stone a vivid red, and the sounds of screams echoed around every corner. Doors of solid oak were splintered asunder, highly trained soldiers met their deaths by tens, and the Doomon king could do naught but follow in the monster's wake, trying to catch it up before he had no longer an army to lead. "My liege!" Called Chris-the-electrician, where he came running from out behind the throne, "Thank the stars you've arrived! My magic’s could not find their way to this... this... THING, It is protected! driven by a power greater than my own, It rampaged through here, plowing through a dozen of your Doomons as though they were naught but paper!" He bawled, clawing at Dooly's breast, then turned to indicate a large bearded man where he lay prone against the far wall, "That warrior, I know not from whence he has come, but he defended your castle with vigor and strength! He held the hideous beast at bay for a whole ten minutes while others were simply trampled under it's feet! surely he saved my life by providing me time to hide, I need must stay here and heal him, to return the favor, while you hunt the monster!" "Ur.. of course." Said the Doomon lord bravely, "What about Rob, or the Widower? where are they?" "No help there I'm afraid, M'lord," Answered Chris, "I haven't laid eyes to them since last night." "Oh." The Doomon lord chewed at his lower lip, "Well... what about the druid?" "The Mad Monk, lord?" Chris looked disgusted, "As far as I know he still sleeps! No, it must be you! Go forth and do battle, we, your humble servants, applaud your tremendous bravery! GO!" "..." Dooly still hesitated, eyeing the twenty-odd bodies which littered the floor of the hall-where-I-keep- my-throne, "You didn't happen to see my gun while you were behind the throne did you?" "I did not, lord, but I am sure that one such as you shall have no need of it! Now GO! And may luck go with you!" Chris stood directly before the Doomon king, waving him off to battle as though he were already a mile distant. Dooly turned and followed the trail of blood and gore which streaked the halls of his castle, moving ever closer to the sounds of gunfire and calamity, but never quite catching up, until finally, close on twenty minutes later, he came full circle, walking back into his throne room. Chris-the-electrician cowered against a blood soaked wall, hiding half-behind the body of a fallen Doomon, while within the hall proper... Doomons were being slaughtered in twenties! The creature had the body of a female, with once blond hair tied into pig-tails at the sides of her head, she wore what may have at one time been a pink dress with white frills, but she was now something from a madman's most horrific dream. Her face was contorted with rage as she used a bare arm to spear a Doomon soldier through the chest, Dooly could see that this was a favored tactic as her arms were colored with blood all the way to the elbows. Her dress was stained a uniform red, (no prizes awarded for guessing what had caused this,) her hair was plastered to her scalp with the reddish muck and contained bits of unidentifiable debris, while sections of her very skin had been torn open to reveal ports from which extended mechanical leads that terminated in a deadly array of weapons: Shotguns, lasers, automatic rifles, all protruded from her frame, and blazed away merrily at all who dared to approach her. But, the noise that sickened the Doomon king the most, the one that was a constant accompaniment to the roar of the guns, and the screams of death, was the hideous girlish laughter which underlay it all. A movement close to his right made the Doomon lord start, and turn quickly, to observe the Lunatic and Widower coming up the corridor towards him, he breathed a sigh of relief and raised a finger to his lips to warn them against speaking. The Lunatic nodded assent, and spoke low, and close to his ear. "We have observed this monster from afar," he said, "but were powerless to do anything, we knew that we could not beat it. It's body is impervious to all attacks your soldiers have made, and even the sage's magic’s have not been of use, we are at a loss..." "I understand..." Dooly nodded, and acting before completely contriving a plan, (as was his want,) he addressed the Lunatic and Widower together, "Quickly, follow me to the throne, and gather up the sage on our way!" And before they could protest he turned and walked into the room. Blindly, they followed, stopping only once, and that was to take hold of the sage and drag him, screaming protests, to the throne. A Doomon's head exploded in a spray of crimson, as another spasmed while multiple wounds traced a path across his chest, and that was the finish of them all. MEL looked up to see the last of her quarry gathered all together about the throne, the Doomon king seated, and staring straight at her. Her sensors showed her his fear, accelerated heart rate, increased respiration, extensive moisture production, but when he spoke his voice was calm. "You come to this place uninvited, why?" he asked. "I want to play with you, *tee-hee* you're all so fun and oowey-goowey!" She laughed through a mouth painted red with blood, and approached the throne. "You wish to kill me?" the Doomon lord queried. "Umm-hmmm!" Smiled the girl. "Will you do me the courtesy of answering one last question, after this one I mean, before you do?" He asked, letting his fear show just slightly... she savored it's taste. "Ummm-hmmm." She hummed softly, placing her face directly in front of his. And as he looked into those cold, dead eyes, seven weapons swiveled at the ends of their stalks to take aim on his head. "W-what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?" stuttered Dooly... and the android froze. They all waited a second, then another, and finally The Doomon king leaned back in his throne. The robot still did not stir, no gun moved to follow him, and everyone let out their breath together, not realizing they had ever been holding it. "What happened to her?" Asked the blood soaked sage, stepping forward to get a closer look at the thing. "Well," Answered Dooly, wiping the sweat from his brow, "She's obviously a robot, and therefore driven by an artificial intelligence, I took a chance that an unsolvable logic puzzle would tie up her resources in an effort to find the solution, and I was right." "Very smart, Doomon lord," Responded Rob, "I applaud you." "Yes," agreed the Widower, "But, what gave you the idea?" "An experiment from the middle world," Said Dooly, "Where scientists had developed the first functional A.I. Apparently one of the janitors for the research facility where it was housed killed it by asking it that very question... of course, that was the SECOND question he asked it." "What was the first?" Asked Chris-the-sage. "Is there a god?" Said the Doomon lord, rising from his throne and edging away from the comatose death- machine. "Well?!" Asked the Lunatic impatiently. "What did it say?" Queried the Widower. And they all stared, But Dooly just smirked, his eyes shining... and walked out from the hall, stepping across blood and bodies alike on his way. THE WORLD ABOVE: DAN, CHRIS, and the Baroness, all stared at the computer screen, which showed only the headrest of the Doomon lord's throne, and had shown only that for the past twenty minutes, but they stared nonetheless. "I can't believe it." Mumbled the baroness, "They actually stopped her." Her voice seemed to penetrate the trance which had held them rapt to the image, and DAN stood, walking to the far window. "At least she took out Dooly's army." He said, looking out the window, and quickly turning to face back into the room. "At LEAST?!" Shouted CHRIS, "DAN you killed my advisor, and even though she took out your opponent's ENTIRE army, all you say is THAT!" "Your point?" Asked DAN, showing no emotion. "SHE WON YOUR FREAKING WAR!" shouted CHRIS, "Your adversary has been taken out of the equation and you act like... like... like your still even!" DAN exchanged a look with the Baroness, and then nodded his head over his shoulder at the window. CHRIS came forward to look, and his jaw dropped. "You're a really heavy sleeper, CHRIS." DAN muttered. The field bordering AMHERST was awash with blood, the bodies of hundreds of Dangels lay twisted and broken across the vast expanse, here and there CHRIS could see only disembodied limbs, so many that he was sure there weren't bodies enough to have supplied them all, and a single trail of bloody footprints led away from the unhinged gates of the castle towards the portals of worlds beyond. CHAPTER 15: THE UNDERWORLD: Dooly had gone directly back to his quarters after the ordeal with the MEL robot, in order to shower and dress for the day, but when he emerged into the hallways of MY CASTLE, he found them completely clean. Not a trace nor drop of blood anywhere. He puzzled, and as he made his way down the corridor he purposely searched for his sage. Chris-the-electrician was in the hall-where-I-keep-my- dinette-set, having an appetizing looking egg and bacon sandwich to break his fast, when Dooly found him. "Sage," He addressed him, "Did you clear my halls of the dead? for I suspect that none of us, save you, could have accomplished it so quickly or so thoroughly." "Yeah, mah dib whit.." Mumbled the sage around his sandwich. Dooly slapped it away and it struck the floor with a wet smack, the sage reached to recover it, but the Doomon lord grabbed his ear to hold him in place. "You were saying?" He hissed. "Ah, geez, if I wanted this sort of treatment I would have stayed at home! Hell, yeah I did it! I summoned a flesh eating mist that worked it's way through the halls devouring instantly any organic materials it touched, pretty neat Huh?" "Doubtless you have long since dismissed this horrible creature of which you speak, now that myself and my guests are up and about, correct?" Chris gave a sidelong glance at the far wall, and broke out in a sweat. Quickly he scrambled to his feet, and, ignoring his sandwich, ran out into the hallway calling with a loud voice. "Here misty, misty, misty! Here misty, misty!" Dooly shook his head and sat down to eat. THE UPPERWORLD: DAN was fast asleep, as was the Baroness, (albeit in her own quarters thank-you-very-much,) but CHRIS, (who had slept well the previous night,) was wide awake and contemplating their situation, which was, in essence, this: They were in the same situation which they had been in before, except not on as grand a scale. They needed an advantage, but... what? The thought struck him like lightning, and he slammed his fist into the palm of his hand for emphasis, as he jumped from his seat in a mad rush to wake the others. "CHRIS, you suck." Muttered DAN through his pillow, (Because he's been muttering a lot over the past couple chapters. Hey, you'd mutter too if all this stuff was happening in YOUR life!) "I don't SUCK," CHRIS laughed, "I'm going to save us all!" "Okay, wake me when it's over." Muttered DAN, and rolled back over. CHRIS laid a hand on his shoulder and pushed so that DAN kept rolling right off the far side of the bed. A moment passed in silence, then DAN's head popped up over the edge of the bed, and spoke. "You die." THE UNDERWORLD: Dooly had been joined at the table by Lunatic Moonstone, and the Widower, who sat close to one another and made eyes at each other. It made the Doomon lord rather ill, and he wished he hadn't eaten three sandwiches. But before his breakfast could come back for a rematch, the sage arrived to distract him from the horrifying sight. "Lord Dooly, the creature has been dispatched." Spoke the Sage upon his entrance. "Ah good, now I won't have to fear losing the few allies I have left." Then, surveying the table he added, "Speaking of which, where is your druid, Lord Lunatic?" "Um... He usually sleeps through the day." Growled Rob, upset at having to draw his gaze away from the Spider-spirit. Chris and Dooly once again exchanged looks of disgust to express their feelings about the useless mage. But, the topic changed rather quickly when he entered the room two seconds later. Scratching at his head through the hood which covered it, and mumbling something about bears made from gelatin. "O' HO!" Cried Rob, "What's this? Do mine retinal orbs deceive me, Why have you chosen to grace us with your presence so early today, my mage?" "I had a bad dream." Said the mage simply, and sat down to eat. Chris turned back to address Dooly with a topic which had occurred to him as he tracked the mist beast. "My Lord," he began, "you will of course recall the red bearded warrior who came to my aid last evening, well..." "No, not really." Replied Dooly, thinking very hard, "Red hair you say? No, I don't recall having any red headed warriors around the place." "Well, regardless, Lord, he was..." "In fact, If he wasn't a Doomon, and by the sound of him he wasn't, I don't know what he should have been doing here at all." "But, Sire, He apparently..." "I once had a Guinea pig that used to wander about down here, but I don't recall him having a beard..." "OH, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE JUST LET ME FINISH!" Shouted Chris. "..." Dooly stared for a moment, "Okay, sure." "Well, Lord, he was a fine warrior, and had done me a good turn, but unfortunately was killed by that mechanical creature, so with your permission, I would like to invite him to join our cause." "He died did you say?" Asked the Lunatic. "Yes, I tried to heal him, but he was beyond the reach of my powers to save, I held him in my arms, and heard him utter his final words: 'I coulda' been a confectioner...'" Dooly hid his face in his hand and tried not to cry, while the Widower clucked her tongue, and rob just gawked. James, on the other hand, laughed at the bad play on words until he fell out of his chair. "Chris," Asked Dooly in a soft voice, when he was sure he could talk to the man without hitting him, "How is he to join us if he's dead." "Well, this morning I performed a resurrection, but... I mean, it has been all night, and given the method in which he was killed, I wasn't fully successful." "Where is he?" "Right outside, I'll get him to come in." The sage cleared his throat and called loudly, "DAVE, COME IN HERE!" Then he stood and waited. From the hallway, came the sound of something wet dragging across the stone floor, then a dull thud, followed by another, and another still. The allies waited looking in the direction of the noise, but all they could hear was the repeated thudding. Chris started to look a little worried, then a thought occurred to him, and he cleared his throat for another yell. "DAVE," he called out, "OPEN THE DOOR, AND THEN COME INTO THE ROOM!" There was one last thud, which was Dooly's head striking the table, and then the door slid open and in shuffled the grotesque figure of a warrior. His shoulders slumped forward, and he half-shuffled, half-stumbled rather than walked, his face drooped slightly to the right, and his skin bore a subtle greenish tint. His beard was a patchwork of blood clotted tufts, while his hair was non-existent, having been torn from his head with the rest of his scalp. His body was a mass of seeping wounds, while he was missing one arm which had been shorn away at the elbow. The laughter of the Mad Monk increased tenfold, with the introduction of the semi-dead creature. "Awww, that's just beautiful," Said Dooly, "That's exactly what I wanted to see after breakfast, thank you VERY much, Chris, you've made a zombie we're all proud to have you aboard, now... go away, and take Conan the drooling idiot with you. Thanks." THE WORLD ABOVE: The Baroness was awakened by the sound of wrestling in the adjacent room, and, donning her leather armor, went to see what all the commotion was about. The door to DAN's main room opened to reveal he and CHRIS duking it out in a far corner, CHRIS' face was red with the effort he'd been exerting throughout the battle, while DAN was looking a little on the green side. "I don't fucking BELIEVE you guys!" she raged, "I've only been asleep for two hours, what is your PROBLEM!" The God's froze. And DAN was the first to squeeze out words, even though CHRIS held him by the windpipe. "Ummm... He did it." "WHAT?!" And the two commenced to tussle once more. The Baroness sighed, and drawing her sword from it's sheath, laid to with great force, and strategic planning to stab only enough to get their attention. "OWW! MY ASS!" Cried CHRIS. "JESUS CHRIST! MY NUTS!" Howled DAN, almost simultaneously. "SHUT UP!" Commanded the Baroness, and as she stood over them, point of her sword gleaming in their faces, clad in her leather jerkin, she was the very image of a dominatrix, so of course they listened, "What is this all about, tell me now!" "Um," CHRIS um-ed, "I was waking DAN up to tell him I thought of a way we can win this war." "I'm not even going to waste my breath asking how you could possibly be fighting over that, instead I'll ask you what that way might be." A moment passed in silence, everyone staring at one another, waiting for the other to speak. "WELL!" Demanded the Baroness. "OH!" Said CHRIS, surprised, "I thought you meant that you were GOING to ask me!" "All right," The Baroness hissed through clenched teeth, "What way did you think of that we can win the war, CHRIS?" "Well, It occurred me that I have a fairy godmother who will grant me wishes if I ask her too!" The Baroness wanted to smite him, but she had never seen anyone smite someone else, so she wasn't clear on how one might go about it, and instead she just listened as CHRIS explained, "Well, she's not really my fairy godmother, strictly speaking. For one she's not a fairy... she's a goddess, and for another, she's not really MINE, but she said she'd watch out for me, because in my younger days I had saved a cow from being hit by a train, and she just appeared and said that because I was a friend of cows she would help me and all I had to do was call her, and she would find me, but I forgot about it, or rather, I wasn't really sure that it had actually happened, because I hadn't had a lot of sleep for a few days, and well... you know how I get, but she told me that..." "ALL RIGHT, ENOUGH! JUST CALL THE BITCH!" Shouted the Baroness. "Okay, you don't have to yell." CHRIS mumbled, and set about summoning the cow goddess. TOON IN TO THE UNDERWORLD NEXT TIME, WHEN YOU'LL HEAR DOOLY SAY: "That's just silly." CHAPTER 16: DAN and the Baroness watched CHRIS intently as he went about the bizarre ritual of summoning the cow Goddess. "O' Bovine mistress," He called, kneeling and waving his arms, "I summon you forth with the names by which you are frequently to seldom known, heed my call and come to my aid as you have promised! I call you now, Martha/ Christine/ Marthene/ Chris/ Countessa Loiusa Angelina Francesca Banana-Fana-Fo-Fesca the 3rd!" (Geez, She's got more names than my cat!) The Lights dimmed and a low, moaning wind swept into the room... though no portals lay open. A sound at once eerie, yet comforting, arose from everywhere and nowhere, while a form began to coalesce from the very air at the center of the room. Moooooooooooo... The sound continued, deep, monotonous, and soothing...Mooooooooo... The form grew, gaining in form and feature.... Mooooooooo... the hearts of all who witnessed knew no fear, but felt a numb willingness to graze... Mooooooooo! And there she stood. She was tall, and possessed of a slender grace of feature. Her hair shown in a bright cascade, where it tumbled from off her shoulders, and try as they might those who saw her could not make out what color it was, for it seemed to shimmer and change with every glance. She wore a dress adorned with happy seeming cartoon cattle, in her ears were small cow-shaped diamond studs, and in her right hand she held a chocolate cow tail, wielding it as though it were a wand. "Yes?" She asked, and her voice was a soothing moo... No wait, that could be misinterpreted, Hmmm...AH!... Her voice was the low tinkling of cow bells heard in a distant field at the peak of summer. "OH!" CHRIS looked up in shock, "Cow Goddess, you came!" "CHRIS, you called." She answered, with a wry smile. "Yeah, yeah I did... We need help, my advisor killed all our soldiers, and we're about to be attacked by a team of demi-gods from the underworld!" "Well," She thought aloud, arms crossed, tapping her chin lightly with the end of the cow tail, "It sounds like you have a problem. What do you want me to do?" "Could you get rid of all the blood and dead Dangels on the lawn?" Asked DAN sarcastically. "Very well," She snapped a bite of the cow tail, chewed, and spat on the floor, "It's done!" "Hey!" Shouted CHRIS, "These are MY wishes, back off!" "Why did you spit on my floor?" Asked DAN with a raised eyebrow. "I don't like cow tails." Answered the Goddess. "Then why did you EAT it?!" Queried DAN. "Because it's part of the ritual of wish granting." Responded the Goddess. "Oh," Oh-ed DAN, and nodded, "...continue." "Can I make the next wish please?" Asked CHRIS, rather perturbed that he had summoned the Goddess but was earning none of the attention. "Go ahead, I'm not stopping you." Answered the Goddess of all things bovine. "I wish this whole thing with DAN and myself, and Rob and Dooly, and everything else would just be resolved!" Sighed CHRIS. The Cow Goddess, bit, chewed, spat... "Hey, watch the shoes!" Cried DAN. ... and finally spoke. "Your wish is granted, this whole thing WILL be resolved." And so saying, she disappeared in a cloud of cow scented smoke. (eewwwww.) CHRIS clenched his teeth, his brows furrowed, and whined after her. "But... I didn't mean it THAT way." "Way to go CHRIS." Said DAN, moving to look out the window, "Well, at least the lawn's clean, and the ga..." His words trailed away into a blank silence that drew the attention of both CHRIS and the Baroness, to where he stood, staring out the window with a look of utter surprise dominating his features. "What's the matter?" Asked the Baroness, startled. "OH SHIT..." Said DAN, in a false British accent, "They're here!" CHAPTER 17: The last the Doomon lord had known, he was sitting at the breakfast table with his guests, enjoying a fine meal, when in walked the sage with his pet zombie and ruined everything. Now Dooly, The Widower, The Lord Lunatic, James the Mad Monk, Chris-the-electrician, and Dave the zombie, found themselves in the open air, standing in a field just before the gates of AMHERST. Dooly spun about rapidly, staring in every direction, trying desperately to determine the cause of their sudden telelocation. Finally, finding that he could not come by the answer on his own, he spoke aloud to his companions. "What has become of us?" He called. "I...I know not M'lord!" Stuttered the Sage. "I sense the work of a kindred animal spirit," Hissed the Widower, clicking her long nails together, "Though not one of the more subtle creatures, I assure you." "Whoever this malevolent spirit be, they have brought me strait to the door of my foe! We are defenseless should his Dangels come upon us unawares!" Raged the Doomon king, unawares of the slaughter of his foe's army prior to the loss of his own. "Fear not, Dooly," Spoke the Sage, recovering quickly, "I shall conjure a portal to extricate us..." "No!" Interrupted the Widower, swinging an arm wide to sweep the sage from his feet, "You have become ensnared in the web, Lord of Nothing! Your Doomons are all destroyed, and my spider kith tell me of the many slain here as well! You "God's" are helpless prey!" The Lunatic stepped up to stand beside the traitorous Spider Queen, smiling a feral smile. "I truly regret having to kill you along with your foe," He snarled, "We are so much alike... but, my Queen and I shall be ruling both of these lands from this time forward!" The Mad Monk placed himself to the rear of his master, and a smirk glinted from the shadowy depths of his hood as the Moonstone delivered his speech. "Sage! To me!" Dooly called, then added as an afterthought, "And bring that creature with you!" When the Doomon king And his two faithful allies stood facing the three traitors across the backdrop of AMHERST gate, Dooly Addressed them directly. "I did not have you when first I fought this battle long and long ago, I do NOT need you now," As he spoke he grasped the plastic monkey which hung at his throat, "You have betrayed me in my endeavors, and sought to steal what is not yours..." "Do you do any less?" Spat the Widower. "For this crime," Continued Dooly, ignoring the slight, "I cast you back to the realms from which you came!" He tore the charm from the blue yarn which had kept it about his neck, and hurled it into the midst of the small group. Light and heat erupted from the piece before it even struck the ground. A blinding flash expanded to engulf the trio, which hissed and growled their rage, clawing desperately to escape the blast. The opposite three shielded their faces as best they could to avoid being struck sightless by the sheer intensity of the magical light, but when the smoke dissipated, and the light was not more than that of a normal morning, They looked up to see the betrayers standing just as they had before, with no mark left to tell of the charm's passing. Everyone gawked, those on the one side amazed that they had not been banished, and those on the other amazed that those on the first had not been banished as well. Until, as one, every head swiveled to face the Sage. "... Whoops." He breathed, and shrugged his shoulders in a gesture of defeat. "Hey, you kids, get off my lawn!" Called a voice from the door into AMHERST, and Chris was grateful to have the attention drawn away from him as everyone turned to see DAN, CHRIS, and The Baroness, converging on them from the direction of the castle. "Let me guess." Said CHRIS, indicating Dooly's group with the point of a finger, "You three are the ones coming to take over DAN's position as God, but you don't have an army because a psychotic bitch in a pink dress killed them all. Right?" "That is correct, sir." Answered Dooly, eyeing the man carefully, then turning to glare at DAN, (who stuck out his tongue in return.) "And YOU three," He said, indicating the other group, "Are here to kill everybody else so that you can have all the land, all the titles, supreme rule of the universe, and all that jazz... Now, I KNOW you, Rob, AND your silly mage," James Glowered, "And I'm sure that this hiding-in- the-enemy-ranks-till-it's-safe-to-strike shtick wasn't your idea, so it must have been you who won his allegiance. Right?" "Correct." Hissed the Widower. "Your a regular perry mason." Said Dooly, sarcastically, "Tell us something we don't know." "Right, okay, DAN's Dangels were killed by the rampaging robot as well, I'm CHRIS, DAN's mirror image from..." "Yes, yes, yes..." Interrupted DAN, "CHRIS, we all KNOW this! I mean, C'mon You can see he was teamed with your nemesis, and vice-versa, we're all acquainted here! Hi, how do you do, nice to see you again, gee that's a great coat, THERE! You see? So can we please get to your point?! Please?" "Well," Said CHRIS, "I didn't really have a point, I was just trying to get it all straight in my head...Now what?" The wind whistled through the treetops, bringing a slight chill to the air. All across the upper world no creature stirred nor made a sound. The three clusters of three, loosely arranged in a triangle, watched one another across the vast barrier of silence each wondering to themselves, 'what next' indeed? CHAPTER 18: "Well?" Questioned DAN, "It's not a war that I started, but I intend to defend my position, as well as my person, from any attack. So, what will you do?" His eyes shifted from Dooly, to the Widower, and back again as he awaited an answer. And the answer came, but not from either party he had addressed. Instead it came in the form of a rumbling that shook the ground upon which they stood, a quaking of the earth caused by a force other than those powers possessed by the ones here gathered. "What's going on?!" Shouted The Sage as he lost his footing. "There's something amiss in the middle world!" Yelled DAN, in order to be heard over the rising commotion. He moved his hand in a slashing gesture, and immediately a view portal opened onto the world below, a portal that revealed a calamity most severe! "It can't be..." Muttered Dooly, coming up next to DAN to glimpse the sight over his shoulder. "I'm afraid it is...I... I can't understand why, or HOW... but it is!" Answered the God, in a voice so low that only the Doomon lord perceived it. Slowly the members of each faction made their way into a group, and clustered around the view portal to take in the catastrophe which played itself across the area of it's surface. In the middle world a city lay in the monstrous grip of death. Thousands perished in atomic fire, hundreds were trampled in the mad rush to try and flee a thing which could not be escaped, and still more were crushed by the toppling edifices which they had constructed to shield themselves. Trains were derailed, and hundreds of commuters found their trips terminated in a bloody amputation of tracks. Eighteen wheeled trucks were tossed about like toys by the sheer force of the assault, and suspension bridges, built of the toughest materials, meant to support thousands of tons, were shorn through as though they were naught but paper mache' models. And over all the sounds of mass destruction; the crack of stone, the scream of twisted, tortured metal, the calls of the dying, rose a monstrous, incessant roar... Somewhere, a lone person raised a finger to point, and yelled in a voice fraught with terror. "Godzilla!" "I thought he was pretend?" Said James the Mad Monk. "Somebody should tell HIM that." Answered DAN. "Yeah, go for it, James." Offered Dooly. "No, but seriously," Said CHRIS, "We need to DO something about this!" "He's right," Suggested the Widower helpfully, "If we don't set aside our differences for the time being, and try to stop that thing, there won't be any world left to play God FOR!" "AHA!" Cried the Baroness, "The ol' Marvel team-up ending! We fight for half the series, then team up at the end to save the universe from a common foe! This'll be great!" "Um, yeah, sure," Rob humored the obviously demented girl, "Why don't you lay down for a minute, dear, the shock of such destruction must have addled your brains." "Addled nothing!" Shouted Dooly, "I say we do it! That big lizard is about to destroy everything we've ALL been fighting for, and without THAT we're finished!" "OH YEAH!" Shouted Chris-the-electrician, "Let's kick some tail, literally!" "Right." Agreed CHRIS, "But, we're gonna' need everybody we can get... I'll summon the cow goddess back..." "And I’ll get your killer robot back on line." Interrupted Dooly, then, turning to the Sage, "Chris, take a portal back to MY CASTLE, the robot broad should still be in the hall-where-I-keep-my-throne, use your magic to alter her program, then simply tell her that there's no such thing as an unstoppable force, or an immovable object, and even theoretically if one existed then the other could not! Tell her that EXACTLY, and she should be released from the hold of the puzzle." "You can count on me!" The Sage answered smartly, and snapped to attention, bringing his right hand up in a formal salute, before turning to go. "And when your finished... bring her straight to the middle world, we'll meet you there." Dooly called after him, and the sage answered with a thumbs-up over his shoulder. "You expect us to go fight that thing now?" Asked the Baroness. "No, he's right." Affirmed DAN, "We have to try and contain it until the others can arrive." "Yes, there's enough power amongst us to do that much... I hope." Speculated the Lunatic. "I... I do not LIKE lizards." Shuddered the Widower, and the Lunatic offered his arm to console her. "Um... Yeah, whatever. Let's do this" Said the Doomon lord, and moved his arm in a quick slash, similar to the movement DAN had made earlier, except aimed toward the view portal. It split, and a part of it seemed to shatter, while the rest remained in place, though somewhat changed. The picture was more vivid, and represented in three dimensions, the sound had multiplied tenfold, and the heat of the battle drifted out from beyond on a current of torrid air. The Doomon lord walked to the portal, and poked his head through, turning to look here and there as the breeze tousled his dark hair, finally he withdrew and bowed aside, speaking. "Ladies first." He smiled. "Fuck you!" Said the Baroness instantly, but the Widower just strode forward, instinctively sensing the need for her singular talents. She walked to the very edge and, looking in, saw no more than she had expected to. It was at least a hundred feet strait down to the ground below the portal. She smiled and moved her hands with a sinuous flowing adroitness, and, within seconds, had constructed a web- ladder that reached all the way down. "She's very talented." DAN whispered to Dooly from the corner of his mouth. "Yes, just don't mention FOOD." Rejoined the Doomon king, his voice equally low. The Widower stepped out onto the ladder, passing one leg at a time through the portal, knowing full well that none would have trusted her work had she not gone first, and began to descend. She was followed almost immediately by James, then DAN, The Baroness, The Lunatic, and Dooly bringing up the rear. Though as the King of Doomons started through, he paused long enough to call out to the one person left standing in the field. "Get a wiggle on, Dave, You're gonna' miss all the action!" He shouted, and began to lower himself down, one rung at a time. Although, he wasn't too surprised when a moment later he heard a grunt from above, and looked just in time to see the body of the ex-Viking fall past him. He Shook his head, laughed, and called out. "SLOW DOWN, DAVE! YOU'RE TOO AGGRESSIVE, AT THAT RATE YOU'LL GET THERE BEFORE ANY OF US!" Then, to himself, "Kids these days." CHAPTER 19: The city reached out to greet it's strange would-be rescuers with fire and death. Here a woman lay impaled on a streetlight, there a man with no head poured over the morning paper, literally. The street was an unending gallery of death in it's many forms, and it stretched away to the horizon with no visible starting point and no definitive finish. DAN gagged, and Dooly stared at him. "You should get out more often "God" perhaps a few trips to town every now and then would help you understand the way the world turns nowadays." "Up yours." He sputtered. Somewhere off to the left, one of the bodies moved. The seven heroes, (for such they styled themselves now, defined by their actions if not their motives,) turned as one unit to face the direction of the movement, and watched in increasing disgust as they came to realize what it was. Dave the zombie Viking, struggled to drag his half-a- head out from the garbage can in which he had landed, and, failing miserably, settled for righting himself. There he now stood looking somewhat shorter than he had previously, with a garbage can concealing his upper region, his bones grinding with every swaggering step he took, and amazingly, he still gripped his sword in the one hand he possessed. The Group relaxed, and Dooly summoned him forward. "What are you doin', Dave? Trying to impress the ladies Huh?" He laughed, and tried to lift the can from off his torso, having just as much success, "Wow, you're really stuck in there aintcha', all right. There's a new look for you then, and armor to boot!" "My patience for witty repartee is at an end." Protested the Widower, and marched off down the stained pavement towards where the carnage was being wreaked, ignoring the fear which clutched greedily at her stomach. "There's always room for good repartee!" Shouted the Doomon lord. "Which is why we want YOU to shut up." Answered the Baroness, moving to follow the Spider-spirit. "Hey, I'm sorry okay. It's how I deal with high stress situations." Responded Dooly, then taking the zombie by the elbow, trailed after the others, following in their wake. The Seven moved through gore plastered, burning, smashed, but otherwise empty streets, slowly gaining on the towering behemoth which was eating the city piece by piece. Needless to say their spirits were low, but still two of them sang aloud, (If one could call the grating wheeze which arose from within the zombie's trash can singing.) "Three hundred and fifty four bottles of beer on the wall! Three hundred and fifty four bottles of beer! take one down pass it around, Three hundred and fifty two bottles of beer on the wall!" Sang the Doomon king, until the grating from the trash can which he held his arm around changed in pitch. "What?!" He stopped, directing a question at the scraped and pitted surface of the can. "Rrrmmphhgglll-grumphh hurrmmlll frroffffth..." It grated. "Three hundred and fifty three?!" "Rrremphh..." "Oh... all right, start over." Dooly conceded, and began anew, "One thousand bottles of beer on the wall! one thousand bottles of beer! take one down..." "I want to kill him." The Widower muttered. "You can't." Answered DAN, wheezing, (after all, they had been walking for over an hour, "only I can... attempt to... kill him." "I shall be happy to exhaust myself trying." Answered the Spider-spirit. "Oh, be of good cheer, maiden!" Smiled the druid, "Tis' always nice to have traveling music, and beside, this is but the third time he hath began the verse fresh!" "Really?" Asked the Baroness from beside him, "Now I want to kill him too." "Well, YOU can't either..." Responded DAN. And so their journey continued merrily along it's way... CHAPTER 20: "Is that what I think it is?" Asked DAN as he rounded the building's side, and came up against the barrier. "WOW!" Ejaculated the Lunatic, crinkling his sensitive nose at the overpowering stench, "He never did THAT in the movies!" "I don't know about you boys, but I intend to take a different street." Said the Baroness, eyeing the road with all too apparent disgust. "If we go to the next road, then cross over, we'll emerge in front of the creature... which may not be the wisest course of action." Speculated the Druid. "Half of us could go this way, while the other half found a less... shall we say, polluted street." Offered Dooly. "I am capable of circumnavigating this obstacle by scaling the buildings around it," Suggested the Widower, "And my strength will allow me to carry one other with me." Rob moved close to the spider queen, making puppy eyes up at her. "Well, I guess we know who that 'one' will be." Said DAN. "Yeah," Dooly Responded, then added, "and Dave can go with you two... he won't care what he's walking through." "Okay then, It's settled." Stated the Lunatic, "We'll split up and try to box him in on the adjacent street." "Right, let's go." Finished the Baroness, and, craning her neck to look skyward, took in the view of the monster's giant head where it struck out from the scant line of buildings just a block distant, "... before he takes one more step and we need to track him for ANOTHER hour." The Widower had no trouble adhering to the sheer face of each glass and steel construct. Even with the bulk of the Lunatic, clinging to her back in fear, she moved quickly across the vertical surface, using her hands and feet to propel her onwards. While below, the zombie trudged straight through the offensive roadblock, the consistency of which allowed him to pass though it clung to his clothes and sword, making a B-line for the monster which had spouted it. On the next street parallel the four others, began to discuss a stratagem as they moved between wrecked cars, and store fronts ablaze with fiery light. "I remember once, in one of the old 'Godzilla: king of the monsters comics,' where he had to go up against the Avengers," The Baroness was saying, "And what they did was to try and..." "Will you stop it with the silly comic book references!" Shouted DAN over his shoulder, "This is real life, and we are NOT the Avengers!" Then, more to himself than anyone who actually heard, "What we need is a good plan." "Well, wait a second..." Suggested James, "She may be onto at least one thing: the Avengers all had specific powers, and knew to what ends they could be combined effectively in a team effort. I suggest we take a cue from them, and start by analyzing what we've got to work with. Baroness, What are your powers and/or special abilities?" "Puhleeze, we've JUST met!" She Drawled. "Oh, cut the nonsense!" Dooly broke from his fourth chorus of ninety-nine bottles, to chastise the Baroness for joking around. "Look who's talking!" She shouted, then, "All right, I don't really have any quote, powers, end-quote, but I'm an expert fighter, and have reached peak human strength and agility through my skill and years of training." "Okay, good, that will present us with a good tactical springboard," Nodded the Monk, "What about you Dooly?" "You don't seem quite as mad as you did before." Questioned the Doomon lord, eyeing the so-called Mad Monk skeptically. "Trust me, I am. Otherwise I'd be panicking," He said, and drawing open his robes added, "and I'd also be wearing clothes." The Baroness gasped, DAN stared, and Dooly just shook his head. "All right, All right. Pack it up, big guy, no need to disturb the populace. Right, well, my powers are that I can only be hurt, or killed, by the one who created me, plus I have some minor magic’s, the usual stuff... little of this, little of that, you know how it is." Answered Dooly vaguely. "Indestructible! Good, that'll come in handy! we can use you to distract him!" "Hey, just a cotton pickin minute here!" Dooly protested, but the monk had already turned to question DAN. "And what about you?" He asked, eyebrows arched beneath his hood. "I'm God." Answered DAN. "Yes," Affirmed James, "But what can you DO?" The Doomon lord's ears perked and he picked up the pace of his walk, moving closer to hear more clearly his former nemesis' confession. "Well...I..." Began DAN, then stopped where he was, and pressed a hand to his chin in concentration, Dooly started to snort laughter, "I can, well I'm sure there's a lot of things I can do...Like...ummmm." DAN frowned, then tromped off down the street, calling over his shoulder. "Just because I can't think of them right now doesn't mean that I don't have any!" Dooly guffawed, pointing after the God and laughing, until finally DAN paused once again... and turned. "Oh, THAAAT'S right. I completely forgot," He smiled, and Dooly stopped laughing, "I can create whatever I want. I can make ANYTHING... or UNmake it!" "Just you try it, DAN!" Shouted the Doomon king, "You've gotta beat me first you rat-bastard, and you'll NEVER do THAT!" "Please, gentlemen, please," Spoke the monk soothingly, "Our differences are aside, we have a common goal, and needs dictate that we must endure one another's company to accomplish it. So, DAN you can create anything, good, very good... I don't suppose you could make me a ten foot ice cream sandwich?" "Yes," answered the God straight faced, "But do you REALLY want to BE a ten foot ice cream sandwich?" "No, but thanks for offering." Said the monk, "All right, my powers are to wield the forces of the universe and bend them to my will as I see fit." "You're mad." Uttered DAN, in a false British accent. "Exactly!" Answered the monk, and then commenced to laugh uncontrollably. "Well," Spoke the Doomon lord sarcastically, "THAT was a very helpful exercise." "Actually, it was." Spoke up the Baroness, from where she had stood in silence contemplating the information she'd learned, "I have a plan." ...And beneath his laughing exterior, the monk smirked, because he had known that she would. CHAPTER 21: Chris-the-electrician emerged from a portal of teleportation directly in the path of the Widower, the Lunatic, and the zombie, where they were fast approaching the rear of the monster. From behind him came forth the MEL robot, caked with dried blood, and dotted with chunks of rotting flesh, but indefinitely more docile than the last time any of them had laid eyes upon her. "Hey guys!" He greeted them, then quietly added "Uh, listen, I got a call from Renee' while I was fixing ol' bessie here, and...well, you know how it is, I'm afraid I gotta' take off, but I made sure to take care of MEL, so she should be in good shape. All right, I'll see you later, Tell Dooly I said good-bye!" And before any words could be exchanged, he was back into the portal. which promptly collapsed in on itself. The three stared after him... or two anyway, (Dave still had a can on his head,) then turned to face the gore covered robot. She spoke in a metallic sizzle, swiveling her head left to right to absorb her surroundings as she did. "Where's the lizzzzzzzzzzzard." She stated, rather than asked, "I hate lizzzzzzzzzzzards." Then, spying him where he towered behind her, she rotated her body, spinning on her heel in a mechanical fashion, and without regard to wether the others followed or not, stormed off in that direction. The others followed. They reached the tip of the creature's tail, which swayed and writhed with a life of it's own as the king of lizards munched non-chalantly on a bus full of screaming passengers, but the robot kept marching. Two steps beyond the tail's end a strange whir emitted from MEL, and like a switchblade springing open, mechanized tentacles shot out from the robots body in all directions. There were ten arms total, and each was topped with a different weapon of mass destruction. What they would avail her against Godzilla had yet to be proven. The Widower did not follow the others, but stopped just beyond the tail's beginning, and launched herself ten feet straight up, tumbling into a somersault which carried her onto the upper side of the swaying protrusion. If the monster had noticed, then he wasn't letting on. The Widower began to ascend. When the others were halfway to the dinosaur's foot, they noticed something strange... A lone figure detached itself from a cluster of buildings some twenty feet ahead, and made it's way straight at the looming colossus, shouting all the while. From the clothes that he wore, and the method of his movement, they were able to discern almost immediately who it was. Dooly. But what was he yelling? "OOOHHH NO! THERE GOES TO-KEE-YO, GO, GO, GODZILLA! EEEEEE-EEEEE-EEEEE! OOOOHHHH NO! NEW YORK IS NEXT TO GO! GO, GO, GODZILLA! EEEEEEEEEEEE..." And so forth. "He's gone as mad as my mage!" Exclaimed the Lunatic, "What dost he?!" But, surveying the company he kept, he did not expect to receive an answer. "SKREEEOOOONNKKKKKKKK!" Godzilla roared his trademark roar, and hurled the bus aside. The scales along his spine began to glow an eerie blue/white. The giant creature tilted it's head downward, opened it's mouth, and a stream of atomic fire swept forth to engulf the screaming Doomon king. The pavement charred and cracked with the intensity of the heat, cars, trucks, and random heavy machinery were hurled to the far end of the block by the force of the wind... but while the monster was distracted, two figures hurtled towards it. Leaping from the rooftops to either side of the creature, aided in their flight by the Druid's non- specific magic’s, DAN and the Baroness shot like arrows from a bow straight towards the monstrosity's eyes! Sensing the attack, Godzilla abruptly ceased fire, and swung a giant backhand at one of the flying malefactors. As fortune would have it his blow, though connecting resoundingly, struck the more durable of the two, and DAN flew from the strike like a cannon shot. He streaked backwards through glass and stone alike, into one side of a building, and exploding out the other, trailing debris. He penetrated three buildings thusly, finally coming to rest in the fourth... five blocks away. Meanwhile, the Baroness' strike had continued unchecked, and her sword found the monster's eye, digging deep as a trowel does the earth. Godzilla roared that mighty roar and swung his head violently to one side in an attempt to dislodge the bringer of pain, but the Baroness clung fast. Indeed, she held on for her very life! But, alas her sword knew no such tenacity, and with the second shake of the creature's massive head it slipped free, taking the warrior's grip with it. Unbelieving, the Baroness plummeted downward, opening her mouth to exhale one final plea for life... but before any sound could rise, her sword caught up on something, and held! She jerked to violent stop, struggling to maintain her grip on the weapon, and she succeeded. She tilted her head back slowly, trying to see what had caught her sword, what had saved her life, but all she found was a thin silken thread which lead from the tip of her blade to the creature's shoulder, whereupon stood the Widower! Hand over hand the spider-spirit drew up her web, and the valiant warrior with it. While at the behemoth's feet, The guns of MEL blazed their hateful wrath at the joint in the back of the creature's knee, striking the same point repeatedly in the hopes that some splinter of their force would penetrate it's scaly hide. The zombie, Dave, dung-covered and be-trashcanned, struck uselessly at the creature's heel, hacking single handed with his enormous blade, but availing naught, still bravely, (or stupidly, though one might argue that the two terms were inseparable,) he kept trying. The Lunatic surveyed the landscape until he spotted his own mage, casting spells from the shelter of a nearby doorway. He wended his way between Godzilla's feet until he gained the Monk's company, and then spoke. "We are not enough, my loyal mage!" He shouted to be heard over the battle. "I sense that we shall soon be more!" The mage cried back, also to be heard over the battle and not for some other stupid reason. "But will we be enough?!" Queried Rob in a loud voice, (you know why.) the monk paused in thought, and then, slowly, nodded his head. Within seconds light erupted from the sky just over Godzilla's head, and those close enough to notice swore that they were able to hear the warm vocal undertow of a cow's moo. CHAPTER 22: CHRIS and the cow Goddess appeared spontaneously in the air above the creature's head... and promptly dropped like stones, (because neither of them could fly.) They landed heavily on the flat of his skull, but Godzilla scarcely seemed to take notice as his attentions were rapt upon a fast approaching fighter jet. The Cow Goddess stood, smiled, and looked around at the scene of carnage with an entirely detached attitude, while CHRIS took advantage of the monster's distracted state, and began pummeling him mercilessly with both fists. "Take that!" He grunted, slamming one fist after another into the giant's forehead, "And that... and this one's for your old man!" DAN was coming up on the creature fast in the Harrier which he had created during his brief hiatus from the battle. His finger kept the firing mechanism glued to the rear, and rapid fire rounds tore outward at the massive target. With the flick of a switch he loosed one, then another, sidewinder missile which flew unerringly to the creature's heart. Godzilla rocked with the force of the impact, and those aboard him, (I.E. the Widower, Baroness, Cow Goddess, and CHRIS,) were hard pressed to stay vertical as he flailed his limbs in order to keep upright. Seeing that his first pass had done little good, DAN pulled back hard on the flight stick, swinging the jet up and around to set up another pass. While on the ground The Lunatic saw the turn in the battle, saw the monster sway with the combined effect that their multi-leveled attacks were having upon him. His defenses were coming down, but not quickly enough for his taste. It was time to act. He moved out from the shelter of the doorway, leaving his mage to chant spells of protection for the safety of the team, and as he strode purposefully forward he set his mind to the oneness of the pack. The hunt that is the heritage of the wolf. A single purpose divided into many bodies, one consciousness which filled the minds of a legion... and by the time he reached the near foot of the creature, he WAS a pack! Within seconds his body had split and divided, those divisions forming divisions of their own, the street filled with lupine forms that walked with an even pace. There were twenty or thirty of them at least, and each one was identical to the others, for they were the same person! The Lunatics swarmed over the creature's foot, nearly engulfing it entirely, each one biting and clawing with the full force of it's strength in an all out attempt to weaken the monster enough to bring it down with the next hearty strike. The Widower finally drew the Baroness up onto the relative safety of Godzilla's shoulder, whereupon they were both greeted by a hovering vision of the Mad Monk. The ethereal form stood only inches high, but spoke with a clarity which penetrated both of their minds. "Ye' two must get yourselves to the creature's head, where you shall find another two of our number," He spoke, "MEL and DAVE have weakened the monster's left leg, while the Lunatic has weakened the right, and when next DAN strikes... Godzilla will surely fall. You must prepare yourselves to evacuate before this happens, or events may not bode well for you." And then the image vanished. Without hesitation, The Widower spun, (as in pivoted,) and spun, (as in wove,) a thread which shot to the monster's ear, clinging to it as if anchored there, and she and the Baroness began to climb towards Godzilla's apex. "Well... He certainly looks a little greener." Admitted the cow Goddess when CHRIS paused in his endeavors, to wipe the sweat from his brow with one shaky limb. "Yeah..." He breathed heavily, gulping in air like wine, "That oughtta'... teach the... bastard..." He looked up at the smiling Goddess for a moment, studying her features again before forming his next question. "Why, don't you do something?" He asked, "you're a Goddess aren't you?" "I don't take away wishes..." She said, exasperated, "I'm no Indian giver!" "You mean, somebody WISHED for this monstrosity!" Exclaimed CHRIS. "However indirectly... yes. Yes they did." She answered. Then there was no more time to talk as the Widower, followed closely by the Baroness, topped the horizon of the creature's skull. "We have to move quickly." Stated the spider-spirit in a voice that betrayed no emotion, as her hands went rapidly about the task of manufacturing a web something- or-other. "She's right." Nodded the Baroness furiously, "The big guys gonna go down in a few seconds, and we DON'T want to be up here when it happens!" "You got that right!" Answered CHRIS, standing. Then they heard the distant rumble of jet engines, and knew that their time was even less than they had thought. "Work faster." Whispered the Baroness. The Widower took no time to answer, but continued adamantly in the weaving of her unwieldy constructs. Chris-the-electrician stepped from a portal a few miles distant to the site of the battle, and addressed the person he found waiting there. "Well, I talked to Renee' and she's all right with letting me stay out for a little bit more, but she told me to be careful, so I did a locating spell to find you, and here I am! ... Um, are you okay?" "Never been better." Wheezed Dooly. "What happened to you?" queried the sage, as he looked the Doomon king up and down. His skin was tanned over every inch, which was visible because his clothing hung from his frame in charred tatters, while a thin layer of soot and ash adorned his crown of hair, it was obvious he'd been attacked, but he appeared otherwise unscathed. "I dunno' what it was," He coughed, "One minute I was singin' my heart out to a stand-up audience in ol' New York, then the next, BAM!" He slapped his palms together for emphasis, "... I'm passed out on Jersey island." "Yeah," Chris nodded understanding, "I think we've all had nights like that." The Doomon lord eyed him quizzically, then stood and began walking back towards the shore. "I'm not gonna say a word..." He muttered. CHAPTER 23: The jet shot towards the towering gargantua, screaming down an ally of concrete, penned in on both sides by high rises. DAN knew that all the ammunition in the world wasn't going to bring this prehistoric disaster to ground, so he shoved the throttle up past the red line, and brought the Harrier in low... on a collision course with the creature's expansive chest. Metal shrieked in protest, the wind tore at the cockpit visor, and the body of Godzilla seemed to grow rapidly until it filled the whole of DAN's vision, but still he clutched the flight stick, holding tight with all his strength in order to keep the jet from breaking it's course to shatter uselessly against one of the surrounding buildings. The Widower, and those in her company atop Godzilla's head, had finished the construction of four web-gliders, (hey, spiderman used to make one as he fell off a building, so why can't she make four in more time than that,) which she aided the others in donning as they watched the jet streak closer. DAN had estimated, by the speed of the jet and the distance to Godzilla, that by the time the tip of the plane was past one of the especially large buildings which lined the street, he would have just enough time to pull the lever that launched his ejection seat clear of the fighter, and still be assured that it would continue on it's course to impact the creature's gut... DAN had estimated wrong. He clawed at the ejection lever, pulling it straight up with all the strength which a sudden surge adrenaline lent him. Gas canisters released their pent up store, blowing the cockpit cover from it's moorings and into the fierce grip of the high speed winds. The cover was ripped away and hurled back to disappear beyond the body of the plane as quickly as it had been released, DAN knew then and there that he was going too fast, and that he was closer to the creature than he had counted on. The nose of the Harrier crumpled against the monster's body even as the pilot's chair broke free of the cabin. The front end folded and DAN watched in horror as the body of the plane continued forward, scant inches beneath his feet, following it's foremost extremities into oblivion. The fuel tanks went then. Fire and wind rushed up to engulf him, Godzilla's scream of pain and rage filled his ears joining with the roar of combustion in a chorus that carried him aloft on a force-felt crescendo. Four white shapes, like giant birds of prey, detached themselves from Godzilla's head, even as the monster began to fall. Spiraling through the air in a dance of controlled celebration they sought a clear place to land, and though they were chased by chunks of fiery detritus they managed to swerve and dodge adeptly in an effort to steer clear of danger. CHRIS screamed for his life, calling out his fear to any god, (except DAN,) that might listen, as his glider swayed and jostled between pieces of hurtling metal. He was only too happy to let the Widower guide his craft for him, by means of the lead "wire" she had attached to the front of each of their airfoils, but because of the obstacle which the flaming scraps presented, he found himself wishing that DAN could have picked a later moment to crash his plane. DAN was thinking much the same thing at that moment, except rather less coherently. He may have been a god, but gods survived by faith alone, and that faith was waning. He wasn't nearly as indestructible as he had once been, and aside from the power of creation, had lost most of his other abilities... that is to say: he was in some serious shit here, and he knew it. The explosive force of the conflagration shot him skyward, even as the intense heat of the flames seared his skin, and in his final moments of consciousness he expressed his true beliefs in an afterlife... by screaming. The gunfire from MEL's vast array of armaments had hammered at the joint in the monster's knee, even as the many wounds inflicted by the fierce strength and overwhelming numbers of the Lunatic had taken their toll on the opposite leg, and so it was that when DAN's jet collided squarely with it's chest the monster, though it fought and raged violently, was toppled. It fell shrieking and clawing at the structures to either side of the street in an effort to maintain some semblance of balance. Torn from the buildings the monster had struck out at; chunks of stone and shards of razor sharp glass rained down from above, striking the earth in a cacophonous symphony that was only overshadowed by the impact of Godzilla himself, which shook the entire city and cracked the pavement the length of the street. Windows shattered and fell from the faces of edifices for a mile in all directions, but not a person heard nor saw the spectacle save the heroes who had brought the beast low, for all were fled... or dead. "You can stop yelling now." Spoke the druid, and DAN opened his eyes to see James shadowy form stooping over him. Slowly his scream trailed away into silence, and his mouth formed, in it's stead, a question. "What the bloody hell?!" He asked, (with the aforementioned accent.) "I saw you were in trouble, and teleported you out." Said the Mad Monk, smirking a conceited smile, "I hope I wasn't too long in getting around to it, but I was sort of tied up in a telepathic link with Chris-the-electrician. Sorry." So saying, the Druid turned away to where a portal was opening not three feet distant in order to greet the Sage and Dooly, (now clothed in magical raiment provided by Chris,) as they emerged. "Well met, friends." He hailed, "The monster is down!" "But not out." Observed the Doomon lord, For Godzilla still writhed were he lay, dominating the space between crumbled structures. Multiple Lunatics were approaching the doorway where the others appeared to be regrouping, as they walked they blurred and melded, two joining into one, three melting into another, until there remained only a single entity. "What now?" Asked the unborn one, turning to eye the beast over his shoulder, "There's no way he'll stay there indefinitely." They stood a moment in thought, as still others began to gather about. The gliders lead by the Widower swooped down into a graceful landing, (where CHRIS dismounted eagerly, and awarded the pavement with a kiss for still being so nice and solid.) The MEL android stalked towards them through the cloud of dust and debris which had been kicked up by the monster's impact, dragging behind her a crumpled garbage can, which she handed to Chris-the-electrician. "The lizzzzzzzzard f-f-fell on your zzzzzzzzzzzzombie." She buzzed. Chris took the can offered him, looked inside, and promptly retched. "Now we need to finish him off." Said DAN, un-strapping himself from the flight seat, and standing. CHAPTER 24: The Teammates looked around at one another, ten fingers on a pair of ill fitting gloves, yet still they had served their basic function, working well as a group. "You know," Said the Baroness, "We really make a well balanced, traditional, basic super hero team, we should just blow off this gods stuff and do it full time." "Yeah," Agreed Dooly, somewhat sarcastically, "it's a real hoot... But you're right, I've got nothing left to go back to except a big empty castle, A fellow could kind of get used to saving the world. What about you DAN?" The Doomon lord eyed him askance, and all gazes turned to see if this might actually be the end to a millennia long feud. "Well," Responded DAN, scratching his chin and smiling ever so slightly, "I suppose I could give up this whole "god" thing... I mean, It's not as though I ever DO anything anyway, aw hell, WHY NOT!" And the two former enemies clasped arms in a heart rending gesture symbolic of unity and bonding between kith and kin worldwide. They smiled warmly, then turned to see both CHRIS and HIS former rival, Rob, embracing one another in a tearful hug. "This is great!" Shouted the Baroness, "I always wanted to be one of those scantily clad, big breasted, super team gals! It's a dream come true!" "I want to kill more lizzzzzzzzzards." Agreed MEL, smiling in anticipation. "Speaking of which..." Spoke the Widower, then broke off as she turned to see that Godzilla was no longer behind her! "What the..." uttered Chris-the-electrician. Everyone stopped. Puzzled looks were the rule of the moment, and the entire team moved out into the middle of the street to better search for the mythical monster. He was nowhere to be seen. "Where the hell does a ten ton lizard go!" Shouted the Lunatic. "anywhere he wants to?" Offered CHRIS. Rob glared and wondered if he really WANTED to be teammates with him. "There was no longer a need for him." Came a voice from the rear of the group, and they all turned to face the, until now, silent Cow Goddess. "What do you mean by that?" Queried Dooly. "He served his function, the wish has been fulfilled," She answered, smiling sweetly, "there has been a resolution." "Oh no..." Mumbled CHRIS. DAN and the Baroness eyes widened with understanding, but the others were still stumped. "What do you mean, 'oh no'... CHRIS?!" Asked the Lunatic. "When I summoned her I wished that this 'god war' would be resolved," He answered, exasperated, "and to do it... she caused all this!" "YOU did this?!" Shouted Chris-the-electrician. "No," Hissed the Widower, "This was not her work, but that of the lizard spirit! No cow was this creature!" "Well," answered the Cow Goddess, "It was MY idea... and he owed me a favor." "There goes the super hero idea." Drawled the Sage. "Why?!" Asked the baroness. "Because the only way we're ever going to get disasters big enough to merit our attention, would be to make them ourselves!" He answered. "So?!" Posed Dooly, "So what?" "Are you suggesting," Inquired the Druid further, "That we should make our own disasters simply for the amusement of combating them?" "Hell yeah!" Exclaimed the former king of the Doomons. "We're Demi-gods aren't we? We can do whatever we want!" "And this way," Added DAN, "If we have too much trouble beating one of the disasters by ourselves, as a back up... we can just undo it!" "OH YEAH!" Shouted the Sage enthusiastically, "Sounds good to me!" "Great." Stated the Druid, " Does anybody have any basic moral dilemmas concerning this plan?" Nobody said a word. "All right then," Dooly spoke up, "It's settled, from this day forward we're a super team, and in light of our unique methodology I suggest that we should be known as... THE PANTHEON OF ANARCHY!" "That may be an oxymoron." CHRIS started to argue, then thought better of it, "But who cares, as long as it sounds cool!" "That's the spirit!" Called the Lunatic, and clapped him on the back. And so, our heroes strode forth into a waiting teleportation portal, dematerializing into an unknown future filled with action and excitement. THE END! 60