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[Sean connery]An interveiw with SEAN CONNERY:

UBS: Mr. Connery, you have been an esteemed actor in the public eye for over thirty years now... when did you stop making your bed?

SC: Well, let me see.... Shortly after I started acting my life was pretty hectic, money was tight and I couldn't exactly afford a maid... nor could I spare the time to do it myself. Certain things had to be cut from my daily routine for the sake of expediance.... that was one of them.

UBS:Now that you're rich and famous... why continue to not make it?

SC (laughing): More a matter of personal preference, really... If I were to start making it now, my oldest cat, "Johnston", (he's getting on nineteen this month,) he'd never forgive me!

UBS:is that the only reason?

SC:Well... no not really... but it's what I tell people! (laughs) The truth of the matter is I'm really the laziest bastard you'll ever meet!!