I’m not saying that you should kill yourself just because your descendants won’t
have a place to live, far from it, I’m saying that you should do whatever you want! Live your life to the limits of your
imagination, without worry, and free of care. Take comfort in the fact that no matter what you may do it won’t hurt the
planet anymore than it already has been hurt. Live without regard for order, take pleasure in new experiences, delight
in the adventure of everyday existence! Your life is only what you make of it, if you bond yourself in the
conventional, you bind yourself with the tethers of a moral majority... others may give you the chains, by presenting
their laws and orders, but only YOU allow them to shackle you with their unbearable weight.
Your complacence
is the only thing keeping you from utter, soul felt, freedom.
As you come to terms with the imminent
doom of the planet, you come to terms with your own mortality, a hard thing to face... but it can be freeing as well.
Accepting your own transitory nature will teach you that death is not a thing to be feared , but simply another phase
of your life as a whole. Without the fear of death to bind you, other lesser fears will fade away, leaving behind a
stronger, more willful individual. A person who is not afraid to take charge of their own life, to make radical changes
for the sake of a more fulfilling existence.
But you DO fear, and so you are kept in your place. You are
not as happy as you could be, although you may have convinced yourself that you are, but all you have done is
come to accept your imprisonment, you’ve given up and have allowed yourself to become subject to the will of
others. Others who rule you, tell you what you can and cannot do, and you obey because you are afraid, afraid of the
repercussions that will follow any lapse of "discretion." But it is THEIR discretion, not your own, that you are forced
to heed.
The constraints of our society hold your life in check, the laws of our government regulate the
degree of freedom you may experience, and you have no true control of your existence for as long as you allow
yourself to be cowed by their "Justice." But... How should you break free? How can you escape an entire world of
moral dictation?
To leave the path that others have lay down for you is to become a criminal, and an
outcast, to all you have ever known. To let go of your life and be reborn into true freedom, takes a strength that most
do not possess. It scares you to think of all the decisions, all the choices that you will have to make on your own.
With no council but your own mind, nobody to tell you what is right and what is wrong. What a great burden
freedom is! It’s so much easier to stay chained, to relax in our prison content to watch life through the bars!
Sit a moment and ponder over who the guards to your cell are, what are the things that keep you from doing
what you want to do? The opinions of others? But what matter they to you truly, especially if they go against your
own wishes? The government? The body that makes and enforces the laws which constrain you, A formidable
obstacle do they present! They dictate to all what behavior is right and wrong, regardless of our own personal
opinions! They stereotype their laws to all, when all people are different, how can one law be spread like a plastic
sheet over the body of a culture where norms and ideals are radically different from group to group. They regulate
what we can say, and when. They tell us what we can buy, and how old we have to be to buy it, and where we have
to go to get it. They forbid us even the control of our own destiny through limiting how much knowledge we may
This all powerful controlling force is at the root of every limitation that we have known, and will ever know, for as long as they remain in place.
The laws set forth by them dictated behavior to an entire society, as they dictated it to our ancestors who in their
turn passed on that "Traditional subservience" called morality to us, and we will continue within this vicious cycle
until the chain is broken... Either by us refusing to conform to their idea of what we should be, or, by many of us
combining our strength to finally depose this spiritual dictatorship which governs our very souls!
We need
to reach an awareness, a level of understanding wherein we are able to see that a single body of organization,
regardless of it’s ideals and methods, will only serve to limit our personal growth. No government can provide equal
law to such a diversified people. No one system of worship can ever hope to meet the spiritual expectations of so
vast a collection of varied cultures. The only way we, as the whole of humanity, may achieve true freedom, and true
happiness, is to shrug off the bonds of our various governments, of our petty religions, to find the strength within
ourselves to judge of our own accord what is right and wrong for us as individuals.
If we struggle towards this
ideal, we may see true happiness here on earth in it’s final moments of death. We might ease the passing into the next
phase of our lives, and we shall have built up an inner strength that will allow us to stand tall and embrace our
passing with courage and the wisdom of the free.
Go forth and spread the word! Kill the planet! For our
old methods and ideals must die, in fire and chaos, before humanity may be reborn into divine freedom... and
happiness without limitation!
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