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[bed title]

Our motto: "An unmade bed, a healthy mind, let logic stand, leave care behind."

Our mission: It is our desire to better society and to improve human relations by establishing a common thread of logic across the many cultural barriers which so often hinder effective communication. An unmade bed needs no language, yet the principle behind it is conveyed more effectively than any lofty speech.

A few words from our founder: "why the heck should I make my bed?! I'm just gonna sleep in it again..."


Protect your sanity, don't make your bed! A sound mind is far more important than aesthetic beauty. If a man built a castle in the morning for all to see throughout the day, then tore it down when came the evening, then you might call that man eccentric. However, if he were to repeat this exercise in futility every day for the rest of his life... you'd call him insane. accept some mental freedom into your life, give up the endless frustration of making your bed! Hold onto your wits, everyone knows that you don't build something simply to destroy it, for such wanton destruction leaves scars both physical and mental, scars which can be avoided...

Witness the woman in bristol who's family was slain by rabid wolves, she had made her bed every day since she was a young girl... yet while she grieved for her losses the bed went unmade, and the revocation of this simple, but damaging, activity allotted her the strength she needed to overcome her emotional trial and proceed with her life!

Witness also the man from Fois Gras, Kentucky who's unfortunate habit of lighting himself on fire drove his life-long love away from him. It was only after he ceased making his bed that the flames from his body finally set the sheets ablaze and brought the house crashing down around his ears, bringing a welcome end to his misery, one which he had so longed for...

Click here to see this year's spokesman: SEAN CONNERY... a famous person who doesn't make his bed!! find out why...