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Bart Simpson

Name: Bartholomew Jo-Jo Simpson
Age: 10 years old (too our time, 21 years old)
Date Of Birth: April 1, 1980
First Word: Aye Carumba
Family: Parents are Homer and Marge; has two sisters: Lisa and Maggie.
Pets: Santa's Little Helper and Snowball II
Address: 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield, NT 49007
Occupation: Grade 4 student at Springfield Elementary School
Past Careers: bartender for the mob, The "I Didn't Do It" boy, army officer, script writer for Itchy and Scratchy, a blackjack dealer in his Treehouse casino, factory boss, worker at Android's Dungeon (the Comic Book Store), boy band singer (manager was S.T. Smash), hall monitor. Worked with Krusty
Future OccupationName: Band member, construction worker
Future Plans: Supreme Court Justice
Locker Combo: 36 - 24 - 36
Best friend: Milhouse Van Houten
Enemies: 'Sideshow' Bob Terwilliger and Dr. Demento
Past Loves: Laura Powers and Jessica Lovejoy
Idol: Krusty the Clown
Role Model: Radioactive Man and Homer
Pet Peeves: School, homework, Martin Prince, Nelson Muntz, nerds
Biggest Mistake: Selling his soul for $5
Near Death #1: Swam with sharks
Near Death #2: Hit by Mr. Burns' limosuine
Near Death #3: Almost murdered by Sideshow Bob (twice)
Near Death #4: Thrown off a cliff by Cecil Terwilliger
First Word: Aye Carumba!
Favorite TV Shows: Itchy & Scratchy
Hobbies: Skateboarding, collecting Radio Active Man comics, prank calls, graffiti, watching Krusty and the Itchy & Scratchy Show.
Favorite Sayings: "Aye Carumba!", "Don't Have a Cow Man!", "I Didn't Do It, You can't prove I did it."
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