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Lisa Simpson

Name: Lisa Simpson
Age: 8 years old
First Word: Bart
Family: Parents are Homer and Marge; has one brother and has one sisters: Bart and Maggie.
Pets: Santa's Little Helper and Snowball II
Address: 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield, NT 49007
Occupation: Grade 2 student at Springfield Elementary School
Past Careers: script writer for Itchy and Scratchy,
Future Occupation: First straight Woman President of the United States of America
Future Plans: Jazz musician
Mentor: Bleeding Gums Murphy
Pet Peeves: Bart and his antics, cruelty to animals, meat
Favorite TV Shows: Happy Little Elves, Itchy & Scratchy
Hobbies: Listening to jazz music, playing the sax, watching Itchy & Scratchy, studying, reading
Favorite Sayings: "If anyone needs me, I'll be in my room", "Bart!!!!!!!!!", "Bart, you are a dimwit", "Cut it out Bart!"
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