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aren't I photogenic?Updates

29-08-02 ...
01:30am: Yeah I know...I have no life. lol! I churned out some fanfic for your reading enjoyment (or not). Chapter 3 is up. Oh, and have some "fruitcake" while you're there...[snickers]

27-08-02 ...
03:11pm: the new message board/forum is up. Feel free to leave any messages you want about the site, my fanfics, or whatever...and I added my free-for-all link page for anyone who wants to add their favorite links.
01:54am: eh...I got bored and added a little poll on the bottom of the main page. When I decide to put new ones up, I'll archive the results in the "interactive" section...

26-08-02 ...
01:19am: put up my pic of Goblinette in the fanart section...^_^

25-08-02 ...
12:19am: Oh yeah! I forgot to mention...I started the webring. So, please sign up if you have a Gobby shrine that you want included in the ring.

24-08-02 ...
11:49pm: posted chapters 1 & 2 of my fanfic and resized all the images. Hopefully, Geocities doesn't shut me down again. O_o

22-08-02 ...
12:08am: ugh....I'm tired....but this site's coming along...^_^.  I put the new images up in the "Miscellaneous" galleries, so now there's five pages (total) of goodies to look at. In a few days, I'll post the first two chapters of my fanfic.

21-08-02 ...
all day...: not really an update...just want to note that it's my father's birthday (he's in Florida vacationing).^_^ I scanned some more images of Willem and behind the scenes pics.  Hopefully tomorrow I'll put them up.....[sigh]

20-08-02 ...
all day...: put a little "welcoming mat" on the site; changed the menus, and rearranged the site a little better. Fanfic, fanart, quizes and the rpg can be now found in the "interactive" link.  I lumped the sound clips and image galleries in the "multimedia" link.  I'm going to add a message board and a poll sooner or later.  I added a site map (why I don't's not that big yet).  Oh...and I got rid of the underlined links. Now they look so pretty....^_^ .....whew! Busy day...

19-08-02 ...
09:45pm:  just added a button on the links page for "Like a Moth to the Flame" site.

18-08-02 ...
08:49pm:  I put up my drawing (yay) and added the Norman and Willem pages.  Redid the menu thingy on the bottom of the pages, too.

17-08-02 ...
11:44pm:  fixed some broken links and a few typos...will post info on Norman Osborn/Green Goblin and Willem Dafoe soon...

16-08-02 ...
10:20pm:  just one major update....I put up the "Multimedia" section and uploaded some sounds. Enjoy.
02:37pm:  site opens. Yay. This isn't really an update...but it'd be cool by next year to look at this and say "Whoa..."

Site Archives:
nov 2002 updates
oct 2002 updates
sep 2002 updates
aug 2002 updates

| updates | awards | cliques | interactive | my uJournal | norman osborn | willem dafoe |
| multimedia | links | about your weird webmistress | speak your mind | site map |

All html content, layout, etc... ©2002 by Jen R. See disclaimer on main page