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Fanfic by Fuujin Kishukaze: mail

Sins of the Father - PG13 - (Movie-verse) When Harry Osborn is offered a chance to take over Oscorp after his father's death, he gets more than he bargained for.

Train of Thought - PG13 - (Movie-verse) The morning after the mishap with the performance enhancers, Norman Osborn desperately tries to recall what happened the night before.

Deserving - PG13 - (Movie-verse) Set before the official start of the movie, Harry and Norman have an argument that ends badly for both of them.

Answering Machine Apology - G - (Movie-verse) Ever wonder what Harry Osborn said to MJ's answering machine after their unofficial break up on Thanksgiving? I know this isn't about Norman, but I like it. ^_^

In Hindsight - PG13 - (Movie-verse) In his final moments, Norman Osborn finally remembers the night he became the Green Goblin. And comes to a startling conclusion.

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