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aren't I photogenic?Fan Fiction Archive

Hmmm... it's getting there. I'm trying to start a Green Goblin fanfic archive. Since I haven't found one yet that I've liked, I'll start my own! Heh!

I grouped the stories by genre AND by author so it makes for easier browsing.

I'm hoping anybody out there that has Gobby/Norman fanfic will send it to me (slash is okay, too).  Even if it's Spider-man fanfic, it's okay as long as Gobby's in it.

Stories by Author

Stories by Genre

| Drama | Humor/Parody | Miscellaneous |

I was brave and *gulp* posted my fanfics here as well....go easy on me. I never wrote anything for anyone else to read before.

*looks around innocently, which is kinda hard, since he's wearing that mask of his...*

Don't you have some off-hand remark to say to me right about now?

*blinks*What? What'd I do now?

*sighs* Nevermind....

Heh heh...*holds a lighter behind his back*

Oh...and email me and tell me what you liked (or hated..O_o) about my fanfics. No flames,'s a waste of time and energy sending them to me.


Uh...that's not what I'm talking about and....put that lighter down!

Allow me to demonstrate how I "flame" people....*sets Jen's desk on fire*  Heh heh....

Augh! Norman! That's not what I meant!

Oh! You mean....uh....*grins* heh...sorry, my mistake.

Grrr....crazy Osborn. >_<

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All html content, layout, etc... ©2002 by Jen R. See disclaimer on main page