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Disclaimer: Blah blah.... unfortunately, I don't own anyone. Marvel does. *sighs* Oh well....

I wanted to write something for Halloween...*shrugs* That, and I was bored. LOL.

This takes place a year after "Fruitcake" if you're wondering....

Anyone Got A Flashlight?
by Jen R

It was a late autumn evening in New York. Since Halloween was coming up soon, Peter and Harry decided to invite their friends over for an all-night horror movie marathon. Harry and MJ had just come back from the local Blockbuster down the street, with a bag full of scary films.

Peter was washing dishes when they walked in. Mary Jane gasped at the sight of the apartment. It was ACTUALLY clean.

"What the hell happened here?! You haven't been eating fruitcake again, have you?" She narrowed her eyes at the two men.

Harry shuddered at the memory. "Never again!"

Peter frowned. "Huh? No way. We just wanted to make the place presentable for our guests, that's all."

MJ gave a sardonic grin. "Uh huh."

He gave in and grumbled. "...and Harry made me clean up."

She covered the smile that slowly slid onto her face and giggled. Peter may have been a scientific genius... but he was no Einstein when it came to housework.

"So, what did you get? Something good, I hope," Peter took the bag from Harry and plopped down on the sofa.

MJ shivered with her arms wrapped around her. "Harry rented...'Hannibal'. Ugh... why couldn't we make this an all-night comedy marathon?"

Harry scowled at MJ. "What? 'Hannibal' IS funny!"

Peter stared at his best friend strangely and shrugged indifferently. O....kay.... like father, like son...I guess.

MJ rolled her eyes and sighed. "If you're a sociopath," she muttered under her breath.

Peter snickered, looking through the DVD's Harry brought. "Heh... 'The Shining'. Yeah, this one scared me into sleeping with a night light."

There was a knock at the door. MJ answered it and groaned when she opened the door. Ugh.. my two most favorite people in the world....

Flash Thompson and Felica Hardy came waltzing in, with a bag of groceries to make smores. Felica waved at MJ. "Hiya, Mary Jane. What's new?" She grinned.

MJ grumbled. "Nothing...." She tolerated Felica, but she didn't like the white-haired beauty. The girl always managed to grope Peter every time the three of them were together. She had the nagging feeling that Hardy was doing it on purpose just to get her mad.

Felica sat down next to Peter, much to MJ's displeasure. She flirted with Peter and tugged at his shirt. "Heya, Tiger. So... what are we watching, anyway?"

Harry held up the 'Hannibal' DVD and grinned. "This first."

Everyone groaned, including Flash. Apparently they didn't have the stomach for Dr. Lecter....

Harry just frowned at them, grumbling. "Cowards...." He put the disc in the player and pushed play.

MJ covered her eyes. "Tell me when it's over...."

Peter laughed. "MJ, it hasn't started yet...." Felica snickered at the red-head.

About twenty minutes or so into the movie, everyone got squeamish when Mason Verger appeared (the really gross-looking guy in the wheelchair). Harry was watching intently....eating his popcorn.

"How can you watch that and eat?" Felica choked back her smores, which threatened to come up. "His face looks like--"

"WE KNOW!! WE KNOW!!" Everyone shouted... MJ had her eyes covered, and was hoping someone would tell her when the scene was over. Peter just held on to his blankie and shivered.

"Harry's tough.... like his dad," Flash grumbled.

"Speaking of your father, where IS Mr. Osborn?" Peter asked idly.

Harry shrugged, keeping his eyes on the screen. "Uh... he said he was coming over. Maybe he couldn't get away from work."

...yeah, probably flying around on that glider of his, Peter thought. Then again, my spider-sense isn't going off, so maybe I'm wrong.... "He's gonna miss the movie."

Harry smirked wickedly. "That's okay. We can watch it again!"

Everyone except Harry winced and moaned....

"I have a very bad feeling about this..." Flash frowned.

Suddenly, the lights flickered on and off for a second, before going completely dark. Felica and MJ gasped, Flash groaned, Harry snickered... and Peter was flipping out.

"NoooooOOOOOOOOooooooo!" Of course, he had to be the one in the group who was afraid of the dark....

A flash of lightning illuminated the apartment before a booming thunderclap sounded overhead, making everyone jump in their seats. The sound of heavy rain pelted the roof....

"Like I was saying..." Flash continued as if nothing happened.

Harry scowled at him. "Aw, c'mon. We'll get through this!"

"I really think you're being overly optimistic about this, Osborn," Peter frowned in worry. He jumped at the sound of thunder.

Harry shrugged. "Yeah, but what difference does it make? It's only a storm."

"Heh. Parker's flipping out, as usual...." Flash snickered.

"Shut up!" Peter growled and held his blankie tighter.

"It'll work out. We got the... TV..." Harry turned to the dark television screen and groaned. "Damn."

"YES! No more movie!" MJ cheered, and suddenly realized Harry was sitting next to her. "Uh...I mean..."

Harry threw his hands up in the air and groaned. "My night is ruined! Now what do we do for entertainment?"

Flash and Felica looked at each other and grinned suggestively.

Peter sighed. "We need to get some flashlights or something...."

"Why don't we just go home?" Felica asked.

Flash snorted. "It's pouring cats and dogs out there! And I am NOT walking ten blocks in that!"

Felica groaned, resigned to her fate. "Where's the candles?"

[3 hours later]

It has been a long, three hours for the Gang. To make matters worse, Peter and Harry squabbled the whole time. The fight started over who got the lighter, and progressed from there. Felica, had taken enough and snatched the lighter away from both men.

She whistled loudly at Harry. "Hey, pyro! Go...sit over there!" She pointed to a random spot in the dark.

Harry scowled at her, grumbling as he tripped over Flash.

"Watch it, worm!"


"Hey! That's my butt, Harry!" MJ snapped. "Keep your hands off!"

"Ooops, sorry!"

"OW!!" Peter yelled.

Harry sighed. "Sorry, man. I can't see a thing...."

[an hour later]

The Gang was getting restless. With nothing to do, they were beginning to wear on everyone else's nerves.

Felica managed to light some candles, without setting the apartment on fire. Harry sat in the corner, brooding. MJ and Flash were playing cards by candlelight....

As if the power outage wasn't enough, Peter started to sing. "1,000,000 bottles of beer on the wall...."

He dodged a piece of glass thrown at his head. "1,000,000 bottles of beer ..." He ducked as a coffee mug whizzed over his head. "Take one down, pass it ar - ACK!"

Finally, MJ and Harry pounced on him.

"Seriously, Parker, if you sing any more songs, I'm gonna castrate you!" Harry growled.

MJ smirked evilly. "With dental floss."

Peter squeaked. "Okay! Okay! I'll be good!"

[2 hours later]

Yup... the power was STILL out.
And it looked as though the group of friends were about to turn on each other... *snickers*

"We've been stuck in this goddamm apartment for almost six hours!" Flash bellowed. He paced back and forth in the hallway like a caged tiger.

"Guys! Just take it easy!" Harry tried unsuccessfully calming everyone down. It only made everyone angrier...

"If he tells me to take it easy one more time, I'm gonna kill him!" MJ snarled.

Harry held up a candle and shrugged. "I'm just saying that it's probably not going to be much longer. They're probably fixing it now."

"And if you want to come out of this alive, I sincerely recommend that you don't blow your nose..." Peter said with deadly calm.

Harry blinked. "Do you mind if I ask why?"

"Well, let's forego the noise and the revolting burbling sound, and go straight to the really gross part, when you always, and I mean always, having blown your nose have to open up your Kleenex and look inside. I mean, why? What do you expect to see in there? A Turner seascape, perhaps? The president's face? The international space station?"

Harry stared at his roommate for a moment. "You know, you've changed..."

Peter growled. "Yeah?"

"Agh, quit bitching! Somebody tell a ghost story. Hopefully a good one," Flash was grumbling.

Felica beamed. "Yeah! That's a great idea. We have the perfect mood for some scary tales!"

MJ groaned. "Uh if the movie weren't enough."

Harry grinned sinisterly. "I got one that oughta scare the crap outta Parker."

Flash snorted. "Ooh, like that's a challenge."

"Yeah, Flash. Looking at your face gives me the creeps," MJ smirked.

Everyone but Flash laughed. Harry quieted everyone down and lit another candle.

"Seriously, you guys," his tone turned a bit darker. "Ok. There was this guy, see...."

Flash let out a snort of laughter. "Nice intro, there."

"Shut up, Flash! Anyway, every night he goes for a walk. One night he discovers that he's completely lost. He decides to follow a hedge that he sees, hoping to find someone to get directions from. As he walks he hears this weird noise. Ch-clink! Ch-clink! No matter how hard he looks, he can't figure out where it's coming from. He keeps walking, and the noise goes with him. It's like the noise is following him."

Harry tried not to laugh at Peter, who was making a whimpering noise. He continued. "He sees the end of the hedge. He decides to confront it. He runs, and the sound keeps pace! Ch-clink! Ch-clink! Finally, he bursts around the corner and sees..." his voice raised slightly to create the dramatic tension.

Peter was on the edge of his seat in anticipation. "What? What?!"

The others looked slightly bored but amused by Peter's fear.

"It's... A DOG ON A CHAIN!!!" Harry screamed right in Peter's face. The sheer shock made Peter scream and fall off the chair he was sitting on.

MJ rolled her eyes. "A dog on a chain? That's weak, Harry."

Harry shrugged and gave a crafty grin. "Scared Peter, didn't it?"

Peter hugged his blankie and whimpered. MJ just patted Peter on the arm reassuringly.

The gang exchanged glances in the dim candlelight. It was quiet all of a sudden... except for the occasional boom of thunder.

"I'll be right back," Harry got up and started for the door.

Flash snickered. "Famous last words..."

Harry ignored Flash and left the apartment. Shortly after he left, the Gang heard a strange noise outside the door.

"Haha! Very funny, Osborn!" Peter smiled sarcastically.

Harry came back with some more candles and frowned at Peter. "What's funny?"

"I don't think Parker likes being picked on," Flash said.

"What are you talking about?" Harry honestly didn't know what was going on.

Peter suddenly bit his lip and looked at Harry. "But if that wasn't you..."

Harry scowled. "How do I know it wasn't one of you guys?"

Just then the noise was heard again. Sounded an awful lot like... a cackle.

Harry jumped and candles scattered everywhere. The four friends exchanged glances, then ran screaming into the hallway.

"I think we lost it," Harry panted.

MJ held on to Peter. "What do you think that was?"

Peter shook his head. "I don't know. I don't want to know. Let's just get out of here."

The sound was heard again.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" They take off running through the hallway....again.

After several minutes of running, the Gang paused again. Even Flash seemed shaken by the encounter.

"Is it gone?" Flash asked with strained breath.

Felica hissed. "Shhh... I hear something."

Peter moaned. "Oh, no. Not again."

She shook her head. "No, this is different. Sounds like....voices."

That was enough for Peter. "Dude, let's get outta here."

They turned a corner and immediately ran into....Norman Osborn, holding a flashlight up to his face.

The girls and Peter let out shrieks of terror, Flash groaned and Harry gasped in surprise.....

Norman just jumped slightly at their reaction. "What's going on? And stop screaming!! Trying to make me go deaf?!"

MJ coughed. "Sorry about that..."

"Dad, the power's out. We've been stuck in our room with nothing to do for the past six hours!"

Peter shivered, still holding his blankie. "Yeah... and then there were the voices...."

Norman frowned in puzzlement. "What voices? I didn't see anyone."

Harry and MJ looked at each other... then at Norman... and at each other again. They didn't say anything.... but they finally knew WHO was behind their little night of terror.

Osborn kept up a good front, and looked genuinely confused. "What's this about the power? It's not out now...."

Everyone gaped at Osborn. "WHAT?"

"It's been on for the past forty minutes," he explained. Norman flipped the light switch in the hall, and everyone was assaulted by the brightness of the lights.

Peter sank to the ground and sighed. "Thank god!"

MJ smacked Harry on the arm. "Idiot! Why didn't you try the lights earlier?"

Harry grinned sheepishly. "'Cause it didn't ....occur to me to turn them on?"

Everyone groaned. Norman just snickered.

Flash and Felica made their way back upstairs. "C'mon you guys. We have to finish our horror marathon..."

Harry grinned and caught up with the pair as MJ grumbled all the way up.

Peter whimpered... he didn't want to go, but he lived there..after all. He trudged up the stairs with Norman following close behind.

And Norman had the most wicked smirk on his face as he closed the apartment door behind him.

...heh... I love this time of year....


Author's Note: *snickers* Yeah, I know... he's a devious little goblin, isn't he? Scaring poor college kids.. LOL!!

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