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Just FYI -- This is one of the RPG characters on the Spider-Man RPG. Liz owns her, I don't.

The Goblinette

Real name: Marian Victoria Welborn
Occupation: Professional Criminal/Oscorp lab-tech
Base of operations: New York City
Group Affiliation: Occassionally works with the Green Goblin

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blonde

Powers: Semi-super strength. No where near as strong as Spider-man or many other male villains.

Weaknesses: Marian's weaknesses are being too shy to say no, most of the time. She's very unsure of herself and allows herself to get 'run over', so to speak. Goblin-ette's weaknesses include, insane jealousy and a playful streak the size of Texas (which is on the more disturbing side of the spectrum and it often tends to get her in over her head); she's over protective of her partner-in-crime and she's very domineering in pretty much everything she does. In short, she's either your best friend or your worst enemy ^_~

Weapons: Pumpkin Bombs, glider similar to the Green Goblin's.

History: Marian was once nothing more than a quiet, lab tech employeed by Oscorp Industries. After Dr. Stromm's death, she (being a new employee) was sent in to finish cleaning up the lab Stromm was killed in, as all the cleaning crews had quite after the disaster. Thanks to her superior's young son messing around with things he shouldn't have, she was forced to inhale the same deadly gas Norman Osborn inhaled before he turned into the Green Goblin.

Slowly but surely, she started hearing a voice in her head, one that told her she could do accomplish great things and make herself into something other than a whimpering nobody with this voices help. This voice turned out to be, what would later be known as, the Goblin-ette. She later sought out the help of Norman/The Green Goblin, claiming that she'd help him destory Spider-man if he helped her achieve her goal of recognition. He refused at first but later, as she proved herself, accepted her as his partner. Since they started sometimes working together, Marian has become somewhat protective of her parter, whom she 'affectionately' calls Gobby. However, she does like to 'get her kicks' by herself sometimes and she's sure Green Goblin likes to work alone sometimes as well.

Ever since she adopted her Goblin-ette persona, she rarely acts like the shy girl that was once Marian. The Goblin-ette generally has a more seductive type tone to her voice. She likes to get her laughs by playing around with men's minds, especially Spider-mans whenever they battle, makes things more interesting from her point of view.

The Goblin-ette is also a very playful sort, she dosen't take too much seriously unless it concerns her well being or the Green Goblin's. Her main physical weakness would be her strength, she is not nearly as strong as the web slinger or many other male villains for that matter; but what she lacks in strength she makes up for in agility. Being so light, the Goblin-ette can easily move around when the situation calls for it, which it often does.

(Just some info for ya if you're reading my fics and wondering who the heck Marian (Goblinfan) is. ^_~)



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