Black Widow
Real name: Raven D'Arcy
Occupation: lab technician at OsCorp
Base of operations: New York City
Group Affiliation: None
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 125lbs
Eye color: violet
Hair color: black
Powers: Raven exhibits the same abilities as Spider-Man's (super strength, wall crawling, spider-sense, etc.), but with some exceptions. She can also inject a debilitating poison into her enemy with her claws and her precognitive abilities are far more advanced. She can see visions of future, but most of the time they frighten her and so she tries not to use her psychic powers.
Weaknesses: Ever since she was a teenager, she was bullied by those who had kidnapped her, so it's not surprising that she's developed a fierce temper. She usually acts on impulse and doesn't think before she speaks. Any attempts to tease her about her bravery/cowardice tends to end badly for Raven, since she's the one who ends up with egg on her face. *snicker* Raven is also rather new at the superhero concept, so sometimes she has....problems using her abilities. Especially her spider-sense. With her combined ability of seeing the future, she can become seriously debilitated if she tries to focus on her visions.
Weapons: She has no weapons to speak of, but she does own an unusual pendant...a silver disc with a onyx and garnet spider engraved on it. It was given to her by a friend (who happened to be a Wiccan priestess).... and supposedly it "enhanced" her precog abilities. She wears it only to honor the memory of her deceased friend...but she refuses to believe in its supernatural origins.
History: Raven D'Arcy was born in Germany to a heart surgeon and a chemist. The rest of her past is a mystery. The last thing she remembered was walking home from school and being abducted at age 16 by some men dressed in black (not the Men In Black...LOL). She awoke in a laboratory deep underground somewhere in Berlin. The next eight years were one, long nightmare. She managed to escape to England some years later, but with a price.
Somehow she lost most of her memory, not remembering how she had wound up as a lab rat...or how she had gained her strange powers. But the familiar feeling of guilt came back to haunt the scattered memories of her past deeds surfaced. A strange tatoo on her torso (which suspiciously looked like the corporate logo of OsCorp) gave her some clue as to where to begin her search. With fierce determination, she vowed to uncover her past and take revenge on those who had experimented on her. She travelled to New York.
By day...she is a lab tech position at OsCorp, hoping to shed some light on her past. By night, she takes on the identity of Black Widow, and feels she has to make up for her past crimes....even though she can't remember them. She had no idea what sort of trouble she was getting herself into....^_^
Personally, Raven finds herself alone most of the outsider. She is quiet girl who would rather stay home and surf the internet than hang out with friends. She was brought up in a very strict household, and so she never really had a happy childhood. Most of her time was spent studying and attending college at an early age. Her parents drove her so hard that at 15, she cracked and ran away from home. Her social life is another story...she has none. She has a few friends and doesn't date often....Raven feels shy and awkward around most men (which is ironic, because when she's Black Widow...she's a flirt).
Raven's just a young woman in search of her past.... and hopes to clean up the city while she's at it. ^_^
(btw...this is NOT the Black Widow on the Marvel website. I made her up.)
Just some info for ya if you're reading the AOHell fics and wondering who the heck Raven (DarkAngel9) is. ^_~
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