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aren't I photogenic? Green Goblin Gallery

Alliteration.....I love it....^_^

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Hate to say I told you so
Impressive Shall we dance?
Say hello to my little friend
Darn it! Foiled again! Green Goblin poster Gobby w/his trident Are you gonna sleep all day or what?
Hmmm....the door might have been easier
I'm gonna pop your skull like a bubble Fire...pretty...
Movie poster
from the Spider-Man game
It gets good mileage Beating up the poor hero
What's everyone gaping at?
Rivals You've been eating your Wheaties Hmmm.... how can I get in the sequel? These people act like they've never seen a supervillain before
The Goblin looking downright evil
I think my glider's stuck in the wall ...O_o Oops, I just stepped on your hand
Hey, come back!  You forgot your change!
Finish it Hello... I love a parade No one says no to me!
Have a pumpkin bomb Crouching gobin, hidden spider Look ma, no hands! Sparks fly
What are you lookin' at? You talkin' to me?! It wasn't me, it was the one-armed man!

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