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aren't I photogenic?Updates

29-11-02 ...
Wow, I can't believe November's almost over... geez, this month's been a bust as far as updates go, but I hope next month will be better.

As I said on the main page, I'll be updating the essay and banner pages this weekend, so you'll see some new stuff by next week I hope.. (if nothing ELSE comes up in my so-called life)

20-11-02 ...
Just a minor update. Liz, Emphyst and I started a new Spider-Man RPG, since the other one died out. *sob* It's on the RPG page if anyone's interested. ^_~

17-11-02 ...
I hate ice storms. >_<

Our electricity keeps going on and off, on and off. It's getting annoying. The only thing I managed to get done is change the quote on the main page. *groan*
I suppose if I get an essay or two done today, I'll post it. But I can't promise anything, with the power situation.

Somewhere, someone is laughing at me...*sigh* It's NOT funny!

I'll laugh about this in a few weeks, but right now I'm kinda pissed off....

15-11-02 ...
See the main page... nuff said.

03-11-02 ...
Well, I posted one of the interviews, anyway. My weekend was kinda shot down the tubes as far as website updating went. *sob* If possible, I'll post the fanart tonight, otherwise you'll see it in the morning.

And by the end of the week, I hope to post the revised version of my Norman fic (as yet untitled). I'll probably post chapters 1-4 by Thursday or Friday. ^_^

02-11-02 ...
Hey, guys. I must have watched the DVD four times now..I saw the movie twice, and then I went through and watched ALL the features. ^_^

Don't you just love the gag reel? Most of the outtakes are of Willem being his silly self. My two favorite ones are the little dance the Goblin does in the parade scene and the one with Willem sitting in the chair, holding the Goblin mask, lol.

Anyways....I'm sorry about not updating when I said I was. I had an emergency last night, so.... I plan to post some new stuff today and tomorrow. I have a new Goblin fanart pic, and those two interviews. One of the interviews is a transcript of the Biography magazine artice on Willem.

As for fanfic, I haven't had the time to work on it. I've been moving all week, so now that things have settled down, I'll actually have time to write. I plan on posting the new revised version of my Norman fic sometime next week, if possible. I'm almost finished writing the whole story, but I want to go back and add some things to a few chapters. Trust me, the wait will be worth it. ^_^

01-11-02 ...
Hello all. Hope you had a better Halloween than I did...ugh. I spent the day yesterday moving heavy furniture into my sister's new apartment...

I posted two new sections to the site. A "past quote of the week" archive and a clique page. The clique page emerged because my index page was getting too cluttered... and Flaria suggested the quote archive. Hey, I thought it was a neat idea. ^_^

Spider-Man is out on DVD, today. Going to pick up my copy later in the day. And Willem's new movie "Auto Focus" opens nationwide today. Wish I could go see it...*sob*

I put up the Thankgiving pic of Norman for the main page. *snicker* Rather appropriate, don't you think? I think I just might leave it up until after the holidays, lol.

As you probably know by now...there will be no video section, at least for a while. I am lacking in some required hardware to make the video clips. Sorry about that. If I'm lucky, I might get some new screenshots in upcoming weeks, so keep your fingers crossed.

And since I was gone all day yesterday, the new essays and interviews won't be up right away. I'll post them by tonight at the latest.

Site Archives:
nov 2002 updates
oct 2002 updates
sep 2002 updates
aug 2002 updates

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All html content, layout, etc... ©2002 by Jen R. See disclaimer on main page