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aren't I photogenic?Updates

30-10-02 ...
As of today, this site is completely AD-FREE! No more annoying pop ups! ^_^

Truth of the matter is, I was looking for a free webserver to host my images, but not many free sites are doing it anymore. So I decided to spend some money for it (not a lot).

I just got my new PC today, and I'm currently reinstalling all my webpage-creation software, so no updates until Friday...maybe.

29-10-02 ...
Part 3 of "Anyone Got A Flashlight?" is up earlier than expected. That's a good thing I guess, for you fanfic readers. ^_^

Okay, this is going to be a long news update...heh.

On Friday, I'm changing the index page. I'm getting sick of the format, so don't freak out when you see it. You're on the correct site. *giggle*

As for the scanner issue.... I FINALLY got it working last night. Three cheers for me, lol. So expect some fanart by yours truly on Friday. I REALLY want others to contribute though, so please...if you know anyone who has Spider-Man fanart, let me know. I don't want the fanart section to turn into my exclusive gallery. O_o

And expect to see two more interviews on Willem's page by Friday. I'd post them today, but I don't think I'll be finished by tonight.

Many of you are probably wondering what's up with my Norman fic (maybe not). Heh... I haven't forgotten it. I am currently in the process of revision. I have up to chapter 14 written already, but I promise you that you'll see something new by mid Novemeber. I'm inundated with work as of now, so I haven't really worked on it much.

But I'm revising part 2 of "Anyone Got A Flashlight?"... I'm debating whether to post chapter 3 on Friday, or just be mean and wait 'til next week. Heh heh...

27-10-02 ...
I added a countdown timer on the main page. ^_^

I am about to have a "Green Goblin" moment... >_<

I hate my scanner. It doesn't have drivers for Windows XP, so ...ugh. I have some fanart that I made, but it'll have to wait until I can scan them. *sob*
So in the meantime, you can read another essay. ^_^

26-10-02 ...
I posted my first essay. Eh, it's mostly just my ramblings on Norman and Peter's relationship...

I catagorized ALL the authors alphabetically in the fanfic archive. Whew! And I'm gonna post an essay or two very soon!

This is more like a news bulletin, than an update... but I guess I'm allowed to ramble here. ^_^

This is strictly a RUMOR, but I have heard (from several sources) that the Green Goblin MAY return for Spider-Man 3. I know many of you might know this already and you can probably find this on any movie news site.

Whether it's Norman or Harry behind the mask, I don't know. But I do know that Willem would be interested in reprising his role as Norman Osborn, if the filmmakers wanted him back. Technically, they could bring Norman back and follow the comic storyline of "Revenge of the Green Goblin," so we'll just have to wait and see....

I heard also that Sam Raimi will not be directing Spider-Man 3. *sob* He's only up for one more sequel, I guess. That's too bad. I hope they find a really good director, because I'd hate to see Spider-Man follow the same path as the Batman franchise. O_x

A new section of the site might be up by this evening. I guess for now I'll call it "Essays." Just some ramblings and observations I will make on the movie, the characters, etc. I don't intend these to be as great as Green Insanity's essays, but someone suggested it and I thought it was a cool idea.

I just have to type up the essays first... O_o

btw, my scanner's on the mend, so expect those fanart pics by tonight at the latest.

25-10-02 ...
Wow, I amaze myself! I actually posted something today! LOL!

I'm ahead of schedule. I wasn't going to post part 2 until tomorrow, but since I wasn't busy (for once), I did it tonight. So enjoy, fellow readers! ^_~

And expect some more fanart soon. I was complaining to some friends that I wasn't inspired to draw lately, but I think that's changed as of this moment. *snicker* You'll see the results tomorrow...

Oh... I put up a picture on my bio page. Ugh.. you can see me hard at work (yeah right).

Hi guys. Sorry about the lack of fanfic updates, but expect some on Saturday. I've been busy with work.

Chapter 2 of "Anyone Got A Flashlight" IS finished, but I have yet to post it. So hang in there, I'm doing my best. ^_^

23-10-02 ...
The video gallery won't be up any time soon... I just realized I don't have a video capture card. >_<

Oh well... but anyways, I updated the RPG page and included Emphyst's site. It has updates on the plotline for the RPG and stuff. ^_~

22-10-02 ...
This is not an update...more like an observation.


That's all I can say (after seeing the counter @ 1000 hits). LOL!!

Never in my dreams would I have thought my site would get 1000 hits in so little time....of course unless it's the same person hitting 'refresh'...*snicker*

And to add to this little bit of praise (or bragging...take your pick)... I won another award today. ^_^

Eh, okay so this IS an update. LOL! Part 2 to "Anyone Got A Flashlight" is currently being rewritten, as well as "Man Behind The Mask." I'll post up some more interviews by tonight...or tomorrow. I'm working now, so updates will come and go (whenever I have time to work on it).

And in 9 days.... Spider-Man on DVD. Woo hoo! Can't wait! ^_^

21-10-02 ...
Added another author to the fanfic archive. ^_^

20-10-02 ...
I put my awards on their own little page. Now the main page looks nicer, I think. ^_^ And I fixed all the broken links on the site (I hope...) I'm not perfect, so if I missed something, tell me. Heh.

*yawns* Ugh... I'm doing this update at 1am. O_o I have no life. I changed my mind about the fanlisting. Until I have more resources to draw upon (in other words...time and money), I'm not going to do it. Maybe in the future...

I put up some more fanfic (not mine, but my fics are coming along...don't worry!), and another interview...borrowed with kind permission from Steph. ^_~

I'm going to bed now....

19-10-02 ...
Isn't it amazing? I managed to update this place a lot today. ^_^ I'm shocked. LOL!

There's a new drawing (by yours truly) in the fanart section...

I posted three more interviews on Willem's page, so have fun reading them. Eh, I think there may be a typo or two, but I tried double checking them. And if you want to borrow them, PLEASE just don't take them. ASK! I won't bite. ^_^ If you ask me, chances are I'll let you use them if you give me credit for transcribing them.

To go along with the new logos on the site, I made a new banner and button for any of you that want to link to me. ^_~

It's storytime! *snickers* I was on the Spider-Man RPG a few minutes ago and I got bored due to the lack of people available, so I made some new logos for the site. You'll notice the images in the top left corners and the logo on the entrance page are new. ^_^ Yep! That's my Gobby sketch from the fanart section!

Enhanced with Photo Shop Pro 7! Tee hee!

And now I'm bored again...LOL!

Eh, I'm currently looking for more images of Gobby, preferably the comic version. I'm going to start working on a comic section, so ...yeah, that's what I'm doing. Heh!

*gets whacked on the head by Gobby* O_o Owww...

18-10-02 ...
Thanks to Steph, I have more interviews up on Willem's page. And I changed the image on there, too. A nice, big pic of Willem looking SO fine...*drools*

And I decided to post a "why I started this place" page. Can't imagine why I didn't in the first place...O_o

The next chapter of "Anyone Got A Flashlight" will PROBABLY be up by tonight or tomorrow. I'm just finishing it up now...*snicker* I wasn't going to continue it, and make the story a one chapter deal, but I gave in to the masses (like, 3 people) at ^_^

Oh... and just a thought. I was thinking of starting another fanlisting. I know Steph has one already, but I don't think there is another one on the net anywhere.

Well, until I make up my mind, I guess you'll have to stay tuned...

17-10-02 ...
Hello all! Just wanted to let you know I fixed the image links that weren't working. Thanks for the heads up, Lynn! They turned out to be silly typos I made. Ugh...O_x

Hopefully by today or tomorrow I'll put up some more fanfics. I'm currently working on some more banners and buttons, too. I just got Photo Shop the other day and I'm going button crazy! ^_^

Lastly, I'm seriously thinking of revamping just the main page. I think it's a bit cluttered, don't you? So, maybe you'll see the new and improved index page today. Maybe not. Depends how lazy I am...heh heh.

15-10-02 ...
Nothing really new. I just joined some fanlistings and put them up on the main page. Ugh.. I'm gonna have to make a clique page or something....

13-10-02 ...
I forgot to make this update yesterday, but I changed the fanfic archive. All stories will now be catagorized by genre...just so you know. ^_^

11-10-02 ...
I put the plea for help on the main page. Hopefully someone visits and takes the boredom out of our lives. LOL

09-10-02 ...
I uploaded chapters 7 & 8 of "Man Behind The Mask" in the fanfic archive. It's ever growing! I have several authors waiting to have their stories on my site. I'm so excited! ^_^ Oh, and I finally put up my RPG bio page... I just realized that I never put it up. DUH! O_x

04-10-02 ...
*snickers* Thanks to the keen eyes of a fellow RPG'er, I learned recently that I can't count. O_o Uh, if any of you tried to read "Man Behind The Mask" and wondered what the heck was going on with my chapter numbering...well you can stop wondering. I fixed it. LOL! Apparently when I was trying to fix the fanfic index, I got the numbers screwed up. Heh heh.. no attention to the crazy webmistress behind the curtain... ^_^
btw...anyone going to dress up for Halloween? (eh, maybe I should just post this in the boards..O_o)

03-10-02 ...
Cool!! My new best friends are Liz, Mercuria and Steph!! Heh heh... they donated some fanfic for my fledging little Gobby archive. Go... read them, people!! ^_^

02-10-02 ...
I fixed the first chapter to "The Man Behind The Mask." I noticed it wasn't coming up...just a blank screen. Ooops. Sorry about that. O_x

01-10-02 ...
I uploaded the revised edition of "The Man Behind The Mask" and a little Halloween treat I'd like to call... "Anyone Got A Flashlight?" *snickers* I'm trying to go over the entire site and check if everything's in order. If you come across any broken links or whatnot, let me know.

YAY!! The site move was a success! Of course, you've noticed that it still looks the same as it did before. *snickers*

Oh well... I had to help my sister renovate her apartment this past weekend, so my diabolical plans were ruined. >_< But that's cool, because it'll give me some more time to redo the fanfic pages. I'll try to get them up by tonight....

I have a sample page of the new site if anyone's interested. If you hate it, let me know. I have no idea what I'm aiming for, but in general... I wanted frames without the pain of making them. LOL!

Ahhh.... Thank GOD that's over with!

Site Archives:
nov 2002 updates
oct2002 updates
sep 2002 updates
aug 2002 updates

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All html content, layout, etc... ©2002 by Jen R. See disclaimer on main page