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I Am A Demented Soul ~ a Green Goblin shrine
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Old Guestbook

Try to win the award


Have a blast...*snicker*

The itsy, bitsy spider went up the water spout.....

copyright 2002, Jennifer Richardson (don't you DARE steal this!)

...down came the Goblin and took the spider out......

 Hello again.... ^_~  Welcome to my revamped (and relocated) site!

 Sometimes I think "I" am developing another persona......and she creeps me out.
 What?  Moi? [grins]

 Tch, who else would I be talking about...?  But yeah, this is my sorry little home on the net......

 Oh, stop inflating your ego....I thought this page was about ME!

 O_o ....uh, yeah. Sure, Norman.  Ummm....on to the site, then....

 ....[flashes a dirty look at Jen]....

 Uh...anyway, I'm not much of a webpage programmer, so don't e-mail me saying my page looks like crap. 
 I know it does....^_^  I want to avoid long page loading, so I'm keeping graphics to a mininum.

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Jen R

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Quote of the week:
I'm not crazy. Poor people are crazy. I'm eccentric.

Lookie at my little Norman sprite! ^_^ 

Counter Goblin fans since 16-08-2002

Last Modified: 

All html content, layout, etc... ©2002 by Jen R.

Disclaimer: Spider-Man and all related characters don't belong to me...(although I wish I owned Norman ^_^)

You what?! [lunges for her throat]

[ducks] I was saying....

They all belong to Marvel Entertainment. Sounds and images on this site are under the copyright of their respective movie company, and are being used in accordance with the fair-use provisions of U.S. copyright law. No copyright infringement is intended... I'm just having fun with them, kay?