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aren't I photogenic?Updates

01-12-02 ...
It's World AIDS Day, today. Just figured I'd mention it...and yes I'm insane. I'm updating this at 3am...O_x

2003 is upon us... wow, the year went by pretty fast, didn't it? Eh, maybe it's a sign that I'm getting older. Time seems to slip by so much faster than it did before. *sigh*

And if anyone makes a crack at how old I am, I'll come through your monitor and throttle you. j/k...

Well, this IS an update page, so I'll update for you guys. ^_^ I sorta have my website situation resolved....for now. I managed to get some fanfics, so perhaps you'll see them posted in the coming days....including my own, so be patient.

Site Archives:
nov 2002 updates
oct 2002 updates
sep 2002 updates
aug 2002 updates

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All html content, layout, etc... ©2002 by Jen R. See disclaimer on main page