Welcome to the spar report page. Here you will see some bugs that enable crime, common crimes, screenshots of crimes, records of crimes, etc. Thank you for coming here to get your info =)


Fights that cause ap to drop: If you win a spar against a non p2p, you lose ap! I have seen non p2ps take advantage of this and trick people. People should be warned now and then. A way to tell is to press r and see rate. Non-p2p's can only have 1500/350.


(The image is low quality because it was saved into jpeg format.)

Blocking: The act of standing in the way of the entrance to a spar or other area, and not moving when others ask you to. When you see this happen, if the person seems to be fully capable of moving (is not stuck, is talking, is not away from keyboard) but is standing there on purpose a jail punishment may be neccisary. If someone appears to be afk then just log them off. [Thanks to Zeeky for dem0nstrating =D]

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undefined A case of what is classified as 'spar lag'.

The fellow in the image (the one on the wall) thought he was in a spar room and that I was too, and we could communicate with each other. I told him to walk left through the wall some more and alas he could. When he said 'start', a b0mb appeared. I told him what was going on and he came out of one of the spar rooms to see me [followed by the Ctrl C emoticon of course =)]. I do not believe he was h4cking.

His acct. (may not be entirely accurate, I acciden+ially copied something else and he logged off so I recall it went like this): Sephirothisback2000.


The spars can be closed if you drop two gralats into them (it thinks the gralats are people). Is there a way to fix this? Or are you forced to keep warping there to pick them up?


Dropping a gralat onto someone in the main spar lobby will warp them into a certain spot. 0___0


Spar Pking: I believe this is the act of swinging your sword rapidly and not letting anyone in, which somehow counts as pking? I'm embaressed to announce I don't truly know.


Unfair fighting: Fighting the other guy without saying start, pausing, running to heal, etc. Not that great of an offense if you pause or run, but starting a match without saying start is probably worthy of jail if they have been warned and a gp is watching.


There are two ways to use items in a spar. One, go to your inventory at the exact same moment you go into the spar room (coming from the lobby). This allows you to use items freely, if done correctly. Two, if it is not the allswords npc that you have but instead another then you can just select another npc and quickly press D. These things can, of course, be abused. (UPDATE: You can use items in the lobby, using the first trick! This probably means you can use items in the pk zone too. =X)


Trainers: I have been in fights with godmoders (people who h4ck to make themselves invincible). Of course this is a crime anywhere but a majority of newbie-ish h4ckers may come to the spar using their trainers because there they have an advantage over others and they can gain from it.


I'll start keeping records of people who do spar crimes. Thank you for checking up on the Spar Reports page, courtesy "Elliotzilla -Spar Security-" =)