Welcome to the Opus N' Andy Archives! Did you go to Northern Illinois University, play in the Huskie Marching Band between the years of 1989-1993, get really drunk or have well-known-but-regretful "romantic encounters" (scams), and then later saw poorly drawn pictures of yourself on the marching band bulletin board? Then this is the page for you!
Here you will find the complete collection of Opus N' Andy cartoons, drawn by Jonathan Carreira, former clarinetist, baritone-ist, trumpeter, major annoyance of the Huskie Band. For those new to this experience, Opus N' Andy was found occasionaly on the Huskie Marching Band board and was a loopy parody of whatever loopy stuff was happening in the band at that given point in time. Most of the jokes in these cartoons are inside jokes or refer to specific instances at specific events, so if you are unfamilliar with the name Frank V. Bibb, you most likely won't get a lot of this. The rest of you will wet yourselves.If my wife's entertainment law class was correct, all the images in these cartoons represent parody and therefore do not violate any copyright or personal right not to have your badly drawn image posted on the internet making out with a penguin. However, if you appear in one of these cartoons and do not wish to be as fabulosly famous as thes pages will no doubt make you, please e-mail me and I will remove the offending cartoon. One exception to all this is the use of the characters of Opus and Marge Simpson who are registered copyrights of Berkely Breathed and Matt Groening, respectively. In the explanations that go along with the cartoons you will find the reasons why the characters are regulars in this strip. If Mr. Breathed or Mr. Groening happen upon these pages and are cross with me, please keep this in mind. These cartoons were drawn for the entertainment of a small group of friends and were never for sale and never made me any money. Also, my sister went to college with Berke Breathed's wife so were almost like cousins, right?
Click on one of the following links to be taken to that semester's cartoons. There you will also find explanations of some of the inside jokes and whatever other insane crap I might have been thinking at the time of drawing the stupid thing; so you newbies can join in the fun as well.
Fall 1989
Spring 1990
Fall 1990
Spring 1991
Fall 1991
Spring 1992
Fall 1992
Spring 1993
Email: opusnandy@aol.com