Hello and welcome to my webcomic site. A new comic (sometimes more than one) will be up on either a Friday, Saturday or Sunday of every week (if possible), other updates will come at random. Enjoy!
(Note: Some comics contain explicit content)
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12/30/05: Crap dammit, my computer broke and my latest comic was on it. So, you probably won't see it until sometime next week in the new year (oh, the irony) when I get my comp repaired (hopefully, it'll still be on there).
9/14/05: Sorry for the lack of new comics; for the rest of August, I've been having computer troubles, and for the first few weeks of Sept., well, I was just lazy. I'll be getting back into it by trying to get a comic up this week, but if it isn't up, then next week.
6/14/05: Comic Cover 21 is up in the Extras: Covers and Comics section.