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Snowglobes, snowdomes- see FANUK, the 

FANUK, the
    A solitary race of sentient, three-legged snowglobes indigenous to StarLand- quite possibly the aboriginal species of that world.

    Very little is known about the Fanuk. Even in ancient times, when the Fanuk enjoyed the almost solitary stewardship of StarLand, their numbers appear to have never been high, and they are even less numerous now. Unusual for StarLanders, the Fanuk are somewhat xenophobic, and when they do communicate with those of other ethnicities, their (sung) replies tend towards the terse and the cryptic. They are now so seldom encountered that some observers fear that the Fanuk are extinct. This seems unlikely, though it would appear that their way of life is certainly threatened, and that those Fanuk who remain have retreated to the most remote and forbidding parts of their world.

    The Fanuk culture seems to be organized along the lines of choral groupings: the Trio, the Quartet, the Sextet, etc. These mini-communities rarely seem to exceed eight or nine individuals, with the Trio being the most common. A Fanuk who lives alone- whether by choice or due to exile- is called a Soloist. Only Fanuk groups of Trio-size or larger have the ability to summon an Azunta, a magical amphitheater used in the mysterious purification rituals known as 'Attunements.'

    The life-cycles of these people remain shrouded in mystery. Their genealogies- if we can even call them such- have long puzzled human and other researchers due to their almost complete unwillingness to clearly demarcate such crucial information as births, deaths, individual existences, biological kinship, etc. The Fanuk themselves call their elaborate family trees 'Song-lines,' and the endless, rippling repetitions characteristic of their genealogical records, 'Fugues.'

    It is unclear how (or even if) the Fanuk reproduce.

    Fanuk culture appears to revolve around singing, dancing, and the quiet contemplation of the natural world.