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Flying Kitties, the 
A species of intelligent, winged felines, primarily encountered in the mountainous regions in the North- and South-west of StarLand. 

While perhaps not as ancient a race as the The Fanuk, members of the Flying Kitty tribe have neverthless been living in StarLand for many, many millennia. While loosely grouped together as a 'tribe', Flying Kitties, true to their feline natures, are predominantly solitary hunters, each cat living alone on a mountain peak which marks the center of his or her own hunting range. These ranges are often vast, covering as much as several hundred hectacres, and each range is fiercely defended by the Kitty whose 'turf' it is. Flying Kitty culture is, in fact, marked by internecine, aerial skirmishes, as inter-Kitty trespassing and incursions are frequent. These airborne combats tend to be highly stylized, however, and phatic in nature. Actual physical harm is rarely inflicted, a feline form of 'counting coup' being much more common. 

Flying Kitty culture is one of the least techologically-involved in all of StarLand. Flying Kitties are not tool-using; they forage for all of their food; and they inhabit naturally-occuring mountain-caves, which they modify hardly at all. Dozing, either within the confines of their own caves, or out on rocky, 'sunning' ledges, appears to consume vast portions of the average cat's lifetime. 

In recent years, however, the Flying Kitties have become embroiled in a struggle which has placed them -through no desire of their own - more actively in the main current of StarLand affairs. For roughly the last ten years, The Homemaker has been building up a base of operations on the outskirts of territory traditionally claimed by the Flying Kitties. The Homemaker's new colony of Rosedale, for instance, home to large settlements of the Homemaker's repatriated Candycanes, intrudes directly on the cats' ancestral lands of Mrrreouw Prr. Extensive clear-cutting by the Homemaker's minons have also endangered the habitats of small rodents, such as voles, which are the main Kitty-prey. To halt these twin campaigns of land-grabbing and deforestation, the Flying Kitties have been forced to unite, like never before. It is still too early to predict the outcome of this struggle.