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King's Quest 1 was originally released in other words, I have no idea. Sometimes it claims to be 1984, sometimes 1987 (marvel at the quality of information on my site!). Anyway, it was then "remade" and re-released a few years later with better graphics. I'll be showing examples of how the graphics changed along the way.

The story: You are Graham, a knight of Daventry, and the king has asked you to go on a quest to find his lost treasures: the magic mirror, shield, and chest (below). Being the cool guy you are, you decide to do it. Plus, if you do, you get to be King when the old dude dies, which will be OH so soon.

The game is filled with puzzles you must solve and mini-quests you must complete in order to find these treasures. The controls consisted of arrow keys for movement and typed commands for actions, which many people agree gave you far more control over the game than the "point-and-click" systems of yestertoday. The sound was your basic IBM speaker sound, which was of course highly irritating, giving no ambient background sound at all, but merely making jarring indecipherable noises at certain actions and events. The remake of the game was created after the sound technology got a bit better, so the music you're currently listening to is from that, and not from the original.

Along the way you meet a lot of characters from fairytales and legends including the goats and troll from "Billy Goat's Gruff"

and Rumplestiltskin

The Rumplestiltskin puzzle was, by far, the most vexing of all the puzzles in the game. You had to guess his name...which was "Rumplestiltskin" in code...and you're given three...THREE...chances and no clues to do this. It's enough to make a person throw their computer to a pack of chip-hungry robowolves. Luckily, in the remade version they changed the answer to "Rumplestiltskin" spelled backwards, to make it infinitely less impossible to figure out!

Okay, Now a little bit of graphic comparison. We begin with the opening shot of the game:

As you can see, the change is pretty dramatic. The newer graphics are not good by today's standards of course, but for the time, they were top-notch (actually, the original graphics were excellent for their time aswell...I believe KQ1 was in fact the first graphic PC game ever made for the system).

A few more screenshots, because everybody loves screenshots...

Once again, a dramatic improvement.

Well, that's all I have to say about this one for now...I enjoyed KQ1 and the KQ1 remake, but they're probably my least favourite of all the KQ wait, that is a lie. 2 was far worse.

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