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About me, the creator of "Prookum, the Echidna"

Shame McSheista is of pure legend. He was born in the year 1986... BC!!! He traveled the holy land for thousands of years in search for the best sprite comic. But the trouble was, they wouldn't be invented for another 4 millenia! So he walked around eating the food of the gods (nachos) and drinking the nectar of the earth (red bull). He dabbled in invention for awhile during his period of self-occupation. TV, video games, heavy metal, and the internet are a few of these inventions in which he rightly takes credit for. "Shame was awesome, I wish I were him"- George W. Bush. It is obvious that Shame McSheista has a great influence on this earth, and he plans on keeping his influence through his sprite comic, "Prookum, the Echidna", despite it's crappy website domain. Shame lives in his dark domain in the heart of michigan, where he continues to shake the world over and over again.

This has been a presentation of VH1's Behind the Music. Come back next week as we interview the God of Heavy Metal, Michael Bolton.

Prookum's Site of the Week!

The People's Sprites