Ray is a bullfrog. He's basically a nice guy, but a little flaky at times; he's pretty easily distracted by nudity and bright shiny objects. he tends to try and stay out of things, but the chaos that is the roomies' lives always seems to pull him in.
Tuck owns the apartment building the guys live in, a frightening, crumbling structure filled with freaks and left to him by his eccentric (read "insane")uncle. His passions in life are simple; Smokes, booze and porn.
Agnar is that oldest of webcomic cliches, the smartass gamer. His razor wit is matched only by his lightning reflexes while shooting stuff in cyberspace. he puts up a brave front, but is not above running for his life when danger arrives, which happens to the roomies quite frequently.
Draco is a mystry wrapped in a secret wrapped in an enigma. Wait, no he's not. he's just the gayest dragon alive. For now, that's all you need to know.