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Other Comics N' Stuff

Here is a random and miscellaneous section where I put any other work that I do. This section will basically be for putting discarded comics, as well as any other ideas I have that wouldn't fit in the other comics I make regularly. I might even add some artwork if I'm in a drawing mood, or add other people's comics. So there's really no telling what you might find here.


The Pit
Comic type: Animated
Based on Zelda: Four Swords. The four Links attempt to escape from a dungeon, and come across a bridge that only allows two of them to cross. Read this comic

Zero Gets Hurt...BADLY
Comic type: Animated
This was a collaboration comic which was started by Yosh and finished by me. Megaman Zero attempts to escape a comic which promises certain doom. Read this comic

GTMN Fan Comic
Comic type: Paneled
A little comic I made for Jingleboy's birthday. Goemon and Ebisumaru try to get him a birthday present. Read this comic

Shi's Birthday
Comic type: Paneled
A quick comic I made for Shi's birthday, because I couldn't think of anything else to give him. Oh well. Read this comic


To Throw a Fox

The Real Red

The Discard Pile

Here you will find a collection of old comics that have been discontinued. These comics are discontinued because I am either out of ideas for the comic or just don't feel like running it anymore. There is a slim chance that comics that end up in this section could come back, but it's not likely, so don't get your hopes up.