In case you don't have a frames-enabled browser, or you just don't like them, I created this set of pages! ^_^() There shouldn't be any problems... They're just as colourful, but without the bar at the side! ^_^ Well, without any further ado, here are the manga we have enabled for the no-frames index!
If you want to go back to the frames page, just click here.
Note: for some of the 'Other Things' section, you may need to use your browser's back button. I'm not gonna give an explanation why...but it gives your mouse hand something extra to do and stops you leaning on your elbows so much! *is guilty of the latter herself*
Cigar Paper
Dance of the Deathwatch Beetle
Digital Knight
Dragon Prince
Haru wo Aisuru Hito
Kaze ni Motare
The One Only Known As Kyo
Tenshi no Akuma
Impromanga Parts
Other Things
Webrings we're in!
Awards we won!