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Now with the newest section in verbs. Since I am sitting in study hall, i have nothing better to do. Well now to talk about the present tone. The only way to talk in present tense that I know of so far is to use the verb to go, and then following it up by an infinitive. For example to go is: Gorcol. So, to say "I am going to have..." you would right: "Aw gorcaw maztol....". So my first full sentence in gnomish that I am going to write is "Aw gorcaw ilogcotol." It isn't to hard, but I will let you figure out what it says.
Verbs are quite easy to learn... at least easier than any other language I have tried to learn. First, from my experience so far all infinitive verbs end in "-ol". These verbs also conjugate pretty easily. Now think really hard and try to remember your school language classes. Remember all those boring conjugations.. forget them this is easier. First present tense. I will use the verb Maztol(to have). When you want to talk about yourself you drop the "-ol" and add "-aw"(Maztav), to talk about one other person you drop the "-ol" and add "-aw"(Maztaw), for any more than one person you drop the "-ol" and add "-az"(Maztaz). Since we are on the point, The word I is easily derived from the one of the verb conjugations. So the word "I" in gnomish is "Aw", the words "you, he, she, and it" is "Av", and the words "Us, and They" are "Az". Now you know a little more grammar. You can now say "I have...", which is "Aw Maztaw..."
Verb | Definition |
Maztol | To have |
Gorcol | To go |
Lotol | To be able to |
Sol | To be |
Ilogcotol | To sing |
Morgol | To see |
Machol | To want |
Sloncol | To like |
Laniol | To hate |