Original Art
When the world decides to let us be somewhat original...
Bday Drawing (Note: Link is from my sister's site.) Ahh, the Birthday drawing. To the left is Joegolas, ecstatic about his favorite weapon, Bob tm. To the right is Courtwyn of Rohan, looking a bit peeved by Joegolas' joy. The characters are the LotR Acme inspirations of my sister, Core, and her boyfriend, Joe. This is drawn on a 9 x 12 sketch pad, primarily with a HB pencil with a bit of tidying up with a 2H.
Keiradriel (rough sketch) - This is the earliest sketch of Keiradriel, the LotR Acme character inspired by Keira. It's a little rough around the edges, and there is very little clean up of it. I do plan on making a larger picture though sometime like the drawing above. This will remain up on the site for now. This was drawn on a piece of 5.5 x 8 inch notepad paper with one of those clicky pencils.
Sol 1 and Sol 2 - This is a character that I created a while ago that I finally got up on this thing. The name is subject to change though since I could quite possibly think of something better. The second one isn't one of my best drawings, as I decided to try something else with my hands. Both of them took me a long time to complete (well, I wouldn't consider the second one complete). Both of these drawings were done on a 9 x 12 sketch pad with a HB being my primary tool, with also a 2H and 2B sticking their heads in there.
I have a third one, the original drawing, stored in one of my note books. The look of the character has changed between that one and these two. I'll try and get that one up soon.