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Steven Moreno’s Secret Wars Archive



Series 1 Heroes

Captain America

Spider-Man (Red Costume)

Iron Man

Wolverine (Silver Claws)

Series 1 Villains

Doctor Doom



Doctor Octopus


Series 1 Multi-packs

Captain America vs. Dr. Doom

Marvel Super Heroes 3-pack Captain America, Spider-Man (red costume), Iron Man

Marvel Super Villains 3-pack

Dr. Doom, Magneto, Kang

Wolverine vs. Kang

Iron Man vs. Magneto

Series 2 Heroes

Spider-Man (Black Costume)



Wolverine (Black Claws)


Series 2 Villains

Baron Zemo



Series 2 Multi-pack

Heroes Gift Set

Daredevil, Spider-Man (black), Captain America


European Releases





Series 1 Vehicles & Accessories

Doom Cycle

Doom Cycle w/Doom

Doom Roller

Secret Messages Pack

Tower of Doom

Turbo Cycle


Series 2 Vehicles & Accessories

Doom Chopper

Doom Chopper w/Doom

Doom Star w/Kang

Freedom Fighter

Star Dart w/Spider-Man (black)


Turbocopter w/Captain America


More PAGES!!!

Gulliver (Brasil)

Fleetwood Toys

Buddy L (Die Cast)


Superior Toys

Alladin Lunchbox

Marvel Comics Mini-Series

Mattel First-Shots



Items For Sale!




The Star Dart!




The Star Dart is one of the cooler items as it actually flies! You can strap in your favorite character and fling them across the yard.


The Star Dart and Doom Star again shared the same mold, only different color schemes. Mattel had a way of saving money it seems. Almost every item in the line was re-used in some fashion. Whether it was the same figure molds or accessories, Mattel was the cheeeepest toy maker on the planet!


The Star Dart came complete with a Spider-Man in black costume in a little baggie. You can also change the seat to change flight characteristics! There are 2 laser cannons, breakaway wings, and all sorts of flying fun.


This is a great item and well worth the expected $30 investment.




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