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Where to, kiddo?

Quick Preface
[this shall be redone when there is time]:

It all started during an all-nighter at my week-long sleep-away camp. My freind/mentor Davv and I[Ell!ot] were bored, almost to the point of giving up on staying awake. It was about 4:45 AM and we had already thrown all that was keeping us occupied(2 packs of playing cards) up into a cieling support beam. We didn't wanna give up though. I started to tell Davv about the street magician, David Blaine, and all those crazy challenges he does. The most recent being the Vertigo stunt, in which he stood on a 2 foot wide 100 foot tall pole in the heart of New York City for everyone to see. He stood there for 38 hours without food/water/bathroom/sleep. Oh, and when it was done he jumped onto a 10x10x10 ft stack of boxes. He suffered minor bruisings and bloodclots. Well, it was nearing the 5 O'clock which meant we had been up for 22 hours (we woke up at 7 everyday). So, we made a decision to take our socks off and stand in the exact same spot for the last 2 hours until the point where we would have been up for 24 hours, incidentally the same time as most people would be waking up. So, we found where we each wanted to stand and made sure we had everything we needed, i.e. Watch, etc.

At exactly 5 AM we stood in the place where we would be to stand for 2 whole hours straight on marble with bare feet.

The Rules that morning were as follows:

001. No lifting your feet off the floor.

002. No excuses.

You were allowed to lift your heel or your toes, just never at the same time, this was very difficult.

Wanna try a similar but easier challenge?
Sure you do!

1st step, find a nice spot in your house where people will not be walking all over you or shoving past you, try a low-traffic area, basically. Next, stand there. First try maybe half an hour or if you're up for it, an hour. As long as some of both of your feet is always touching the floor, you're golden.


Now back to the poorly-crafted story...

After that, Davv introduced me to Dylan and we started eating lunch together everyday. Eventually we actually became friends and started going over to eachother's houses and such. Then, one day over at his house, I told him about the Endurance Challenge Davv and I partook [sorry, ever since the comic, i forget exactly how to use that word, it means a silly bald man with a maustache that talks funny to me]. So, we decided to beat Davv's and my record. So, we set up a few milkcrates, one a piece and got a few things together to help entertain ourselves/eachother. I think we went for 3 hours and 15 minutes, deeply beasting upon my last record. In short, we've been going for longer and longer challanges, also more difficult ones. Our latest one was 8 hours, each of us were standing on 2 milkcrates[2 feet high], and all we had to eat were Sick Cakes (Little Debbie Strawberry Shortcake Rolls) and a 24 Pack of Jolt Cola. Yeah, it sounds fun, doesn't it?

Oh, and it was recorded on video, and shown at the Warhol Museum with optionqal Audio Commentary Track by us. **More about this when I have time.

Warning: Do not try this at home, unless you're cool.

I will in fact make this a better preface in the next week or two, but until then deal with this page, pretty please!


M = Davv

F = Dylan

P = Elliot

0 = On the floor

1 = 1 foot off the floor/1 milkcrate under feet

2 = 2 feet off the floor/2 milkcrates under feet

Challenges to date
