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Name: Sora Hanari
Age: 15
Grade: 9
Class: C-1
School: Owikawa High School
Height: 5'0 ft
Weight: 75 lbs.
Blood Type: Unknown
Eye Color: forest green
Hair Color: brunette
Power: physical
Weapon: Sword, Bow
Likes: Being alone, collecting various elusive objects, dwelling within a wild environment, fighting.
Dislikes: Annoying intrusive idiots.
Other: Sora tends to elude others often, somewhat of a recluse of the group. Due to strange experiences in her childhood, she found that being alone seemed to calm her nerves better. She is not very adeptly to fixed environments, and tends to become angry when surrounded by people in a large area. Though seeming weak and small to others, she is quite the opposite; possessing a physical strength not comprehendible by most. Many fail to understand her true nature, as she seems cold and hardened on the outside while lacking much emotion. Mainly the reason she is misunderstood by most is the odd and peculiar way she handles herself. Some of the power she possesses is even unknown to her, currently.
Name: Ifrit Ibacuni
Age: 15
Grade: 9
Class: C-3
School: Owikawa High School
Height: 5'6 ft.'
Weight: 115 lbs.
Blood Type: O
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Power: Mental
Weapon: Gunblade, shuriken
Likes: Fighting
Dislikes: Idiots, stupid questions
Other: Ifrit's the type who keeps to himself and only really speaks when called apon, but he'll give his advise once in a while. Ifrit has a strong sense of mind and understanding of all. His only family is his gunblade; the others left or died when he was too young to remember. Even though he's been growing up in an orphanage, he's hardly ever there, only stoping by for food and clothes. Ifrit hardly knows or understands his mental power. He once found a fire hydrant explode in front of him, he didn't know who did it and ran off, windows shattering behind him as he went. He's been in forests trying to focus his energy ever since.
Name: Kayu Ishida
Age: 14
Grade: 9
Class: C-4
School: Owikawa High School
Height: 5'7 ft.
Weight: 128 lbs.
Blood Type: O
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde with blonde highlights
Power: Spiritual
Weapon: Dagger, Bow and Arrows
Likes: Anime, drawing, reading, nature, sleeping, manga, ect...
Dislikes: Getting sick
Other: Kayu is the only one who can see Cane the Bebera because she is the only one who can see certain spirits. When she talks to spirits in public, some people, like her friends and family, think that she is either fooling around, or starting to go crazy, which can be a burden at times. Being possesed by spirits takes quite a lot of energy, so Kayu seems to be sleeping, or tired, much of the time. Although she is not physicaly strong, nor athletically corrniated, she can still fight. Can sometimes be over-sensitive, and at other times she can be very cold to people. She loves her family and friends deeply, and would give her life to save them, no matter what.
Name: Cane
Age: unknown
Speices: Bebera
Height:13 inches
Weight: 16 lbs.
Blood Type: unknown
Eye Color: Black
Fur Color: Light Yellow
Power: unknown
Likes:Food and sleeping.
Dislikes: Getting woken up
Other: Cane is a Bebear, an extinct speices. Beberas were the ancient Celtics pets and helpers. Cane was a high preist's pet, but when his master died with the other Celtics, he wandered the Earth as a spirit, waiting for the day that the reincarnations of the leaders of the Celtics to be born. He can only be seen by Kayu, because she has the power to see certain spirits. Cane LOVES food, but can't eat any becuase he's dead.
Name: Takashi Wensha
Age: 18
Grade: 12
Class: F-3
School: Tenira High School
Height: 6'0 ft.
Weight: 175 lbs.
Blood Type: A
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Power: Fire
Likes: Quiet places
Dislikes: Noise, Mehro
Other: Probably the most likely to be leader. Takashi is smart, quiet, and a total heart throb. Several girls have crushes on him, but he has learned to ignore them, thinking they will only get in his way of fulfilling his job of killing the reincarnations. Takashi has his mind set on killing the Celtic reincarnations, so Shinu can be realesed with ease. His motives for this task are unclear, but no one dares ask him about it. His cold, distant personality can cut through anyone.
Name: Jun Umari
Age: 17
Grade: 11
Class: E-2
School: Owikawa High School
Height: 5'9 ft.
Weight: 135
Blood Type: AB
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Navy
Power: Water
Likes: Takashi, soccer, shopping
Dislikes: Getting dirty, messing up her look, being treated disrespectfully
Other: Jun may look like a girly-girl, and act like one, because she is one. Many boys in the school have the hots for her, but she only loves Takashi. She gets very angry when boys treat her badly, like Mehro does at times. She will throw a fit if anyone treats her in a way she doesn't like, which is why many boys wear cups at school. Jun hates the Celtic reincarnations because Takashi does, and tries desperately to find their true identites.
Name: Mehro Sehiko
Age: 17
Grade: 11
Class: E-2
School: Owikawa High School
Height: 5'10 ft.
Weight: 169 lbs.
Blood Type: B
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Power: Electricity
Likes: Jun, girls, fighting
Dislikes: Takashi, people stronger than himself
Other: Mehro loves the ladies, and likes to show off his fighting skills. He has a major crush on Jun, and hates Takashi because he has Jun's love. He wants to kill the Celtic reincarntions so he can impress Jun, and show he is more powerful than Takashi. He befriends Ifrit, without finding out that he is a reincarnation.
Name: Mikati Nahjo
Age: 16
Grade: 10
Class: D-1
School: Owikawa High School
Height: 5'7 ft.
Weight: 125 lbs.
Blood Type: A
Eye Color: Orange
Hair Color: Light Orange
Power: Wind
Likes: Dancing, gym class
Dislikes: Stilling still in one place for too long (AKA class room)
Other: Not much is known about her, but she seems to be a fun, energetic, and a carefree kind of girl. She loves sports, and is always doing something active, whether it be dancing or roller blading. Although she doesn't seem like the evil type of girl, don't let her act fool you. She wants the Celtic reincarnations as dead as dead can get.
Name: Fuko Erisa
Age: 14
Grade: 9
Class: C-4
School:Owikawa High School
Height: 5'6 ft.
Weight: 122 lbs.
Blood Type: AB
Eye Color: Light Blue
Hair Color: Black
Likes: Music, art
Dislikes: Fire
Other: Fuko is Kayu's best friend. She is somewhat more social than Kayu, and knows quite a lot of people. She has a passion for music and fine art, and often spends her weekends at museums or music stores.
Name: Kate Calahan
Age: 14
Grade: 9
Class: C-3
School:Owikawa High School
Height: 5'6 ft.
Weight: 124 lbs.
Blood Type: B
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Likes: Flowers
Dislikes: Fighting
Other: Kate lives at the orphanage where Ifrit occasionally visits. Her parents were American, but she was born and raised in Japan by her parents until they tragically died in a car aciddent. Since she has no other living realitives to take care of her, she stayed in Japan. She wishes for Ifrit to stay at the orphange with the children, and to not go out and wander the streets. Maybe there is a reason to why she cares for him? Kate loves flowers, and often spends time in the park. She is also a good singer, though she is modest and shy about her talent.
Name: Kenichi (Ken) Mako
Age: 15
Grade: 9
Class: C-1
School:Owikawa High School
Height: 5'5 ft.
Weight: 135 lbs.
Blood Type: A
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Silverish blond
Likes: Computers, supernatural phenomenons
Dislikes: Secrets
Other: Ken has an extreme passion for the paranormal. He often bothers Sora, suspecting she is 'supernatural', yet he has no evidence of her being so. Ken isn't mean to Sora, just persistant and stubborn, which causes him to be quite annoying. His older brother died in school, and his spirit wanders the school.
Name: Yoko Merui
Age: 27
School:Owikawa High School
Height: 5'11 ft.
Weight: 137 lbs.
Blood Type: O
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Light Brown
Likes: Reading, teaching
Dislikes: Immaturity
Other: Yoko is a teacher at Owikawa High School, and loves her job dearly. She is a friend to all the students, and is always there to give advice. She tries to help out Sora especially, even though her help is usually rejected. She coaches the girl soccer team, and has strong feelings towards women rights.
Name: Daisuke Kiwisara-sensei
Age: 29
School:Owikawa High School
Height: 6'1 ft.
Weight: 231 lbs.
Blood Type: B
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brownish Red
Likes: Merui-sensei, basketball
Dislikes: Snakes
Other: The newest teacher in the school. He coaches the basketball team, and plays the game well. He has a special connection with the students, and understands and befriends most of them. Kiwisara-sensei thinks Ifrit has a dangerous secret he his hiding from everyone, and often tries to help him out, even if Ifrit doesn't realize he is getting help. He has a crush on Merui-sensei, and the students usually pesture him about asking her out, thinking they'd make a "cute couple".