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Shinu in human form.

In ancient times, there was a demon named Shinu, who lived with his parents peacfully. One day, Shinu witnessed a group of Celtic demon slayers mercilessly kill his parents, and he swore revenge on the humans. Shinu achieved new demon forms, and rampaged throughout the land. From three of the most powerful Celtic tribes, came three kings. The kings defeated the demon, and transported him to a hellish limbo. Although Shinu had departed from Earth, his evil aura still lurked.
Centries later, three young children yearn for meaning and understanding in their lives, and for something extrodinary to happen. Little do they know, they are the reincarnations of the three Celtic kings.
In the year 2028, Sora, Ifrit, and Kayu's lives are about to change forever. Mysterious people try to release Shinu from the limbo, and it's up to the reincarnations to stop the evil.