Original Broadcast Date: Dec. 21, 1969
Attempted Synopsis: The BBC extends an invitation to a plumber to appear in a Monty Python sketch; a bank robber mistakenly hits a lingerie shop; a talk show that interviews trees; an accountant sees a vocational guidance counselor to make a career leap to lion-tamer; a man attempts to jump the English Channel; a pet shop "converts" one animal into another; a gorilla interviews for a librarian position; a woman in bed gets an inordinate amount of attention from men other than and including her husband, until they decide not to finish the sketch.
Review: Funny but middling Python. The best of the lot is the underrated "Vocational Guidance Counselor" sketch, wherein the title character wildly misinterprets the concept of a lion. It's also nice to see Richard Nixon making one of his many in-name-only cameo appearances in Python work.
Priceless Gag: The plumber's wife's reassurance to her husband: "Look at Mrs. Brando's son next door. He was mending the fridge when they came and asked him to be The Wild One!" [Yeah, but how do you explain his role in Apocalypse Now?]
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