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Episode 11 - "The Royal Philharmonic Goes to the Bathroom"

Original Broadcast Date: Dec. 28, 1969

Attempted Synopsis: Orchestra members make a lot of concerto sounds when going to the bathroom; the mood of a murder-mystery setting is completely spoiled by inarticulate inspectors; a sports announcer interviews a football player who can utter only three sentences; another edition of "Interesting People"; four tired undertakers keep piling into the same coffin for a nap; "the whole question of 18th-century social regulation" is fascinately examined from a bed by a buxom woman, until the show is stupid enough to let some Gumbys take over the discussion; a ladies' guild does a spirited, mud-slinging re-enactment of The Battle of Pearl Harbor.

Review: "Interesting People" is like the Reader's Digest Condensed Version of "Flying Circus": every kind of wacko you could imagine, introduced by an unconcerned host. Sublime. The rest of the show is no Ken Shabby, either.

Priceless Gag: The "Interesting People" prize-winner is the man whose cat flies across the room by unconventional means: "By herself?" - "No, I fling her."

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