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Episode 15 - "The Spanish Inquisition"

"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"

Original Broadcast Date: Sept. 22, 1970

Attempted Synopsis: A most unholy trio stands in for the Spanish Inquisition; the Inquisition "victim" is rescued by the BBC to participate in a sketch and then gets beheaded for a piece of animation; the last untaxed thingy is bandied about for taxation; more Spanish Inquisition; Wuthering Heights performed in semaphore code; a jury gives its verdict charades-style; the court is happy to uncover a buxom model as Exhibit A; the Spanish Inquisition tries to do its dirty work before the episode closes.

Review: Another great entry for Series 2. The Spanish Inquisition gets a painfully belabored set-up, but once Palin, Jones, and Gilliam pounce upon the scene, there's no stopping them. The surrounding material is also nothing to sneeze at (or on, in the case of the Swedish model).

Priceless Gag: Among an embarrassment of riches, the stand-out in this segment is The It's Man giving his views on taxation with representation: "I would tax Raquel Welch...but I have a feeling she'd tax me."

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