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Episode 21 - "Archeology Today"

Original Broadcast Date: Nov. 17, 1970

Attempted Synopsis: BBC series previews; two professors are quizzed about their height and manliness; an archeologist breaks into song; an appeal for (in)sanity; a bridegroom wants to exchange his current bride for a different one; Mr. and Mrs. Sniveling Little Rat-Faced Git repulse some partygoers; two hunters use missiles to kill mosquitoes; cross-dressing judges; two screechy housewives; Mrs. Beethoven drives her husband nuts; Mozart's son is an exterminator.

Review: Mostly sublime hilariousness. (You'll never forget the campy judges.) If it wasn't for the extended bit about Jean-Paul Sartre (it seems to have no exit, pardon the pun), this would be a Hall-of-Famer. (Fans of TV comedy minutia might want to compare John Cleese's take on Beethoven with John Belushi's version in the initial season of "Saturday Night Live.")

Priceless Gag: A total non-sequitor that's hysterical: Mrs. Beethoven (Graham Chapman) distracting Mr. B. (John Cleese) by running the vacuum cleaner.

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