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Episode 23 - "Scott of the Antartic"

"I'd like to purchase a license for my pet fish."

Original Broadcast Date: Dec. 1, 1970

Attempted Synopsis: The making of the non-epic Scott of the Antartic; a pet owner applies for a license for his pet fish; elected officials in a rugby match.

Review: To paraphrase Eric Idle, pretty strong meat for any non-Python aficionados. The fish-license sketch is funny enough but is minus the John Cleese singing punchline that came when the same sketch was performed on Monty Python's Previous Record. And nearly half of the segment is devoted to Scott of the Antartic, a send-up of pretentious filmmakers that gets nearly as annoying as its intended satirical subject--and just when the damned thing starts to get interesting (Carol Cleveland's bra comes off), they cut to the opening credit sequence.

Priceless Gag: Michael Palin's closing salvo: "If you've enjoyed watching the show just half as much as we've enjoyed doing it, then we've enjoyed it twice as much as you." No fear!

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