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Episode 24 - "How Not to Be Seen"

Original Broadcast Date: Dec. 8, 1970

Attempted Synopsis: An ad writer gets chastized for his repulsive campaigns; a cross-dressing prime minister; a hard-selling editor of a sales magazine; a man obsesses over train schedules at the expense of a dead man; a verbose theater critic; a movie auteur with an outrageous overbite invests his characters with large teeth; an ad for Crackpot Religions Inc.; the instructional film "How Not to Be Seen"; a 30-second recap of the episode.

Review: The first sketch (about graphically worded advertisements) is a bit of a downer for an opener, knowing in retrospect how Python would milk life's more sordid physical aspects more and more violently. Otherwise, a solid hit. In particular, Crackpot Religions Inc. is, to put it in Python terms, pretty strong meat.

Priceless Gag: Terry Gilliam's on-target send-up of both American democracy and advertising metaphors.

Our rating:

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