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Episode 26 - "Royal Episode 13"

"Do you really need twelve gallons?"

Original Broadcast Date: Dec. 22, 1970

Attempted Synopsis: It is announced that the Queen will be tuning in shortly; coal miners brawl about treaty ratification dates; men who say only the parts of words are invited to speak entire sentences together; a toothpaste commercial mutates into other ads; a goldfish is fed a very high-protein meal; a birdwatchers'-egg collector interviews himself; a man brings an inordinately-sized urine sample to his insurance salesman; the Queen tunes in but switches to a news program; a doctor whips his critically injured patients into a crack unit; the Exploding Version of The Blue Danube; some high-school girls re-enact The Invasion of Normandy; a dying crew on a lifeboat try to decide which person is freshest to eat; a man attempts to get his late mother buried.

Review: If the Queen really did tune in that night, she got an eyeful. Chock-full of brilliant Python comedy, though the cannibalism stuff at the end is a matter of, shall we say, taste. The funniest bit is probably the studio audience trying to act as though it's outraged (a scripted bit that saved the segment from BBC censorship).

Priceless Gag: The exchange that starts the whole bad-taste routine at the end: "I want you to eat me." - "Eeh! With a gamy leg?"

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