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Episode 29 - "The Money Programme"

"I'd like to have an argument, please."

Original Broadcast Date: Nov. 2, 1972

Attempted Synopsis: A TV talking-head's discussion of money segues into a musical tribute; Queen Elizabeth R has amazing trouble pronouncing her L's; a dead bishop prompts a family to call The Church Police; a jungle expedition goes to a lot of trouble to have a meal; a man enters into all manner of confrontation at the Argument Clinic; "one more minute of 'Monty Python's Flying Circus'!"

Review: Two sublime bookends--Eric Idle's "Money Song" and Cleese and Palin's superb argumentative banter--prop up a stupid Japanese stereotype, a belabored jungle-vs.-bourgeoisie juxtaposition, and "Dead Bishop," a sketch which the Pythons themselves have admitted they enjoy far more than their audience ever did. A real mixed bag.

Priceless Gags: "The Money Song"? Are you kidding??

Our rating:

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