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Episode 3 - "How to Recognize Different Types of Trees from Quite a Long Way Away"

"A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat!"

Original Broadcast Date: Oct. 19, 1969

Attempted Synopsis: The larch is recognized here far beyond its due; a witness in a legal matter has trouble expressing himself, due to his being dead; Superman reveals his secret identity: Bicycle Repair Man; a reader tells children's stories that all conclude with very adult endings; the staff at a restaurant take an errant dirty fork very seriously; a TV newsman is oblivious to the chaos going on all around him; a man in a bar strikes up a conversation that has a lot of winks and nudges to it.

Review: Python is going on all cylinders by this point--hardly a dead spot in the segment (except for maybe..."The Larch"). The closing sketch quickly became one of those pieces of Python folklore that is quoted to death by Python fanatics who hope that some of its wit will rub off on them. No fear!

Priceless Gag: The punchline from the fascinated-but-appalled storyteller: "...with a melon??"

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