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Episode 30 - "Blood, Devastation, Death, War, and Horror"

"If you're going to split hairs, I'm going to piss off."

Original Broadcast Date: Nov. 9, 1972

Attempted Synopsis: A man speaks in anagrams; a merciless banker proposes a loan to charity instead of a gift, then sacks a pantomime horse; a nature documentary shows low-budget life-or-death struggles; an actor resents not have enough dialogue in his sketches; a man makes everyone laugh no matter what he says; a commentator continually digresses; the BBC announcing staff helps a novice announcer through a crisis; a new BBC announcer gets extra work interrupting a sketch; a pantomime horse does James Bond.

Review: Python on all four cylinders: silliness, slapstick, satire, and wordplay at its best. And rarely (perhaps never) has any show gotten so much comedic mileage out of pantomime horses.

Priceless Gag: The Anagram Man opener is a self-contained gem.

Our rating:

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