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Episode 34 - "The Cycling Tour"

"My name is Pither, in Brotherhood, except with P-I instead of the B-R-O and no Hood."

Original Broadcast Date: July 12, 1972

Attempted Synopsis: Amazingly bland bicyclist Reg Pither (Michael Palin) tours England, detailing his many accidents and meals to disinterested passers-by. When Mr. Pither finally finds the equally pedantic Mr. Gulliver (Terry Jones), they have a car accident that gives Gulliver a dramatic case of amnesia and sends him and Pither on a series of misadventures in Communist Europe and before a firing squad.

Review: Despite the fact that I am boringly American and had never heard of Clodagh Rogers before this episode, this one has a soft spot in my heart as my all-time favorite segment of "Monty Python's Flying Circus." Although it has a more traceable "plot" than any other Python segment, it still allows, magnificently, for the freewheeling Python style. The scene in the hospital--a dud when performed live, but miraculously transformed by Ian MacNaughton and Terry Jones in the editing stage--is a Python slapstick delight. The dialogue is comedy for the ages ("Would you like me to show you the door?" - "Oh, that's extremely kind of you, but I saw it on the way in"). And Michael Palin, in one of many priceless Python characterizations, seems to have channeled Stan Laurel in the endearing brainlessness he displays as blithe Mr. Pither. A solid hit, even if you're not a monster who loves "Jack in the Box."

Priceless Gag: Reg Pither asks an irritated doctor for proper directions. The doctor writes out the directions prescription-style and says, "Here, take this to a chemist."

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