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Episode 37 - "Dennis Moore"

Original Broadcast Date: Jan. 4, 1973

Attempted Synopsis: A boxing match featuring Oxford professor Sir Kenneth Clark; a 17th-century Robin Hood type steals lupins from the rich to give to the poor; a sketch about horoscopes allows for audience participation; doctors steal their patients' money before diagnosing them; the shortest debate on record; more Dennis Moore; the 15th Annual Loon Exhibition; a verbose customer at a liquor store; more Moore; a game show called "Prejudice."

Review: The Dennis Moore stuff wears surprisingly well, considering how many times it's revisited throughout the episode. But the Pythons are overdoing the crazy-person stuff a bit (check out "Spot the Looney" in the very next episode). And while "Prejudice" makes for wicked satire (not to mention a great look at Carol Cleveland's legs), the "Shoot the Poof" punchline is a little discomfiting in these times, considering how many frightening people seem to have taken its premise seriously.

Priceless Gag: The great debate: "Yes!" "Yes!" "No!"

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