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Episode 4 - "Owl-Stretching Time"

Original Broadcast Date: Oct. 26, 1969

Attempted Synopsis: Two housewives' unkempt toddlers destroy priceless works of art; a beach visitor's attempt to change clothes turns into an excuse for a striptease; a self-defense instructor explains how to defend yourself against fruit; a bookseller seems strangely resistant to the idea of selling books; lots of spy stuff about tooth fillings.

Review: Worth the entire half-hour just to see John Cleese in one of his early rants, here as an instructor who is obsessed with keeping the world safe from killer fruit. Also, there's a nice silent-movie-style bit from Buster Keaton enthusiast Terry Jones. And after all, it's a man's life watching "Monty Python's Flying Circus."

Priceless Gag: The demise of the man with the banana.

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