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Episode 40 - "The Golden Age of Ballooning"

Original Broadcast Date: Oct. 31, 1974

Attempted Synopsis: A plumber introduces the BBC-2 series "The Golden Age of Ballooning"; ballooning pioneers Joseph Montgolfier (Terry Jones) and his brother Jacques (Eric Idle) seem more concerned with personal hygiene than in getting their craft airborne; BBC-2 offers "Golden Age of Ballooning" merchandising; Louis XIV--no, Louis XVI--tries to steal the brothers' plans; a soul trio sings a tribute to King George III; a butler with a walk-on role gets the most applause; Britain is asked to vote Norwegian; the inventor of the zeppelin gets mad when people call his work a balloon; what do you do with a dead German government?

Review: Mostly pretty good stuff, but in the first episode of the final Python "series," John Cleese's absence is conspicuous. The pacing is a little off; gags that would be great if done as throwaways are lingered on a bit too long.

Priceless Gag: In an episode devoted to ballooning, it's inevitable that Carol Cleveland would get her balloons measured.

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