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Episode 43 - "Hamlet"

Original Broadcast Date: Nov. 21, 1974

Attempted Synopsis: Hamlet tries therapy and keeps getting fake psychiatrists; a news show ignores World War III for the meatier topic of sitting down comfortably; a policeman beats down passers-by to prove his authenticity as a cop; a father sleeps with his daughter and her husband [not nearly as nasty as it sounds]; a boxer keeps losing his head (literally) during fights; women pass along a piston engine at a park; interviews with jockeys too small to be seen on-camera; the Queen Victoria races.

Review: Again, there are some funny mini-gags that get beaten to death worse than that boxer. The look of fright on the women who get their lunch stolen by the constable reminds me of the "normal" people in late-career Marx Brothers movies who stare at the stars as though they're blithering idiots.

Priceless Gag: The running gag in which bogus psychiatrists continually quiz Hamlet about his sex life.

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